PhD in Technology, Policy and Innovation Alumni
- Park, GayoungMobile Phones as a Paradigm Shifter: Understanding an Authentic Position of Mobile Diffusion Phenomena in Sub-Saharan Countries
Despite multiple benefits brought by using mobile phones in the sub-Saharan region, we know very little about what affects this fastest and unprecedented mobile diffusion in the region (Asongu, 2018). The study tackles the two research questions: 1) How to identify qualitative factors that have been omitted in the field of quantitative-driven mobile diffusion, and what are they? more
- Park, Gayoung
- Chang, Soonwoo (Daniel)Gaining Competitive Advantage with a Performance Oriented Assessment Using Patent Mapping and Topic Trend Analysis: A Case for Comparing South Korea, United States and Europe’s EV Wireless Charging Patents
The government"s efforts led to an increase in the total number of technology transfer cases and technology transfer rate, but not in licensing revenues in Korea. The number of technology more
- Byrne,DanieneWho Steers Automated Vehicle Policy? A Case of Emergent Technology Policy Design
The Automated Driving System, or ADS, represents a complex and disruptive technology that could transform transportation for all. In the past two decades, self-driving vehicles have gone from an engineering imaginary to a tested reality. Still much more refinement must occur before we can trust our lives more
- Firmansyah,MandaWhy Do Birds of Different Feathers Not Flock Together?: Homophily and Heterophily on Social Networking Sites The invention of social networking sites such as Facebook has overcome the structural barriers that historically constrain individuals to reach out to different others. Through the platform, Facebook users from. more
- Chang, Soonwoo (Daniel)
- Wang, YiyiEncouraging Eco-Driving Behavior: Driver Response to Different Types of In-Vehicle Eco-Driving Feedback The success of the change towards frequently undertaking eco-driving behavior is highly dependent on the individual drivers and appropriate in-vehicle feedback systems that drivers respond to. This work uses the data coming from 822 individuals who participated an online survey over a two-month period using 14 graphics more
- Wang, Yiyi
- Kim, Kyung HoonThe Influences of Psychosocial Variables on STEM Achievement and Developmental Differences between High School and College Students Research has shown that psychosocial variables are general predictors of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) achievement and are important for students' success in STEM. However, studies on psychosocial models have often focused on each level of adolescents or college students, and few studies have examined the more
- Kim, Kyung Hoon
- Osman, Mohammed RakibStates and Carbon: A Look Ahead To tackle global climate change, the United States must lower its large carbon footprint. An extensive data exploration was undertaken to understand the United States" energy past and future under carbon constraint using a blended mix of historical and simulation data. Historical data was used to study... read more
- Osman, Mohammed Rakib
- Haque, Md. NabilApproaching Sustainability Transition Through Climate Technology Projects: Theoretical Underpinning to Understand Past Efforts and Future Outlook Technologies applied to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climatic variability are broadly defined as climate technologies. Due to inequalities of innovation capacity among nations, climate technologies require deliberate interventions for adoption and diffusion in national settings where the enabling conditions are weak. Aid projects of more
- Haque, Md. Nabil
- Mahajan, Manoj DevValidating Forecasting Models in the Energy Industry: A Proposed Strategic Forecasting Framework Many of the forecasts done today in finance, venture capital, and research & development institutions are becoming more complex and there is a need for a strategic validation process due to increased incertitude. This dissertation proposes a strategic multi-disciplinary forecasting validation framework to assist a data scientist... read more
- Mahajan, Manoj Dev
- Apeaning, Raphael WentemiTechnological and Socio-Economic Feasibility of Climate Mitigation : A Focus on Developing Economies The Paris Agreement is hailed as a turning point in global climate policy governance (Hale, 2016). The bottom-up approach of this climate agreement allowed developing economies for the first time in the history of the Conference of Parties to frame their "national determined contributions" (NDC) to climate... read more
- Smyth, Thurlough MartinMass-mobilization Movements against Authoritarian Regimes: Toward an Applied Science of Emergence and Manifestation The dynamics driving mass-mobilization movements under authoritarianism were explored first by researchers in political economy (Kuran 1989; Hirshleifer 1991; Lohmann 1993; Kuran 1995a; Kuran 1995b; Lohmann 2000) and more recently in applied mathematics (Lang and de Sterck 2014; Lang and de Sterck 2016). These researches applied analytic... read more
- Apeaning, Raphael Wentemi
- Pratama, Ahmad Munasir Raf'ieMobile Devices and Mobile Learning Among Secondary School Students in Indonesia This study aims to provide some comprehensive and in-depth analyses regarding mobile devices and mobile learning (m-learning) among Indonesian middle and high school students. It starts with the ownership of mobile devices and how they use their mobile devices in terms of mobile apps, e-books, e-learning, and... read more
- Pratama, Ahmad Munasir Raf'ie
- Kim, Sung JinArms Import Policy Guidance Framework for Major Defense Acquisitions Many arms importing countries have not been able to establish guidelines that take into account the asymmetric technological, economic, political, industrial and military (TEPIM) power structure in arms transfers. This is mainly because, contrary to the case-by-case evaluation criteria for bidders in the specific arms import programs,... read more
- Perkowski, Justine AA Big Data Approach to Examining Police Use of Force and Body-Worn Camera Implementation The use of excessive force by police officers has always been of concern, but the issue has received increased attention due to media reports of deadly encounters. The dynamics of use of force encounters are not well understood, but some predictor variables have been identified: individual officer... read more
- Kim, Sung Jin
- Bradshaw de Hernandez, Jonelle D.Science and Technological Innovations: Risk Perceptions and Job Security Impacts on Creating a Transformational U.S. Workforce A transformational STEM and/or scientific and technological (S&T) workforce is an ecosystem of individuals and firms working together to create innovation. An essential element of this system is human capital. (Becker, 1962) One production goal of this system is to prepare an innovative labor force through higher... read more
- Bradshaw de Hernandez, Jonelle D.
- Tchoubar, TatianaeLearning Model Creating Readiness to Use Global Information
The overarching objective of this dissertation is helping people to make a better use of digital information. This dissertation studies the cognitive abilities that are important for positive eLearner experience with digital devices and virtual environments.
Institutions of higher education are increasingly incorporating new technology into their classes... read more
- Tchoubar, Tatiana
- Adebowale, Oluwakayode Chidebem VictorLearner Analytics Patterns of Online Students' Interactions with Course Contents— Impacts on Student Outcomes, and Usefulness for Predictive Models to Optimize Student Outcomes in Online Courses in Blackboard Learn Learning Management System of Stony Brook University's School of Professional Development Exponential increases in the number of learners receiving instruction through online learning, and institutions using various online modalities for instructional delivery, make salient the need for distance learning policies in higher education, as well as K-12 domains, that focus beyond teacher presence (or student/learner-instructor) and learner-learner (student-student)... read more
- Adebowale, Oluwakayode Chidebem Victor
- Yue, XinInfluences of Government Championship on the Technology Innovation Process at the Project-level Government support is a popular instrument to foster technology innovation. It can take various forms such as financial aid, tax credits, and technological assistance. Along with the firm characteristics, strategic behavior of the project team, characteristics of the technology and the market, and the regulatory environment, government... read more
- Yue, Xin
- Maung-Gaona, NinaPerceptions of Competence Beliefs in the Academic Environment and its Impact on STEM Optimism Among Female First Year College Students Throughout the United States, much attention has been paid to increasing the representation and career success of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. However, the gender gap within the STEM disciplines remains today to be a major challenge for the education sector with direct... read more
- Maung-Gaona, Nina
- Fernandez, Ramon EmilioA quantitative policy analysis of Bronx County public high school students' mathematics course completion Education reform remains a work in progress. Research, government, and policy reports emphasize that a high-quality high school mathematics education is key to the future of the nation. Technical and research work in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), social sciences, and life sciences have been identified as... read more
- Leavey, Nicole JeanneMentoring Women in STEM: A Collegiate Investigation of Mentors and Protégés Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States lags behind that of other industrialized nations. Despite national efforts to enhance the quality of STEM education for students, progress remains elusive. Underperformance is evident in measures of outcomes, participation, and retention. In particular, inequity persists... read more
- Fernandez, Ramon Emilio
- Aphale, Omkar DilipMulti-Model Validation Assessment of Groundwater Flow Simulation Models Using Area Metric Approach A model"s validity, or its goodness-of-fit to the real world system, is commonly assessed by quantifying the level of agreement between the observed data and their corresponding model-simulated outputs. However, the observed data could be uncertain given inaccuracies in the observational tools and techniques while the model-simulated... read more
- Rozell, Daniel JamesOn Using Risk-Benefit Analysis to Assess and Manage Controversial Research Science research in the twenty-first century increasingly results in powerful and rapidly disseminated technologies that raise concerns over technological risk and public safety. A common recommendation for assessing and managing controversial research is to perform a quantitative risk-benefit analysis (RBA) in order to help determine an appropriate... read more
- Aphale, Omkar Dilip
- Shang, DuoDistributed Energy Resources and Dynamic Microgrid: An Integrated Assessment The overall goal of this thesis is to improve understanding in terms of the benefit of DERs to both utility and to electricity end-users when integrated in power distribution system. To achieve this goal, a series of two studies was conducted to assess the value of DERs... read more
- Thyberg, Krista LeeFood Waste and Sustainability: Quantifying Food Waste Disposal and Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Technologies and Policies There has been growing interest in establishing food waste prevention and recovery programs throughout the United States. An interdisciplinary systems approach to sustainable food waste management was taken to explore three integrated food waste issues: 1. the quantity of residential, commercial and institutional food waste disposed in... read more
- Shang, Duo
- Mallikarjun, SreekanthEnergy Technology Allocation for Distributed Energy Resources: A Technology-Policy Framework Distributed energy resources (DER) are emerging rapidly. New engineering technologies, materials, and designs improve the performance and extend the range of locations for DER. In contrast, constructing new or modernizing existing high voltage transmission lines for centralized generation are expensive and challenging. In addition, customer demand for... read more
- Mallikarjun, Sreekanth