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Proposal Submission

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has adopted a new 5/2 day submissionpolicy, effective for all proposals due on and after Monday, March 4, 2019.  The 5/2 day policy will require PIs to upload all administrative materials, including all department-level and college-level approvals, a minimum of five (5) business daysbefore the sponsor’s deadline.  The final technical components of the proposal must be received by OSP no later than two (2) business daysbefore the sponsor’s deadline.  Failure to meet these internal deadlines will jeopardize submission to the sponsor. The full policy is here.  

Assistance in developing proposal submissions is available through the research team in the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office. Please contact Soraya Zabihi, Director of Research and Assessment, at 631.632.4006.

Database of Funding Opportunities

The  research team in the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office provides several avenues for identifying external grant opportunities. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the Pivot Funding Opportunities DatabaseGrants.Gov databases, and the tables and links provided below to identify potential external funding sources. Please click through to the sponsor’s website for current deadlines and requirements as the guidelines for an award may have been updated since the opportunity was posted.  

Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship


Name and Contact Information


 London Bonita

Name and Contact Information

Bonita London
(631) 632-6369


Associate Dean for Research Development and Communications


Soraya Zabihi

Name and Contact Information

Soraya Zabihi
(631) 632-4006


Director of Research and Assessment