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AI Focus*

*Available to the following departments: Applied Math & Statistics, Economics, Linguistics, Neurobiology & Behavior, Political Science, Psychology,  and Sociology. 

A Focus in Artificial Intelligence
A Focus in Artificial Intelligence
This focus requires 12 credits (four courses), at least one of which must be CSE 512: Machine Learning or CSE 537: Artificial Intelligence. The remaining courses can be chosen from the list below. Please note: an elementary knowledge of programming is preferred. 
A Focus in Artificial Intelligence
CSE 505: Computing with Logic
CSE 512: Machine Learning
CSE 519: Data Science Fundamentals
CSE 525: Robotics
CSE 527: Computer Vision
A Focus in Artificial Intelligence
CSE 537: Artificial Intelligence
CSE 538: Natural Language Processing

CSE 544: Probability and Statistics for Data Scientists
CSE 545: Big Data Analytics
CSE 564: Visualization

Students without formal preparation in Computer Science may count up to two of the following graduate-level preparatory ("bridge") courses toward the focus, and should consult with the admission committee before taking the other graduate CS courses. 

CSE 581, Computer Science Fundamentals: Theory  

CSE 582, Computer Science Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithms

CSE 583, Computer Science Fundamentals: Programming Abstractions