FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
Stony Brook University (SBU) is a large and complex organization, each entity with its own governing policies and procedures. SBU is made up of two groups of activities: the Healthcare Enterprise (which includes three Hospitals, Clinical Practice & the Veterans Home) and the Academic & Research Enterprise (which includes Academic & Support, Research funds and Stony Brook Foundation funds).
This graph is a simplified view to provide clarity to various aspects of our finances. Unlike consolidated financial reporting, this budget to actuals view reflects our operating budget, with each fund in its entirety. For example, Sponsored Research direct expenses are used to fund salary offset to reimburse for Principal Investigator (PI) salaries; both of these activities are shown in their respective funds.
The total operating revenue does not include the portions of our state support paid directly by New York State on our behalf, such as payments for State debt service and State fringe benefits (e.g., healthcare and retirement for faculty and staff).
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
These charts show sources of funding across the organization, comparing actual funding (FY 2023) and budgeted funding (FY 2024).
We anticipate increased funding and costs in FY 2024.
The FY 2024 funding budget is 11.1% (or $443.0M) more than the prior year (PY) actuals. $389.5M of this planned increase in funding is for the Healthcare Enterprise and $53.5M is for the Academic & Research Enterprise. The planned growth in the Healthcare Enterprise is primarily from patient revenue and the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital program (DSH). For the Academic & Research Enterprise, the planned increase in funding is from self-generated IFR & SUTRA activities, state operating aid and SBF Support.
It is important to note that in FY 2024, SBU received a historic $24.1M increase in State operating aid. $5.5M of this funding was restricted for specific activities, such as supporting students with disabilities, mental health support, support for internship opportunities, support for research, and food insecurity support. Prior to this, there had not been a base increase in State operating aid for SBU in over a decade. This full $24.1M increase is understated in the delta because the FY 2023 actual funding included one-time funding that will not recur in FY 2024. This additional funding will support increased investments in faculty and staff, advising and tutoring, critical IT and capital infrastructure, as well as post-research award support.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
The total Academic & Research Enterprise funding budget is $53.5M more than PY actuals, and comprises planned increases of $31.4M in IFR & SUTRA, $20.4M in Stony Brook Foundation support, $9.8M in State tax support, and a net decrease of $8.2M in the remaining categories. It should also be noted that the majority of philanthropic activity captured in the SBF support is restricted by donor intent, and therefore non-fungible.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
The Healthcare Enterprise revenue is planning to increase by $389.5M (or 15%) from prior year actuals. This is made up of $217.8M in planned increases in Stony Brook Hospital patient revenue, $155.5M increase in DSH (which is paid in arrears) and $16.2M in the remaining categories (Eastern Long Island, Southampton, Veterans Home, etc.).
Note: The figures in this report reflect the operating budget as of September 2023 and Actuals as of June 2023. This website has been updated as of January 2024.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
These charts compare Stony Brook University’s actual costs by division during FY 2023 with budgeted expenses for FY 2024. Budgeted expenses are planned to be $570M more than the prior year actuals—$358.6M of this planned increase in costs is in the Healthcare Enterprise due to mandatory salary increases, as well as rising costs for equipment, and supplies to sustain operations. The Academic & Research Enterprise has planned increased expenditures of $211.5M due to increases in strategic investments (to support critical activities across the University, including hiring of faculty and staff, student support services, and information technology), as well as inflationary costs, and contractual salary increases (including retroactive payments).
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
These charts show the breakdown of costs across the entire organization by type of expense.
Salary & Wages is the largest expense category, making up 60.2% ($2.6B) of the planned spend for FY 2024 and is $308M (13.3%) higher than FY 2023 actuals.
The utilities expense category is projected to increase by 44% from FY 2023 actuals ($60.5M in FY 2023 actuals vs. $87.2M in FY 2024 projected costs). The FY 2024 projections may be overinflated, as Q1 utilities forecast indicates lower projected costs.
The Other expense category is projected to increase by 29% or $137.3M from the FY 2023 actuals. This increase is primarily being driven by software license fees, mail and messenger services, printing and graphics, advertising and promotional expenses, general administrative expense, telephone expenses, travel and depreciation for full accrual reporting for the external hospitals (Southampton Hospital and Eastern Long Island Hospital). SBU Hospital depreciation is excluded from this reporting.
Equipment expenses are expected to increase by 23% or $15.2M from the FY 2023 actuals. This is primarily due to inflationary costs. Conversely, the Supplies-Other category is expected to decrease by 20% or $14.3M for FY 2024. This category includes over 40 natural classifications including classroom, lab and research supplies.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
There is a planned increase in costs of $211.5M from FY 2023 actual costs to FY 2024 budget for the Academic & Research Enterprise. The most significant increase is anticipated in SBF Agency Funds ($34.5M in FY 2023 to $77.2M in FY 2024 projected expenses) related to increased cancer research investments, School of Medicine personnel commitments, increased research awards as well as funding for HSC Facilities.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
The University Administration category comprises much of the general operating costs for the University. This segment is expected to have $34M more in budgeted costs when compared to the prior year actuals. The areas with the largest planned increase in expenses are Utilities ($17M) and Facilities, Operations & Safety ($10M)—primarily for critical infrastructure investments, including the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) initiative, WolfieONE.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
The Stony Brook Foundation (SBF)is a nonprofit organization that exists to support and advance excellence at Stony Brook University by raising and managing private funds on the University’s behalf. There is a $20.4M increase in planned expenses over FY 2023 actuals. More than half of this is committed for School of Medicine.
SBF support reflected in these charts include external philanthropic support, but
does not include the $77M categorized as SBF Agency funds elsewhere. SBF Agency Funds
(not reflected in this visual) represent pass-through funds owned by the University
but restricted for use in the Renaissance School of Medicine (SOM), and invested by the Stony Brook Foundation on behalf of the University.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
These charts show Academic & Research Enterprise operations by type of expense. Salary & Wages account for the largest cost category of the FY 2024 budget, followed by Other, Contractual Services and Student Aid. Other is a mix of other subcategories which includes, but is not limited to, sponsored research indirect costs, expense transfers and Subawards.
The Academic & Research Enterprise FY 2024 budget is $211.5 more than the FY 2023 actuals—$56.4M of this is for salary and wages. Of this $56.4M, 46% is related to contractual salary increases and 54% reflects leadership investments in faculty and staff through the budget planning process. There is also $21.3M in planned increases to utilities costs and $11.1M in planned increases in student aid costs. The remainder of the planned increased OTPS costs are spread evenly across the categories.
FY 2023 Actuals vs. FY 2024 Operating Budget
These charts show the Healthcare Enterprise operations by type of expense, which is anticipated to increase by $358.6M for FY 2024. Salary & Wages account for the largest portion of the FY 2024 budget at 63.1%, followed by Clinical Practice Supplies at 12.8%, and Contractual Services at 11.4%.
Note: This reflects the operating budget as of September 2023 and Actuals as of June 2023. This website has been updated as of January 2024.
FY 2024 Healthcare Enterprise Budget Funding vs. Costs
In FY 2024, SBU Hospital is expected to operate in a surplus, but the other hospitals and clinics expect in-year deficits. While functions have been able to resume since the onset of COVID-19, medical facilities continue to be influenced by industry-wide challenges including fluctuating patient volumes and demand for services.
Healthcare Enterprise | Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Healthcare EnterpriseSBU Hospital | Funding$1,886 M | Costs$1,751 M | Surplus (Deficit)$135 M |
Healthcare EnterpriseSouthampton Hospital | Funding$230 M | Costs$237 M | Surplus (Deficit)($7 M) |
Healthcare EnterpriseEastern Long Island Hospital | Funding$70 M | Costs$72 M | Surplus (Deficit)($2 M) |
Healthcare EnterpriseClinical Practices | Funding$789 M | Costs$794 M | Surplus (Deficit)($5 M) |
Healthcare EnterpriseVeteran's Home | Funding$67 M | Costs$67 M | Surplus (Deficit)($0 M) |
Healthcare EnterpriseTotal Hospital and Clinic | Funding$3,041 M | Costs$2,921 M | Surplus (Deficit)$120 M |
FY 2024 Academic & Research Enterprise Budget Funding vs. Costs
The Academic & Research Enterprise is expected to operate with an in-year deficit
for FY 2024. For Other Research Activities and SBF Agency funds, their negatives
reflect plans to draw down accumulated reserves. Within the Academic & Support category,
the negative is the IFR and SUTRA funds. For most areas, this represents plans to draw down accumulated reserves.
However, there are several IFRs that are anticipated to be in a deficit—especially
those with revenue from student comprehensive fees. These fees have been flat in recent
Academic & Research Enterprise | Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseAcademic & Support | Funding$860 M | Costs$889 M | Surplus (Deficit)($29 M) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseSponsored Research | Funding$254 M | Costs$254 M | Surplus (Deficit)($0 M) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseOther Research Activities | Funding$95 M | Costs$109 M | Surplus (Deficit)($14 M) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseStony Brook Foundation | Funding$80 M | Costs$80 M | Surplus (Deficit)- |
Academic & Research EnterpriseSBF Agency Funds | Funding$49 M | Costs$77 M | Surplus (Deficit)($28 M) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseFaculty Student Association | Funding$40 M | Costs$40 M | Surplus (Deficit)($0 M) |
Academic & Research EnterpriseTotal Academic and Research | Funding$1,377 M | Costs$1,449 M | Surplus (Deficit)($72 M) |
FY 2024 Operating Budget Funding vs. Costs
Based on planned expenses, there is an anticipated operating surplus of $48M. This is primarily due to the Hospital & Clinic which are expected to have an operating surplus of $120.2M in FY 2024. The Academic & Research Enterprise is expected to have an operating deficit of $72.2M in FY 2024. This is because the planned costs are outpacing planned revenue. Another contributing factor is inflationary costs.
Note: This reflects the FY 2024 operating budget adopted in September 2023. This website has been updated as of January 2024.
Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Hospital & Clinic | Funding$3,041 M | Costs$2,921 M | Surplus (Deficit)$120 M |
Academic & Research | Funding$1,377 M | Costs$1,449 M | Surplus (Deficit)($72 M) |
Total Operating Budget | Funding$4,418 M | Costs$4,370 M | Surplus (Deficit)$48 M |