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FY22 Actuals and Operating Budget

Stony Brook University is a large and complex organization with many budgets to manage, each with their own nuances. This graph simplifies accounting and financial requirements in order to provide clarity to various aspects of our finances, which can be difficult to understand. 

Please note, the total operating revenue does not include the portions of our state support paid directly by New York State on our behalf, such as payments for State debt service and State fringe benefits (e.g., health care and retirement for faculty and staff). Debt service and fringe benefits that are assessed locally and funded by the University are included in chart.

The SUNY financial statements for SBU do not address—for a variety of accounting and legal reasons—the $699 million in our FY22 operating actuals that supports our Clinical Practice.

Note: In the FY21 campus reporting, Operating Budget was noted first followed by Actuals in bold. For FY22, Actuals are noted in bold, followed by Operating Budget in italic.



FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. $3.8 Billion Operating Budget

These charts compare budgeted funding and actual funding across the institution during the 2021/22 financial year (FY22).

Uncertain of COVID-19’s residual impacts, we budgeted conservatively for FY22. Despite this, and an additional $22 million in federal aid, the FY22 actual funding fell short of the FY22 budget by $18 million.  This gap is most prevalent in the SBU Hospital where the actual revenue was $95 million less than the budget.  Additionally, the Hospital & Clinic revenue combined was $72 million less than budgeted.  

The Academic & Research enterprise’s actual revenue exceeded the budgeted revenue by $54 million. The largest component of this expenditure was $42 million in Sponsored Research.  

When combined with the fiscal diligence of our campus community, on these charts, you will see units also spent less than the budgeted FY22 costs.  Overall, the FY22 actual revenue outpaced the actual costs by $29 million, creating one-time fund balances that units will be encouraged to strategically invest to further the goals of the institution.



FY22 $1.3 Billion Actuals vs. $1.2 Billion Operating Budget

Actual funding for Academic and Research operations totaled $1.26 billion, exceeding the budgeted amount by $54 million. The largest component of this increase is a $42M increase in Sponsored Research activity.  Also, significant was the $18 million in federal support through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSSA). There were also significant increases in both SBF Support and  SBF Agency  funding over the amounts budgeted.  Most notable on the debit side is the  Dormitory  fund which generated $10 million less than planned.  



FY22 $2.5 Billion Actuals vs. $2.6 Billion Operating Budget

Due to residual COVID-19 impacts, the Hospital and Clinics fell short of their budgeted revenue by $72 million. The largest contributor to this shortfall was the SBU Hospital.

Note: This reflects the operating budget as of September 2021 and actuals as of June 2022. This website has been updated as of January, 2023.






FY22 Actuals and Operating Budget

This graph simplifies accounting and financial requirements to provide clarity to various aspects of university finances, which can be somewhat difficult to understand across such a large and complex organization. This geographic chart shows Stony Brook University’s costs in terms of actuals vs. operating budgets. 

Note: In the FY21 campus  reporting, Operating Budget was noted first, followed by Actuals in bold. For FY22, Actuals are noted in bold, followed by Operating Budget in italic. 






FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. $3.8 Billion Operating Budget

These charts compare budgeted and actual costs by division across the entire institution in FY22. Recall that the university budgeted conservatively for FY22, uncertain of COVID-19's residual impacts.  In the previous segment, the actual FY22 revenue fell short of the FY22 budgeted figures.  In this segment, the actual FY22 costs were also lower than FY22 budgeted costs.  The actual costs were $92 million lower than the budgeted costs.  Of this, there was a $99 million reduction of actual costs in the Hospitals and Clinics enterprise while in the Academic and Research enterprise, units exceeded their budget by $7 million. This $7 million is less than 1% (delta between actuals and budget); however, there are moderate deltas by division.


FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. $3.8 Billion Operating Budget

These charts show FY22 costs by type of expense across the organization, comparing the actual  and budgeted costs. Actual Salary & Wages account for 62% of the total institution-wide costs. The second largest component was Other which accounts for 12% of the FY22 actual costs and includes, but is not limited to, license fees, mail and messenger services, printing and graphics, advertising and promotional expenses, general and administrative expenses, telephone expenses and depreciation for full accrual, external health care entities (Southampton and Eastern Long Island Hospitals).  This is followed by Contractual Services which represents 10% of the total costs. 


FY22 $1.2 Billion Actuals vs. $1.2 Billion Operating Budget

Overall, the actual FY22 actual costs were within 1% of the budget, but there were moderately significant variances by division.  The FY22 actual costs were higher than the budget for Sponsored Research by $42 million, University Administration by $30 million and Stony Brook Foundation by $6 million.  Areas where actual expenses were under budget are Other RF Activities at $16 million and Campus Residences at $14 million. There was a data anomaly for Athletics in FY22 which has been corrected for FY23.


FY22 $223 Million Actuals vs. $193 Million Operating Budget

The University Administration category comprises much of the general operating actual costs for the university, including Utilities, Facilities, Operations & Safety. The largest cost in this grouping consisted of  student aid / scholarships. The expenses driving the budget to actuals overage were primarily in Utilities ($15 million over budget) and Student Aid ($6 million over budget). There was a reorganization of parking & transportation from Facilities, Operations & Safety to Enterprise Risk Management. This reorganization impacted the division's original budget.


FY22 $63 Million Actuals vs. $57 Million Operating Budget

The Stony Brook Foundation (SBF) support reflected in these charts includes external philanthropic support, but does not include the $27 million in actual expenses we have categorized as SBF Agency Funds elsewhere. SBF Agency Funds represent pass-through funds owned by the University and invested by SBF on the University’s behalf. Given the residual COVID-19 impacts, the FY22 budget was difficult to forecast, as prior history was no longer a reliable indicator of future expenditures. Overall, there was $6 million more FY22 actual costs than budgeted.


FY22 $1.2 Billion Actuals vs. $1.2 Billion Operating Budget

These charts show Academic and Research operations costs by type of expense. Salary & Wages represent the most substantial cost, followed by Other and Student Aid.

While there are variances by category, overall the FY22 actual costs were within 1% of the budget. The category entitled Other includes but is not limited to Stony Brook Foundation indirect costs of practice, expense transfers and subawards.


FY22 $2.5 Billion Actuals vs. $2.6 Billion Operating Budget

These charts show Hospital and Clinical practice operations by type of expense.

Salary & Wages represent the most substantial cost, followed by Clinical Practice Supplies, Contractual Services and Other. 

In total, the Hospital & Clinics underspent their budget by $99 million—most of these costs savings were in Clinical Practice supplies and Contractual Services.  

Note: This reflects the operating budget as of September 2021, revenue costs as of June 2022 and expenses as of September 2022. This website has been updated as of January 2023.


Hospital and Clinic Funding Costs Surplus
Hospital and ClinicSBU Hospital Funding$1,445 M Costs$1,453 M Surplus
($8 M)
Hospital and ClinicSouthampton Hospital Funding$217 M Costs$221 M Surplus
($4 M)
Hospital and ClinicEastern Long Island Hospital Funding$58 M Costs$66 M Surplus
($8 M)
Hospital and ClinicClinical Practices Funding$699 M Costs$732 M Surplus
($33 M)
Hospital and ClinicVeteran's Home Funding$57 M Costs$62 M Surplus
($5 M)
Hospital and ClinicCARES Act Funding Funding$4 M Costs- Surplus
$4 M
Hospital and ClinicTotal Hospital and Clinic Funding$2,481 M Costs$2,534 M Surplus
($54 M)
Academic and Research Funding Costs Surplus
Academic and ResearchAcademic and Support Funding$744 M Costs$747 M Surplus
($2 M)
Academic and ResearchSponsored Research Funding$247 M Costs$247 M Surplus
Academic and ResearchOther Research Activities Funding$80 M Costs$64 M Surplus
$16 M
Academic and ResearchResearch Investment Income Funding$36 M Costs- Surplus
$36 M
Academic and ResearchStony Brook Foundation Funding$63 M Costs$63 M Surplus
Academic and ResearchSBF Agency Funds Funding$41 M Costs$27 M Surplus
$14 M
Academic and ResearchFaculty Student Association Funding$30 M Costs$29 M Surplus
$1 M
Academic and ResearchCARES Act Funding Funding$18 M Costs- Surplus
$18 M
Academic and ResearchTotal Academic and Research Funding$1,258 M Costs$1,176 M Surplus
$82 M
  Funding Costs Surplus
 Hospital and Clinic Funding$2,481 M Costs$2,534 M Surplus
($54 M)
 Academic and Research Funding$1,258 M Costs$1,1176 M Surplus
$82 M
 Total Operating Budget Funding$3,739 M Costs$3,710 M Surplus
$29 M