FY22 Actuals and FY23 Operating Budget
This graph illustrates accounting and financial requirements of Stony Brook University’s large and complex organization, comprised of multiple budgets inclusive of:
- Health Care Operating Budget
- Academic and Research Operating Budget
- Faculty Student Association (FSA), Stony Brook Foundation (SBF), and SBF Agency (reported as three separate entities)
- State Funded Expenses (reported but not included in operating budget)
FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $4.0 Billion Operating Budget
These charts show sources of funding across the organization, comparing actual funding during the 2021/22 financial year (FY22) and budgeted funding for the 2022/23 financial year (FY23).
We anticipate increased funding and costs in FY23 as Stony Brook University returns to a more typical capacity and level of operations. Many revenue-generating entities have returned to full operation, and we expect to incur additional costs as compared with FY22 due to filling previously vacant positions, as well as certain increased non-payroll expenses.
The total growth in the budgeted FY23 funding compared to FY22 actuals is 7%. This is understated by the FY22 Federal CARES Act funding that is not expected to recur in FY23.
It is important to note that the anticipated $12M in New York State (NYS) faculty funding is not reflected in the FY23 budget. SUNY instituted a process by which individual faculty positions are being reviewed. As of the time of this financial update, SBU awards have not yet been made.
Based on planned expenses, which you will see in subsequent charts, there is an anticipated operating surplus of $76M. This is primarily due to the Hospitals and Clinics which are expected to have an operating surplus of $86M in FY23. The Academic and Research enterprise is expected to have an operating deficit of $11M in FY23. This is because the planned costs are outpacing planned revenue. Another contributing factor is inflationary costs.
*The budgeted expenses for the Stony Brook Foundation (SBF) Support group are based on the self-reported budgets from specific university areas. SBF Support budgeted revenue is set to equal the budgeted expense for this grouping.
FY22 $1.3 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $1.3 Billion Operating Budget
The total Academic and Research funding budget increased slightly from $1.26 billion in FY22 actual costs to $1.27 billion in the FY23 budget. This increase is driven by increases in IFR, SUTRA and Dormitory revenue, all of which represent a return to pre-COVID-19 year levels. Notable increases are also expected in RF indirect cost recovery and FSA. On the debit side is the non-recurrence of the historic $36 million in Research Foundation investment income and the non-recurrence of the CARES Act funding. These figures also reflected an anticipated decrease in FY23 tuition revenue. As of the time of this update, the year-to-date tuition figures indicate a drop from last year by $8.5 million. This $8.5 million drop is attributable to decreases in enrollment and changes in residency mix.
FY22 $2.5 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $2.7 Billion Operating Budget
The Hospital and Clinical Practices funding will be increasing slightly from $2.5 billion in FY22 actuals to $2.7 billion budgeted for FY23. This change is understated by the non-recurrence of Federal CARES Act funding. It is expected that this $2.7 billion in budgeted revenue will be able to cover the planned costs of $2.6 billion for FY23.
FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $3.9 Billion Operating Budget
These charts compare Stony Brook University’s actual costs by division during FY22 with budgeted expenses for FY23. Due to the restoration of regular capacity and operations, the university anticipates a change in expenses from $3.71 billion in FY22 to $3.91 billion in the FY23 budget. Roughly half of this planned increase in costs is in the Academic & Research enterprise, which is planned to be $104 million more in FY23 than in FY22.
FY22 $3.7 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $3.9 Billion Operating Budget
These charts show the breakdown of costs across the entire organization by type of expense.
Contractual Services accounts for the largest percent increase from FY22 actual costs to the FY23 budget at 33%: $369 million in FY22 actuals vs. $493 million in FY23 budget. It includes, but is not limited to, contracted custodial service, grounds maintenance and maintenance of essential infrastructure, contracts with the FSA for catering and research funded subcontracts. The total Contractual Services budget of $493 million accounts for 13% of the FY23 budget.
Student Aid accounts for the next largest percent increase from FY22 actual costs to FY23 budget at 14% or $11 million. The Student Aid budget is $93 million in FY23 and accounts for 2% of the FY23 budget. This $93 million represents the portion of Student Aid that is anticipated to come from local campus coffers. It does not represent the totality of Student Aid received by our students from all sources.
Salary & Wages are the largest of all costs; with a planned spend of 61% for FY23 budget in this category. This $2.4 billion planned expense is $83 million (3.6%) higher than FY22 actuals. Most of this increase is for anticipated contractual salary increases, which was estimated at 3% at the time the FY23 budgets were developed.
Supplies-Clinical accounts for 8% of the total FY23 budget. This category includes medical supplies such as prosthesis, surgical supplies, anesthetic materials, and oxygen, as well as non-medical supplies such as cleaning supplies, instruments and employee wearing apparel.
Other accounts for 12% of the FY23 operating budget and includes, but is not limited to, software license fees, mail and messenger services, printing and graphics, advertising and promotional expenses, general administrative expenses, telephone expenses, travel and depreciation for full accrual reporting for the external hospitals (Southampton and Eastern Long Island). SBU Hospital equipment purchases are reflected in full, in the SUNY financials for both actuals and budgets. Therefore, SBU Hospital depreciation is excluded from this reporting.
FY22 $1.2 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $1.3 Billion Operating Budget
There is a planned increase in costs of 9% from FY22 actual costs to FY23 budget for Academic and Research. There were significant increases in most areas, with the largest increases in costs for Campus Residences, Other RF Activities, Student Affairs, School of Medicine/Health Sciences Center, Provost (listed in ascending order). The most notable decrease in planned FY23 costs is in the University Administration units.
FY22 $223 Million Actuals vs. FY23 $202 Million Budget
The University Administration category comprises much of the general operating costs for the university including Facilities and Operations & Safety and Utilities. As of the time of this report, we see indications of rising costs, due to supply chain issues and inflationary costs.
FY22 $63 Million Actuals vs. FY23 $56 Million Budget
Stony Brook Foundation (SBF) is a nonprofit organization that exists to support and
advance excellence at Stony Brook University by raising and managing private funds
on the University’s behalf. SBF support reflected in these charts include external
philanthropic support, but does not include the $25 million categorized as SBF Agency funds elsewhere. Agency Funds represents pass-through funds owned by the University and invested by the Stony Brook
Foundation on the University’s behalf. The anticipated decrease in costs may be more
indicative of conservative planning than changes in operations.
FY22 $1.2 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $1.3 Billion Operating Budget
These charts show Academic and Research operations by type of expense. Salary & Wages account for the largest portion of the FY23 budget, followed by Other, Contractual Services and Student Aid. Other is a mix of other subcategories which includes, but is not limited to, indirect costs of practice, expense transfers and subawards.
FY22 $2.5 Billion Actuals vs. FY23 $2.6 Billion Operating Budget
These charts show Hospital and Clinic Practice operations by type of expense. Salary & Wages account for the largest portion of the FY23 budget at 62%, followed by Contractual Services at 16% and Clinical Practice Suppliesat 11%.
Note: This reflects the FY23 operating budget adopted in December 2022. This website has been updated as of January 2023.
FY23 Hospital and Clinic Budget Funding vs. Costs
In FY23, hospital and clinic facilities are expected to operate in an overall balanced
condition—specifically SBU Hospital is expected to be in a balanced condition, but
the other hospitals and clinics expect in-year deficits. While functions have been
able to resume since the onset of COVID-19, medical facilities continue to be influenced
by industry-wide challenges including fluctuating patient volumes and demand for services.
Hospital and Clinic | Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Hospital and ClinicSBU Hospital | Funding$1,634 M | Costs$1,500 M | Surplus (Deficit)$134 M |
Hospital and ClinicSouthampton Hospital | Funding$220 M | Costs$224 M | Surplus (Deficit)($4 M) |
Hospital and ClinicEastern Long Island Hospital | Funding$63 M | Costs$68 M | Surplus (Deficit)($35M) |
Hospital and ClinicClinical Practices | Funding$744 M | Costs$773 M | Surplus (Deficit)($29 M) |
Hospital and ClinicVeteran's Home | Funding$58 M | Costs$67 M | Surplus (Deficit)($9 M) |
Hospital and ClinicTotal Hospital and Clinic | Funding$2,719 M | Costs$2,633 M | Surplus (Deficit)$86 M |
FY23 Academic and Research Budget Funding vs. Costs
Research Activities, SBF Agency Funds and FSA are expected to operate with moderate
surpluses in FY23. The core Academic and Support areas are expected to operate with
an in-year deficit. This deficit is expected in the IFR and SUTRA funds. Units are planning to draw on reserves to cover the gap.
Academic and Research | Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Academic and ResearchAcademic and Support | Funding$786 M | Costs$831 M | Surplus (Deficit)($45 M) |
Academic and ResearchSponsored Research | Funding$247 M | Costs$247 M | Surplus (Deficit)- |
Academic and ResearchOther Research Activities | Funding$98 M | Costs$90 M | Surplus (Deficit)$8 M |
Academic and ResearchStony Brook Foundation | Funding$56 M | Costs$56 M | Surplus (Deficit)- |
Academic and ResearchSBF Agency Funds | Funding$47 M | Costs$25 M | Surplus (Deficit)- |
Academic and ResearchFaculty Student Association | Funding$34 M | Costs$30 M | Surplus (Deficit)$4 M |
Academic and ResearchTotal Academic and Research | Funding$1,269 M | Costs$1,280 M | Surplus (Deficit)($11 M) |
FY23 Operating Budget Funding vs. Costs
Stony Brook University expects to be in an overall balanced financial condition with specific units in both the academic and hospital/clinic areas operating in an in-year deficit. For FY23, there will be sufficient reserves (unspent balances from prior years) to subsidize the in-year deficits. This does not mean that divisional area reserves will be used to eliminate another area’s deficit; rather it provides time for units with an in-year deficit to prepare and execute stabilization plans as needed. In other cases, divisions are strategically spending down cumulative fund balances.
Note: This reflects the FY23 operating budget adopted in December 2022. This website has been updated as of January 2023.
Funding | Costs | Surplus (Deficit) |
Hospital and Clinic | Funding$2,719 M | Costs$2,633 M | Surplus (Deficit)$86 M |
Academic and Research | Funding$1,269 M | Costs$1,280 M | Surplus (Deficit)($11 M) |
Total Operating Budget | Funding$3,988 M | Costs$3,913 M | Surplus (Deficit)$76 M |