Graduate Course Schedules
*Urgent notice: If you are an international student and/or a student receiving a tuition scholarship, YOU MUST be properly registered by February 7, 2025 for the spring 2025 semester.
AMS 500 Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) AMS 500 Webpage
Note: See AMS 500 Webpage for class meeting dates, location, facilitator and syllabus
53557 SEM S01 F 9:30-10:25AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Faculty Specific
AMS 502 Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems II AMS 502 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 501
53405 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. N3085 Mode: In Person Inst: James
AMS 512 Capital Markets & Portfolio Theory AMS 512 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 511
54309 LEC 01 MW 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Frey
AMS 513 Financial Derivatives and Stochastic Calculus AMS 513 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 511
53889 LEC 01 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: StallerCtr. 3220 Mode: In person Inst: Pawel Polak
AMS 515 Case Studies in Machine Learning and Finance AMS 515 Webpage
54175 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Humanities 3008 Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
54485 LEC 30 TR5:00-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
AMS 517 Quantitative Risk ManagementAMS517 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507 and AMS 511
53257 LEC 01 MW 9:30AM-10:50AM Loc: Frey Hall 316 Mode: In Person Inst: Haipeng Xing
AMS 519 Internship in Quantitative Finance AMS 519 Webpage
53887 SUP VO1 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
AMS 522, Bayesian Methods in FinanceAMS 522 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 512 or instructor consent
54162 LEC 01 TR 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Humanities 3008 Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
54486 LEC 30 TR 6:30-7:50PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
AMS 523 Mathematics of High Frequency FinanceAMS 523 Webpage
53988 LEC 30 F 1:00-3:50PM Loc: Math Tower, Room B-148 Mode: In Person Inst: Andrew
AMS 527 Numerical Analysis IIAMS 527 Webpage
51983 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50 PM Loc: Physics P-128 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao
AMS 528 Numerical Analysis IIIAMS 528 Webpage
Note: May be taken whether or not the student has completed AMS 526 or AMS 527.
53882 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. N4072 Mode: In Person Inst: Roman
AMS 531 Laboratory Rotations In Computational Biology AMS 531 Webpage
Note: Cross-listed with PHY 584
53558 LAB L01 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo
AMS 536 Molecular Modeling of Biological MoleculesAMS 536 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 535/CHE 535; or permission of the instructor
52997 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Mathematics 1-122A Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo
AMS 537 Biological Dynamics and Networks AMS 537 Webpage
Note: Crosslisted with PHY 559 and CHE 559
58386 LEC 01 T 9:30AM-12:20PM Loc: Physics P-112 Mode: In Person Inst: David Green
AMS 542 Analysis of Algorithms AMS 542 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 542 and CSE 548
57100 LEC 01 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Harriman 137 Mode: In Person Inst: Rezaul Chowdhury
AMS 548 Optimization Techniques in Biomolecular SimulationsAMS 548 Webpage
57116 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 154 Mode: In Person Inst: Dmytro
AMS 550 Operations Research: Stochastic ModelsAMS 550 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
51984 LEC 01 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 301 Mode: In Person Inst: Jiaqiao Hu
AMS 555 Game Theory IIAMS 555 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 552/ECO 604
53300 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Soc & Behavior N603 Mode: In Person Inst: Pradeep
Duby/Yair Tauman
AMS 561Introduction to Computational and Data Science AMS 561 Webpage
Antirequisite: AMS 595
Prerequisite: Instructor Consent Required
54017 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Earth & Science 079 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin
AMS 569 Probability Theory I AMS 569 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 510
53865 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Humanities 3016 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg
AMS 570 Introduction to Mathematical StatisticsAMS 570 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
52928 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 111 Mode: In Person Inst: Hongshik
AMS 573 Design and Analysis of Categorical DataAMS 573 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 572
51985 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201 Mode: In Person Inst: Silvia
AMS 575 Internship in Statistical Consulting AMS 575 Webpage
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
51986 SUP V01-17 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P-138 Mode: In Person Inst: Statistics
AMS 578 Regression TheoryAMS 578 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 572
51987 LEC 01 F 2:00-4:50PM Loc: Harriman Hall 104 Mode: In Person Inst: Weihao Wang
AMS 580 Statistical Learning AMS 580 Webpage
54269 LEC 01 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Physics P-122 Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu
57124 LEC 02 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 102 Mode In Person Inst: Weihao Wang
AMS 585 Internship in Data ScienceAMS 585 Webpage
Note: Instructor's Permission Only
58575 SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: Zhehua Liu
58576 SUP V02 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: Wei Zhu
58587 SUP V03 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: Weihao Wang
58726 SUP V04 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
58743 SUP V05 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: Yi Liu
58757 SUP V06 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: TBA Inst: James Glimm
AMS 597 Statistical Computing AMS 597 Webpage
53294 LAB L01 TR 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Javits Lctr. 103 Mode: In Person Inst: Pei-Fen Kuan
57125 LAB L02 F 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 102 Mode: In Person Inst: Silvia
AMS 599 Research AMS 599 Webpage
Note: See AMS 599 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple TUT T01 - T30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty
AMS 603 Risk Measures for Finance & Data Analysis AMS 603 Webpage
53864 LAB L01 W 3:30-6:20PM Loc: Humanities 3008 Mode: In Person Inst: James Glimm
AMS 676 Applied Mathematics Internship AMS 676 Webpage
Multiple SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty Specific
AMS 691 Topics in Applied Mathematics AMS 691 Webpage
Medical Image Analysis:
58488 LEC 01 TH 3:30-6:20PM Loc: Lt. Engineering Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Chenyu You
Large Language Models:
58489 LEC 02 TU 3:30-6:20PM Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201 Mode: IN PERSON Inst. Jiawei
Data Management:
58490 LEC 03 TUTH 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: IN PERSON Inst. Weihao
AMS 698 Practicum in Teaching AMS 698 Webpage
53303 SEM S01HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P127 Mode: In Person Inst: David Green
AMS 699 Dissertation Research (on-campus) AMS 699 Webpage
See AMS 699 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-40 APPT 1:00-1:00 AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst:
Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor
AMS 700 Dissertation Research (off-campus) AMS 700 Webpage
See AMS 700 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Your
Doctoral Thesis Advisor
AMS 701 Dissertation Research Off Campus- International AMS 701 Webpage
See AMS 701 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty
AMS 500 Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) AMS 500 Webpage
Note: See AMS 500 Webpage for class meeting dates, location, facilitator and syllabus
89477 SEM S01 F 9:30-10:25AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Faculty Specific
AMS 501 Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems I AMS 501 Webpage
87892 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Humanities 230 Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak
AMS 503 Applications of Complex AnalysisAMS 503 Webpage
89419 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Humanities 3013 Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak
AMS 507 Introduction to ProbabilityAMS 507 Webpage
Note: Cross-listed with HPH 696.
89809 LEC 01 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Harriman Hall 116 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg
89808 REC R01 RECF 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg
94319 LEC 02 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Engineering 145 Mode: In Person Inst: Hongshik Ahn
(for Data Science Students ONLY)
94320 REC RO2 RECW 6:30-7:25PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 102 Mode: In Person Inst: Hongshik
Ahn (for Data Science Students ONLY)
AMS 510 Analytical Methods for Applied Mathematics and StatisticsAMS 510 Webpage
89810 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: In Person Instr: Xiaolin
89811 REC R01 RECF 8:25-9:20AM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: In Person Instr: Xiaolin
AMS 511 Foundations of Quantitative Finance AMS 512 Webpage
89217 LEC 01 W 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Frey
AMS 514 Computational Finance AMS 514 Webpage
Note: Requires Instructor's Consent
89710 LEC 01 F 1:00-3:50PM Loc: Mathematics B-148 Mode: In Person Inst: Andrew Mullhaupt
AMS 516 Statistical Methods in Finance AMS 516 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
89376 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Earth & Space 079 Mode: In Person Inst: Haipeng Xing
AMS 518 Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio OptimizationAMS 518 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 512 or AMS 516 or AMS 522
90345 LEC 01 R 3:30-6:20PM Loc: Earth & Space 079 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Stanislav
92469 LEC 02 R 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
AMS 519 Internship in Quantitative Finance AMS 519 Webpage
89681 SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
90178 SUP V02 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
AMS 520 Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance AMS 520 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 572 and AMS 595; or AMS 561; or based on knowledge of Python per instructor's consent
90213 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Frey Hall 224 Mode: In Person Inst: Pawel Polak
AMS 527 Numerical Analysis IIAMS 527 Webpage
95400 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50 PM Loc: Physics P-129 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao
AMS 530 Priniciples of Parallel ComputingAMS 530 Webpage
Prerequisite: A course in basic computer science such as operating systems or architecture
or some programming experience
89509 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. N3074 Mode: In Person Inst: Yuefan
AMS 531 Laboratory Rotations In Computational Biology AMS 531 Webpage
Note: Cross-listed with PHY 584
89489 LAB L01 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Rizzo
AMS 532 Journal Club in Computational BiologyAMS 532 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 532 and PHY 665
89271 SEM S01 W 11:00-11:55AM Loc: Mathematics 1-122A Mode: In Person Inst: Robert
AMS 535 Introduction to Computational Structural Biology and Drug DesignAMS 535 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 535 and CHE 535
89214 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. N4000 Mode: In Person Inst: Robert
AMS 540 Analysis of AlgorithmsAMS 540 Webpage
Prerequisite: A course in linear algebra
90073 LEC 02 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Staller Ctr. 3220 Mode: In Person Inst: Evangelos
AMS 553 Simulation and ModelingAMS 553 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as CSE 529, AMS 553, and MBA 553.
Prerequisite: AMS 507
89377 LEC 01 TR 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Harriman Hall 112 Mode: In Person Inst: Jiaqiao Hu
AMS 556 Dynamic PrgrammingAMS 556 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
90117 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Harriman Hall 116 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg
AMS 560 Big Data Systems, Algorithms, and NetworksAMS 560 Webpage
NOTE: AMS 560 is cross-listed with CSE 542
90335 LEC 01 R 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua
90335 LEC 01 T 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua
AMS 562 Introduction to Scientic Programming in C++AMS 562 Webpage
Note: This course is controlled and owned by the Institute for Advanced Computational
Science (IACS).
89834 LEC 01 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Physics P-117 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao
AMS 572 Data Analysis IAMS 572 Webpage
Note: Department Consent Required
94321 LEC 01 F 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: In Person Inst: Silvia Sharna
(for Data Science Students ONLY)
89708 LEC 02 TR 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 305 Mode: In Person Inst: Pei-Fen Kuan
AMS 575 Internship in Statistical Consulting AMS 575 Webpage
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
89392 SUP V01-21 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P-138 Mode: In Person Inst: Statistics
AMS 585 Internship in Data ScienceAMS 585 Webpage
Note: Instructor's Permission Only
90091 SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Zhehua Liu
90166 SUP V02 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu
AMS 586 Time SeriesAMS 586 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 570 or AMS 572
90201 LEC 01 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Earth & Space 177 Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu
90228 LEC 30 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Wei Zhu
AMS 595 Fundamentals of ComputingAMS 595 Webpage
Prerequisite: Familiarity of linear algebra and discrete mathematics at undergraduate
level are required. No previous programming experience is required.
Antirequisite: AMS 561
89802 LEC 01 F 2:00-4:50PM Loc: Harriman Hall 104 Mode: In Person Inst: Chenyu You
AMS 598 Big Data Analysis AMS 598 Webpage
Prerequisite:AMS 507, AMS 580 and AMS 597
89894 LEC 01 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Melville Lbry. W4525 Mode: In Person Inst: Song
AMS 599 Research AMS 599 Webpage
Note: See AMS 599 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple TUT T01 - T30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty
AMS 676 Applied Mathematics Internship AMS 676 Webpage
Multiple SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty Specific
AMS 691 Topics in Applied Mathematics AMS 691 Webpage
92437 LEC 01 R 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON-HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua
92437 LEC 01 T 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON-HYBRID Inst:
Zhenhua Liu
92616 LEC 02 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Social Behav. Sci. S328 Mode: IN PERSON Inst.
Jiawei Zhou
92617 LEC 03 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Frey Hall 301 Mode: IN PERSON Inst. Jian Li
94853 LEC 04 W 9:30-10:25AM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: In Person Inst: Weihao Wang
94854 LEC 05 M 9:30AM-12:20PM Loc: Frey Hall 201 Mode In Person Inst: Yi Liu
AMS 698 Practicum in Teaching AMS 698 Webpage
92438 SEM S01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P-137 Mode: In Person Inst: David
94846 SEM S02 F 12:30-1:25PM Loc: Engineering 145 Mode: In Person Inst: Joseph Mitchell/David
AMS 699 Dissertation Research (on-campus) AMS 699 Webpage
See AMS 699 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-40 APPT 1:00-1:00 AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst:
Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor
AMS 700 Dissertation Research (off-campus) AMS 700 Webpage
See AMS 700 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Your
Doctoral Thesis Advisor
AMS 701 Dissertation Research Off Campus- International AMS 701 Webpage
See AMS 701 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty