Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Double Majors

When a student officially declares and completes two majors (a double major), the student receives one baccalaureate degree upon graduation. The student must fulfill the graduation requirements of the degree-granting college when specifying B.A., B.F.A.,  B.S., or B.E. The University does not officially recognize triple majors.

Students who wish to complete two majors must obtain the approval of the two departments or programs involved. Certain combinations of majors are not permitted. The number of credits taken to fulfill the requirements of both must total at least 60. Students should submit a Major/Minor Declaration Form to add a second major when both majors are in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Southampton Arts Programs, or the School of Journalism. Students must be formally accepted through direct admission or application to majors in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the College of Business, and in the School of Health Professions.

Note 1: For students with majors in both the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business or the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences or Southampton Arts Programs or the School of Journalism, the D.E.C. requirements or SBC learning objectives for the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences are required.

Note 2: Students in the School of Nursing are not permitted to pursue a double major – only double degrees are permitted. 

Students in the School of Health Professions and the School of Social Welfare may choose to pursue a double major; however, the HSC major must be listed as the primary major. Written approval from the Dean of the Health Sciences' School in which the student is enrolled and the west campus department or program is required.   

Double Majors for Students in the  College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business, Health Sciences Schools, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Journalism, Southampton Arts Programs,  and the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences* 

Double majors may be composed of the following combinations and will result in only one of three degrees (B.E., B.S., or B.A.): 

  • Any two majors (except Multi­­disci­plinary Studies) within or between the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business or the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences or the School of Journalism or Southampton Arts Programs 


  • A major in the College of Engineer­ing and Applied Sciences plus a major in the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business or the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences or the School of Journalism or  Southampton Arts Programs 


  • A major in the Health Sciences School of Health Professions plus a major in the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business or the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences or the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences or the School of Journalism or Southampton Arts Programs 

Double Majors for Students in College of Engineering and Applied Sciences  

Bachelor of Science Degree

Double majors leading to a Bachelor of Science degree may be composed of either of the following combinations*:

  • A major in applied mathematics and statistics (AMS) plus a major in computer science (CSE), information systems (ISE), or tech­nological systems management (TSM), or any major in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Journalism, or Southampton Arts Programs
  • A major in technological systems management (TSM) plus a major in applied math and statistics (AMS), computer science (CSE), information systems (ISE), or any major in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Journalism, or Southampton Arts Programs
  • A major in computer science (CSE), information systems (ISE) plus any major in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Journalism, or Southampton Arts Programs
  • A major in electrical engineering (EEO) plus a major in applied math and statistics (AMS), computer science (CSE), information systems (ISE), technological systems management (TSM), or any major in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Journalism, or Southampton Arts Programs

Note: It is not possible to have a double major consisting of computer science and information systems, or a major in electrical engineering (EEO) and any Bachelor of Engineering degree. 

Bachelor of Engineering Degree

For a Bachelor of Engineering, the first major must be an engineering major chosen from the following*:

biomedical engineering (BME), chemical and molecular engineering (CME), civil engineering (CIV), computer engineering (ECE), electrical engineering (ESE), mechanical engineering (MEC), or engineering science (ESG)

The second may be any of the following:

applied mathematics and statistics (AMS), computer science (CSE), creative writing (CWL), information systems (ISE), journalism (JRN), technological systems management (TSM), or any major in the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business.

Note: It is not possible to have two Bachelor of Engineering majors or a double major in electrical engineering (EEO) and any Bachelor of Engineering degree. 

*Additional majors will be considered upon the approval of the respective colleges 

**Students with double majors seeking an exception to the policy to change their priority (first major) must appeal to the Division of Undergraduate Education for students majoring within CAS, SOMAS, Southampton Arts Programs, SOJ, COB; and to the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Undergraduate Student Office for students majoring within CEAS.  No exceptions are granted for students in the Health Sciences Schools.