Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Valedictory Awards

William J. Sullivan Award

This award is presented annually by the University in honor of Justice William J. Sulli­van, late chairperson of the Stony Brook Council. It is the most prestigious service award the University presents to a graduating senior. The award represents the University's recognition of particularly outstanding service contributions to the development of academic and student life on the campus.

Ward Melville Valedictorian Award

In honor of the first chairperson of the Stony Brook Council, the University presents its most distinguished undergraduate honor, the Ward Melville Valedictorian Award, to the graduating senior who has attained the highest academic average during four years at Stony Brook. This award is given annually.

H. Lee Dennison Award

The H. Lee Dennison Award, named in honor of Suffolk County's first chief executive, is presented by the University to the graduating senior who entered Stony Brook as a transfer student, completed at least 60 credits of letter grade work at Stony Brook, and attained the highest academic average in that work. This award is given annually.

Distinguished Community Service Award

The Distinguished Community Service Award is presented annually by the Stony Brook Foundation to a graduating senior in recognition of outstanding contributions to public service in the Long Island region.