Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Academic Awards

Alumni Association Legacy Award

Awarded to a student who demonstrates academic success and leadership in the campus community and is the child of a Stony Brook alum.

Daniel Cohen Research Award

This award is presented to an undergraduate to support a research project in hematology. The award is in memory of Daniel Cohen.

Departmental Awards

Listed below are awards offered through specific academic departments in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students should consult the particular department for award criteria.

Africana Studies - Bliss Verdon Scholarship, to a student who demonstrates an academic focus on and commitment to African issues; Richard B. Moore Scho­larship, to a student of African heritage who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.

Art - Elizabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship, to two undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need and exceptional talent and promise.

Asian and Asian American Studies - Shiming Hu Memorial Leadership Award, to a graduating senior who plays a significant leadership role in an Asian club or organization on campus; Shiming Hu Freshman Scholarship, to an academically high-achieving entering freshman who has financial need and is preferably Asian American; also see China Studies and India Studies.

Biochemistry - Irwin Oster Prize, to a senior majoring in biology or biochemistry who has submitted the best research project in genetics.

Biology - Raymond Jones Award, to the outstanding undergraduate student of biology.

Chemistry - Lap Chan Scholarship, to an undergraduate student majoring in Chemistry; Emerson Award to Outstanding Junior, American Institute of Chemists' Senior Award; Sei Sujishi Prize; Outstanding Chemistry Senior Award; Outstanding Engineering Chemistry Senior Award.

China Studies - Shiming Hu Memorial Leadership Award, to a graduating senior who plays a significant leadership role in an Asian club or organization on campus; Shiming Hu Freshman Scholarship, to an academically high-achieving entering freshman who has financial need and is preferably Asian American; Shiming Hu/Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Scholarship, to an upper-division student who has displayed excellence in the study of Chinese language or culture.

Eng­lish - Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship, to a returning student; Homer Goldberg Schol­arship, to an outstanding undergraduate junior or senior from outside New York State; Lillian E. Kahn Award, to an outstanding graduating senior; Thomas Rogers Award, for an outstanding essay written by an undergraduate in an English course; Aaron Lipton Memorial Award, to a student in the English Teacher Education Program; Naomi Stampfer Scholarship, to a worthy student in financial need; English Department Award.

French - French Embassy Cultural Servi­ces Awards, to outstanding graduating majors.

Geosciences - Myron Fuller Award, to the outstanding graduating senior in Geology or Earth and Space Sciences; Oliver A. Schaeffer Award, to the graduating senior in Geology or Earth and Space Sciences, who best combines academic performance, research, and involvement with departmental activities. 

Hispanic Lan­guages and Liter­ature - - Stony Brook Foundation Award, to a student in recognition of academic excellence; Stony Brook Service Award, to a student in recognition of outstanding service to the University; Under­graduate Award for Academic Achieve­ment, to a student in recognition of an outstanding research paper; Under­graduate Award for Creative Writing.

History - Philip J. Stadenraus Award, to a student for outstanding contributions to the life of the History department; Roger Wunderlich Memorial Scholarship, to a deserving undergraduate student with an academic focus on Long Island history; Alexander and Zachary Traum Research Awards, one to the senior with the best Honors Thesis in American history, and the other to a junior for excellent and promising work in American history; Gardiner Scholarships, to two students for promising work in Early American History and/or History of the New York Region; W. K. Ferguson Award, to a student who has done outstanding work in European, Latin American, Asian, or Global history; URECA Awards, for the two best papers presented at the URECA conference; Stony Brook Foundation Award, to a student for outstanding academic achievement in History.

India Studies - Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarships, to students in India Studies.

Italian - Italian Cultural Institute prizes to the best student of Italian at each level; De Luca Scholarship Award, to the outstanding graduating senior in Italian Studies.

Latin American and Caribbean Studies - A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Scholarship, to an undergraduate student for outstanding academic achievement.

Mathematics - Departmental Award for Excellence in Mathematics, to a student in recognition of outstanding excellence in the department; Stony Brook Foundation Award for Excellence in Mathematics, to a student in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and excellence in mathematics; Fresh­man, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Awards in Mathematics, to the outstanding students in mathematics of each year; Chair's Award for Excellence in Teaching by an Undergraduate, to undergraduate students who exemplify excellence in teaching; Departmental Undergraduate Fellow­ship, awarded to talented undergraduate mathematics majors with financial need.

Music - Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship, to a student of music; Billy Jim Layton Prize; Edith Salvo Award, to the outstanding student in Music; Elizabeth Ball Kurz Award, to students planning a career in music; Elizabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship, to two undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need and exceptional talent and promise; Mitchell Stern Scholarship, to a deserving student of violin performance; Natale and Jose­phine Maresca Award for Distinction in Piano Perfor­mance; Samuel Baron Prize in Music, to a promising Stony Brook graduate poised to contribute to the profession; Shaw Music Award, to an undergraduate in music for voice or choral student; Sidney Gelber Scholarship Fund, to students in music.

Physical Education - Athletic awards, to intercollegiate athletes.

Physics and Astronomy - John S. Toll Prize, to the outstanding graduating physics major; Peter B. Kahn Award, to outstanding students in elementary AST courses 101, 105, and 248.

Political Science - Davidson Family Scholarship, to a junior or senior in political science, who is a veteran of the armed forces or Coast Guard of the United States; Martin B. Travis Award, to a student in Political Science who plans to attend law school; Patricia E. Herman Award, to a junior or senior in Political Science with an interest in urban planning and/or environmental issues; Michael Gramer Honors Thesis Award, to a student in the departmental Honors program.

Psychology - Awards presented to graduating majors outstanding in re­search, community service, and aca­dem­ic performance; PSI CHI Awards for Best Oral  and for Best Poster Presentations at the PSI CHI scientific conference.

Slavic Lan­gua­ges - Zoltan and Cele Paldy Memorial Award for Excellence in Slavic Studies.

Sociology - Outstanding Schol­arship Awards.

Theatre Arts - Peter J. Rajkowski Award, in recognition of leadership, initiative, and organizational skills in theatre projects; Richard Hartzell Prize, to a senior in theatre arts; Thomas G. Neumiller Scholarship, to an undergraduate junior or senior theatre major.

Wo­men's Studies - Award presented to a graduating major or minor for academic excellence and community service.

Writing and Rhetoric - WRT 101 Essay Contest Award, for the best essay written by a WRT 101 student that year; WRT 102 Essay Contest Award, for the best essay written by a WRT 102 student that year.

In addition, the Stony Brook Foun­dation presents awards at commencement to undergraduate students demonstrating high academic achievement as determined by their departments.

Edward Countey Award

This award is presented each year by a committee consisting of the faculty in biological and medical illustration to the outstanding undergraduate student in that field.

Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award

This award is presented annually to a student preparing for a career in science teaching.

Elisabeth Luce Moore Award

The Elisabeth Luce Moore Award in In­ter­national and Religious Studies is given annually to a deserving student, graduate or undergraduate, who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and gives promise of contributions of unusual stature to the fostering of international understanding and  the appreciation of religious values.

Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship

Endowed by her son Michael Manoussos to assist a promising student in political science, completion of whose studies might not be possible without this award.

Martin B. Travis Award

This award is made annually to a student completing a major in political science who plans to attend law school. The award honors Professor Emeritus Martin B. Travis.

Martin Buskin Memorial Award

This award is presented annually to the  student who most exemplifies the qualities of journalistic integrity, scholarship, and deep concern for education.

Michael Flynn Award

Established by the Flynn family in memory of their son, Michael, this $500 award is presented to a senior student with a disability who has been at Stony Brook for at least two semesters and has a g.p.a. of 3.00 or higher.

Minorities in Medicine Award

This award is presented annually by the Minorities in Medicine Organization to an outstanding African-American, Latino, or Native American upper-division student who has demonstrated a commitment to pursuing a career in the health professions.

Norma Mahoney Black and Hispanic Alumni Association Award

This award is presented to an African-American, Latino, or Native American graduating senior who has excelled in his or her academics and who has demonstrated a concern for the Black and Latino communities.

Outstanding Student Achievement Awards

The Office of Special Programs presents this award to Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students who maintain cumulative g.p.a.'s of 3.00 or higher.

Patricia E. Herman Award

This award is presented annually in memory of Patricia E. Herman to a junior or senior majoring in political science who has an interest in urban planning and/or environmental issues.

Patrick W. Warner Award in Economics and Applied Mathematics

This award is presented annually to a junior majoring in economics or applied mathematics and statistics to recognize outstanding academic achievement. The award honors Patrick W. Warner, Class of '74.

Phi Beta Kappa Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Awards

These awards, one in research and one in creative activities, are presented annually to recognize superior performance by undergraduate students at any level in the liberal arts and sciences.

President's, Provost's, and Dean of Arts and Sciences Art Purchase Awards

These awards are given annually to senior art majors whose works, in the judgment of the studio art faculty, demonstrate originality, imagination, and mastery of craft. The art works become part of the University's permanent collection and are displayed in University offices.

Raymond F. Jones Award

This award is presented annually in memory of Raymond F. Jones, professor of biology and director of internationalprograms. It is presented in alternating years to an exchange student who has made an outstanding contribution in scholarly achievement, creative endeavor, or teaching excellence, and to a student in biological sci­ences in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishments.

Returning Student Award

This award is presented by the University Association to an undergraduate who has successfully returned to college after years or decades away from higher education. The award recognizes academic excellence and service to the community beyond the campus.

Richard B. Moore Scholarship

This award, established by the Stony Brook Foundation and Joyce Moore Turner to honor the memory of the distinguished civil rights activist and historian, provides annual recognition to a Stony Brook student of African heritage who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.

Single Parent Awards

These awards are presented to full-time students in their junior year who are single parents in need of financial assistance.

Sylvia Awards

The Sylvia Fund sponsors two $500 awards in memory of Sylvia Geoghegan. Sylvia was a Stony Brook alumna, a talented artist, and someone who utilized all her abilities to enrich her life and the lives of others. To qualify for a Sylvia Award a student with a disability must be in good academic standing with a minimum g.p.a. of 2.00, and must have completed at least two semesters at Stony Brook. At least one of the two awards will be given to a student with specific artistic interest or promise.

William and Teresa Meyer Award

This award is presented to an upper- division or graduate student in the humanities or social sciences who shows promise in Middle Eastern or Asian studies.