Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Academic Progress & Standing Policy

Academic Progress

The University expects students to earn at least 18 credits in two consecutive semesters (credit requirement waived for part-time students enrolled in less than 12 credits) to ensure timely degree progress. Summer and fall credits are considered one semester; winter and spring credits are considered one semester. Students who do not meet this expectation will receive communication from the University to speak with an academic advisor.

Class Standing

A student’s class standing is based on the number of credits earned before the beginning of each semester, as follows: 

U1 Freshman       0-23 credits 
U2 Sophomore     24-56 credits 
U3 Junior             57-84 credits 
U4 Senior            85 credits or more

Academic Standing

The University expects students to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to remain in good academic standing. For purposes of enrollment certification and participation in athletic and other co-curricular activities, students who are registered at Stony Brook and whose academic standing is good, first semester warning, warning, probation, or conditional reinstatement are considered to be in good standing.

Academic standing is reviewed at the end of each fall and spring semester, and includes cumulative fall, winter, spring, and summer coursework taken at Stony Brook. Students placed on an academic standing level other than good will receive communication from the University at the end of each fall and spring semester. Students also receive an academic advising hold on SOLAR and are unable to make schedule changes until they contact an academic advisor.

Only remarks of suspension, conditional reinstatement, and dismissal appear on students’ official Stony Brook transcripts.

Students on first semester warning, warning, and probation are limited to 16 credits each fall and spring semester. Students on conditional reinstatement are limited to 15 credits each fall and spring semester.

Students who withdraw from the University and whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 are required to wait for at least one fall or spring semester before they are permitted to re-enroll. To learn more about taking a leave of absence, please refer to the "Leave of Absence and Returning to the University" section in this Bulletin.

Academic Standing Levels and Actions 

Good Academic Standing

Students who earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and are not on academic warning are in good academic standing.

First Semester Warning

Students who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of their first semester are placed on first semester warning.   Students on first semester warning who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their second semester, but at least a 2.0 second semester GPA will be placed on probation. Students on first semester warning who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their second semester AND less than a 2.0 second semester GPA will be placed on suspension.


Continuing students in good academic standing who earn less than a 2.0 semester GPA for two or more consecutive semesters are placed on warning.


Students on first semester warning who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their second semester, but at least a 2.0 second semester GPA are placed on probation. Students on probation who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in the following semester will be suspended.

Continuing students in good academic standing who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA are placed on probation.


Students on first semester warning who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their second semester AND less than a 2.0 second semester GPA are placed on suspension. Students who earn a 1.0-1.99 second semester GPA may petition for immediate reinstatement. Students who earn less than a 1.0 second semester GPA are not eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement.

Students on probation who earn less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA are suspended. Students who earn at least a 2.0 semester GPA may petition for immediate reinstatement. Students who earn less than a 2.0 semester GPA are not eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement.

Suspended students are not eligible to enroll in subsequent semesters at Stony Brook until they successfully petition for conditional reinstatement.

Conditional Reinstatement

Students who have been suspended and successfully petition for reinstatement are placed on conditional reinstatement. Reinstated students are required to sign a contract agreeing to conditions for reinstatement, including regular meetings with an academic advisor as well as expectations regarding minimum grade point average and credit completion. Contract details are determined on an individual basis, but most students are required to earn at least a 2.5 semester GPA and 12 credits.


Academic records for students on conditional reinstatement are reviewed at the end of each fall and spring semester. Students who fail to meet the conditions for reinstatement are dismissed from the University.

Grade Point Average and Credits Earned

Academic Standing Notation

Action Recommended
or Required

2.0 or higher cumulative GPA and not on warning

Good Academic Standing


New students:
<2.0 first semester GPA

First Semester Warning

Advising required

Continuing students in good academic standing:
<2.0 semester GPA for two or more consecutive semesters


Advising required

Students on first semester warning:
<2.0 cumulative GPA, but >  2.0 second semester GPA

Continuing students in good academic standing:
<2.0 cumulative GPA


Advising required

Students on first semester warning:
<2.0 cumulative GPA, but 1.0-1.99 second semester GPA -> suspended
but eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement

<2.0 cumulative GPA and <1.0 second semester GPA -> suspended
and NOT eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement

Students on probation:
<2,0 cumulative GPA, but  >  2.0 semester -> suspended
but eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement

<2.0 cumulative GPA and <2.0 semester GPA -> suspended
and NOT eligible to petition for immediate reinstatement


Advising/Petition required


Conditional Reinstatement

Contract required

Not meeting conditions of conditional reinstatement contract
