Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Write Effectively in English (WRT)
Writing is the most effective way we have to find out what we think. It also requires us to think about others as we try to determine the best way to convey our ideas effectively. Through revision of our writing we learn to weigh hundreds of considerations to decide on which matter most in enabling us to communicate most effectively. Our global environment is more information-rich than ever before, but so is the possibility that we can be misled by misinformation. For that reason, and because acquiring information in any discipline only has community value when it can be communicated, we believe Stony Brook students should become proficient in written communication.
Because many courses depend on the mastery of writing, we highly recommend that students complete their writing effectively in English requirement in their first year at Stony Brook.
1. A score of 3 or higher on the AP English/Comp or English/Lit examinations, or a score of 1050 or higher on the combined verbal and writing portions of the SAT I, or a 23 or higher on the combined English/Writing portions of the ACT, or a grade of C or higher in a college writing course judged to be equivalent to WRT 101 satisfies the first course of the two-course requirement.
2. Students must begin satisfaction of the writing requirement in their first year at Stony Brook and must take writing courses in continuous sequence: ESL 192 / ESL 193 / WRT 101 / WRT 102 , until completion of the writing requirement. For a student with a score of less than 1050 on the combined verbal and writing portions of the SAT, or less than 23 on the combined English/Writing portions of the ACT, a writing sample will be evaluated and the student placed into the appropriate writing course.
3. Students may transfer credits to satisfy the D.E.C. category A or SBC category WRT only with approved courses completed prior to matriculation at Stony Brook. Coursework taken at institutions other than Stony Brook after matriculation will not apply to DEC A or SBC WRT.
For a list of Stony Brook courses that satisfy WRT, complete a course search at this link.