Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Political Science (POL)

Major and Minor in Political Science

Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Chair: Leonie Huddy

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. Michael Peress
Email: michael.peress@stonybrook.edu
Room: N-743 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (631) 632-7648

Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Ashley Porcello
Email:  ashley.porcello@stonybrook.edu
Room: S-705 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (631) 632-7688

General Department Advising Email: polsci_undergrad@stonybrook.edu

Department Office Suite: S-701 Social and Behavioral Sciences

Website: http://www.stonybrook.edu/polsci/

Minors of particular interest to students majoring in Political Science:  Africana Studies (AFS), Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS), Anthropology (ANT), Environmental Studies (ENS), Globalization Studies and International Relations (GLI), History (HIS), Philosophy (PHI), Sociology (SOC), Technology and Society (EST), Women’s and Gender Studies (WST).