Summer Courses
Course Results
CHE 131: General Chemistry IB
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) Process. For information on the OCPP , copy and paste the following link into your browser. Corequisite: MAT 125 or higher
This is the initial course in the four-semester General-Chemistry/Organic-Chemistry sequence CHE 131/132/321/322. This sequence provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in Chemistry. The General Chemistry courses provide a broad introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The emphasis is on basic concepts, problem-solving, and factual material. The principal topics covered are stoichiometry, the states of matter, chemical equilibrium and introductory thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, electron structure and chemical bonding, and chemical periodicity. Students will be placed into CHE 131 based on their performance in an Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) process. The four-semester sequence is inappropriate for students who have completed an AP course in chemistry and received a score of 4 or 5; these students are placed into CHE 152. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 129 or CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
SessionSession 1 Class #63132 Section31 InstructorWaldemar Nieweglowski ModeOnline Synchronous DaysMon., Weds., Fri. Time09:30-12:35PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 1 Class #63131 SectionR32 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time05:00-06:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 1 Class #63139 SectionR33 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time07:00-08:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 1 Class #63275 SectionR34 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:00-02:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 1 Class #65443 SectionR35 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:00-02:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
CHE 132: General Chemistry II
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131. Pre/Corequisite: MAT 125 for those who took CHE 12 9 or 130 or BA BIO majors; all others MAT 126 or higher
A continuation of either CHE 129 or 131, introducing the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The principal topics covered are stoichiometry, the states of matter, chemical equilibrium and introductory thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, electron structure and chemical bonding, and chemical periodicity. The sequence emphasizes basic concepts, problem solving, and factual material. It provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in chemistry. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
SessionSession 2 Class #63818 Section31 InstructorWaldemar Nieweglowski ModeOnline Synchronous DaysMon., Weds., Fri. Time09:30-12:35PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #63815 SectionR30 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time09:00-10:20AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #63816 SectionR31 InstructorWaldemar Nieweglowski ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:00-02:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #63817 SectionR32 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time07:00-08:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #63824 SectionR33 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time05:00-06:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #63947 SectionR34 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:00-02:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #65458 SectionR35 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time07:00-08:20PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
CHE 133: General Chemistry Lab I
Undergraduate 1 credit
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 129 or 131
Designed to familiarize students with (1) some chemical and physical properties of substances, (2) techniques of quantitative chemistry, and (3) scientific methodology. Three hours of laboratory or related activity per week. CHE 133 and CHE 134 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 154. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.
SessionSession 1 Class #63233 Section30 InstructorSusan Oatis ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63234 SectionL31 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63235 SectionL32 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63236 SectionL33 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63273 SectionL35 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
CHE 134: General Chemistry Lab II
Undergraduate 1 credit
Prerequisites: CHE 133 Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 132
Designed to familiarize students with (1) some chemical and physical properties of substances, (2) techniques of quantitative chemistry, and (3) scientific methodology. Three hours of laboratory or related activity per week. CHE 133 and CHE 134 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 154. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.
SessionSession 2 Class #63926 Section30 InstructorSusan Oatis ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 2 Class #63927 SectionL31 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 2 Class #63928 SectionL32 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 2 Class #63929 SectionL33 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 2 Class #63944 SectionL34 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: All lab experiments are in-person.
SessionSession 2 Class #65462 SectionL35 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:30-12:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
CHE 312: Physical Chem Life Sci
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or 152; MAT 132 or 142 or 127 or 171 or AMS 161 Pre- or Corequisite: PHY 121 or 125 or 131/133 or 141
A one-semester treatment of fundamental concepts of physical chemistry, intended primarily for students of the biological sciences desiring an introduction to physical chemistry. Topics include equations of state; classical thermodynamics and its application to chemical equilibrium in reaction systems, multiphase systems, and electrochemical cells; kinetic theory of gases; transport properties; chemical kinetics. May not be taken for credit by students who have completed CHE 301. Not for credit toward the chemistry major.
SessionSession 1 Class #62947 Section30 InstructorFernando Raineri ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Synchronous (optional) problem-solving meetings MW 2:00-3:00 pm (except exams on Wed). Exam 1: Wed June 4, 3:30-5:30 pm or 9:00-11:00 pm; Exam 2: Wed June 18, 3:30-5:30 pm or 9:00-11:00 pm; Final Exam: July 2, 3:30-5:30 pm or 9:00-11:00 pm.
CHE 321: Organic Chemistry I
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 132
An introduction to the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds is presented using modern views of chemical bonding. These fundamental ideas are applied to topics ranging from synthetic chemistry to complex functional structures such as lipid bilayers. CHE 321 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 331. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
SessionSession 1 Class #63135 Section01 InstructorZachary Katsamanis ModeIn Person DaysMon., Weds., Fri. Time09:00-11:30AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Thursday, 7/3/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63133 SectionR01 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:00-10:20AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Thursday, 7/3/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #63134 SectionR02 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time10:30-11:50AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Thursday, 7/3/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #64025 SectionR03 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:40-03:00PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Thursday, 7/3/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person.
SessionSession 1 Class #64129 SectionR04 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time03:10-04:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Thursday, 7/3/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person.
CHE 322: Organic Chemistry IIA
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 321
Discussion of the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds introduced in CHE 321 is continued. The chemistry of substances important in biology, medicine, and technology is emphasized. CHE 322 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 332. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
SessionSession 2 Class #63875 Section01 InstructorZachary Katsamanis ModeIn Person DaysMon., Weds., Fri. Time09:00-11:30AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Friday, 8/15/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person
SessionSession 2 Class #63876 SectionR01 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time09:00-10:20AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Friday, 8/15/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person
SessionSession 2 Class #63877 SectionR02 InstructorTBA ModeIn Person DaysTR Time10:30-11:50AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Friday, 8/15/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person
SessionSession 2 Class #63878 SectionR03 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time01:40-03:00PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Friday, 8/15/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person
SessionSession 2 Class #65090 SectionR04 InstructorTBA ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time03:10-04:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Midterm exams will be given during lecture. Final exam: Friday, 8/15/2025, 9:00am-11:30 am. All exams are in-person
CHE 327: Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Undergraduate 2 credits
Prerequisite: CHE 134 Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 321
Techniques of isolating and handling organic substances, including biological materials. A one-semester course that provides a basic organic laboratory experience. It is recommended that students take CHE 327 at the same time as CHE 321 or 322. Four laboratory hours and one lecture hour per week. Not for credit in addition to CHE 383. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.
CHE 361: Nuclear Chemistry
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: Four semesters of chemistry; PHY 126 and 127, or 132/134 or 142 or 171; AMS 161 or MA T 127 or 132 or 142; permission of department through application by January 30; permission of instructor Corequisite: CHE 362
Properties of radioactive substances and their use in the study of chemical problems, nuclear stability and structure, nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, interactions of radiation with matter, nuclear medicine, isotope applications, and environmental control. Offered in summer only.
SessionSession 1 Class #62611 Section01 InstructorRoy Lacey ModeIn Person DaysTWRF Time08:30-11:00AM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: This course is restricted to students participating in the ACS/DOE nuclear chemistry summer school program
CHE 362: Nuclear Chemistry Laboratory
Undergraduate 3 credits
Corequisite: CHE 361
Detection and measurement of radiation, electronic instrumentation, radiation safety, and application of radioactivity to chemical problems. Offered in summer only.
SessionSession 1 Class #63039 SectionL01 InstructorRoy Lacey ModeIn Person DaysTWRF Time01:00-05:00PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: This course is restricted to students participating in the ACS/DOE nuclear chemistry summer school program
CHE 593: Chemical Demonstrations
Graduate 3 credits
The design and implementation of demonstrations to illustrate modern concepts of chemistry.
SessionSession 2 Class #63936 Section01 InstructorBryan Horan ModeIn Person DaysMon., Tues., Weds., Thurs., Fri. Time09:30-01:30PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes + ×Note: Offered as CHE 593 and CEN 508. Course meets for 2 weeks: July 28 - August 8
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