Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
I (Incomplete)
If circumstances beyond the student's control inhibit the student's ability to complete the work for a course on time, the student is responsible for informing the instructor of the circumstances immediately. At the discretion of the instructor, a temporary report of I (Incomplete) may be assigned, signifying that the student has been granted additional time to complete the requirements for the course. After granting an I, the instructor will set a date for completion of the requirements. That date will be no later than November 1 for courses begun the preceding spring semester or summer session and no later than March 15 for courses begun the preceding fall semester.
Students may not complete coursework for which an Incomplete was assigned by auditing or registering again for a subsequent offering of the course. If the instructor determines that circumstances merit it, the instructor may request an extension of the original Incomplete by written notification to the Registrar. This extended deadline will be no later than the last day of classes of the semester following the one in which the course was taken. Longer extensions for extraordinary reasons must be approved by petition to the appropriate academic office. If the work is not satisfactorily completed by the applicable or extended deadline, the final grade of I/F, U, or NC, as appropriate, will be assigned. The grade of I/F will be averaged as F when computing the grade point average (g.p.a.) or determining other measures of the student's academic standing.