Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Grading System
The following grading system will be used for graduate students: A (4.0), A- (3.67), B+ (3.33), B (3.00), B- (2.67), C+ (2.33), C (2.00), C-(1.67), F (0.00). Graded/Pass/No Credit (G/P/NC) and grades of D are not approved grades for graduate students.
• A student’s permanent academic record must reflect a final grade or a withdrawal grade for each course in which he or she is enrolled.
• If a student receives an incomplete (I) grade and the final grade has not been reported by the scheduled deadline, or if the deadline has not been appropriately extended, an I/F grade will be recorded. This will calculate towards the term and cumulative GPA's as an F.
• Courses that are designated in the Bulletin as "may be repeated for credit" may be taken more than once for credit and all grades earned will be used to calculate in the GPA for probation or graduation purposes.
All other courses can only be repeated at the discretion of the instructor of the course and the student's Graduate Program Director, and they may only be repeated once. A permission form is required to enroll in a course that is being repeated. Only the most recent attempt/grade will count towards the grade point average, but both attempts and both grades will appear on the official transcript.
• A student’s official transcript will show all grades received. A student's transcript shall reflect the cumulative GPA as calculated for probation and graduation.
Final grades for all courses are the responsibility of the instructor of the course and represent his or her best judgment of the performance of the individual student. While the judgment of the instructor is not an academically appealable matter, there may be circumstances in which a student may appeal to have a grade re-evaluated. In all such cases, the request for re-evaluation must be made in writing within four calendar weeks of the notification of the final grade by the Registrar.