Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
VIP: Vertically Integrated Projects
VIP 595: Graduate Multidisciplinary Project
Students participate in a multi-term, multidisciplinary project, working with team members ranging from sophomores through seniors and graduate students. Projects are advised by one or more faculty on topics of research, design, innovation and entrepreneurship. While a project is framed within a faculty member's area of expertise, contributions are needed from a diverse array of disciplines. This course is intended for master's students who can take a leadership role in a project subtask. Students are expected to maintain involvement with the same project team for multiple terms. Students may add up to 2-credits towards their effort by co-registering for VIP 596. Prerequisites: VIP Program participant.
1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated for credit.
VIP 596: Graduate Multidisciplinary Project Practicum
The course is a supplement to VIP 595 for team members wishing to commit more effort towards their multidisciplinary project. Students who enroll in 1-credit of VIP 595 may register up to 2-credits of VIP 596 in a semester for a total of 3 VIP credits. This course may be repeated for credit.
1-2 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated for credit.
VIP 695: Multidisciplinary Project Leadership
Students participate in a multi-term, multidisciplinary project, working with team members ranging from sophomores through seniors and graduate students. Projects are advised by one or more faculty on topics of research, design, innovation and entrepreneurship. While a project is frames within a faculty member's area of expertise, contributions are needed from a diverse array of disciplines. This course is intended for doctoral students who dissertation research is directly related to a project led by his or her faculty advisor. Students registered for this course will take a leadership role and assist the faculty advisor in management of the team. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Permission of Faculty Project Mentor.
0-3 credits,
May be repeated for credit.