Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
MST: Medical Scientist Training Program
MST 501: Selected Topics in Translation/Research and Clinical Pathological Correlations
The learning goals of this course are for the students to gain an appreciation of examples of research by physician scientists and its clinical application. A clinical case will be presented by faculty or senior students and this case will be discussed in the light of a recent biomedical research publication. The publications are presented, analyzed and discussed by the students as a group. Topics are selected from the recent biomedical literature and can involve any clinical discipline, basic life science research topics as well as bioengineering topics.
0-1 credits, S/U grading
May be repeated for credit.
MST 502: Clinical Scientist Seminar Series
The learning goals of this course are for the students to gain an appreciation of examples of research by physician scientists and its clinical application. A clinical case will be presented by faculty or senior students and this case will be discussed in the light of a recent biomedical research publication. The publications are presented, analyzed and discussed by the students as a group. Topics are selected from the recent biomedical literature and can involve any clinical discipline, basic life science research topics as well as bioengineering topics.
0-1 credits, S/U grading
May be repeated for credit.
MST 698: Practicum in Teaching
Teaching practicum, supervised by a faculty member, for the MSTP Program. Course to be identified by the student and graduate studies director.
0-1 credits, S/U grading
May be repeated for credit.