Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

MKT: Marketing

MKT 516: Strategic Brand Management

Highly interactive course. Hands-on, practical exploration of product, service, and enterprise-wide brand building and management. Course is structured along daily responsibilities and challenges faced by working brand/marketing managers and will provide experience with proven strategies for building successful brands in the competitive marketplace, the decisions and options faced by brand managers, and the tools to effectively manage brands. Prerequisite: Students must be admitted into one of the College of Business Programs

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MKT 519: Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social Media Marketing Strategy covers theoretical and practical perspectives for developing and implementing social media marketing strategies. The course is designed to expose students to state-of-the-art practices in social media marketing with an emphasis on leveraging insights from social media to inform strategic firm decisions. Prerequisite: Students must be in one of the College of Business Graduate Programs, MBA 505

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MKT 534: Marketing and Society

This course applies traditional marketing principles and techniques to the challenges and rewards of promoting positive public behavior. We will first examine arguments for marketing being used as a force for bad or as a force for good before exploring concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences including psychological, sociological, economic, and cultural perspectives and analyzing their usefulness for promoting public welfare. By the end of the course, students will propose a comprehensive social marketing plan for enhancing consumer welfare in their domain of interest. Prerequisite: Students in one of the College of Business Graduate Programs & MBA 505 OR Student in 36 credit General MBA or 36 credit Marketing MBA program

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MKT 565: Consumer Insights

Marketing is the business function that deals with customers' needs and wants. Thus, an essential component of marketing is understanding consumers and to develop a deep understanding of consumers' needs and wants, you need to conduct marketing research. Psychological and social science research has produced numerous theoretical and technological advances that offer access to the inner workings of the mind, providing marketers with research tools to more effectively discover and fulfill consumer needs. This course provides an overview of the marketing, psychological, and social science knowledge relevant to consumer behavior and also provides an introduction to research methods for marketers to utilize when pursuing organizational goals. In this course, students will learn about qualitative and quantitative marketing techniques such as how to conduct a focus group, how to conduct high-quality survey research, how to conduct conjoint analysis, and how to use the IAT to develop a deeper understanding of consumers' implicit beliefs. Prerequisite: MBA 505 or 36 credit MBA in Marketing Student

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MKT 567: Integrated Marketing Management

Marketing managers must be able to determine which customers their organization should serve, which products and services it should offer them, and how. This course is intended to develop an analytical framework for these decisions that permits managers to maximize their organization's return on marketing expenditures. Emphasis will be placed on developing a position in the marketplace that provides value to customers that is not readily duplicated by competitors. As a result, the first half of the course will develop models for understanding customers, competitors, and collaborators (e.g., suppliers and intermediaries). The second half of the course will examine tools available to marketers to execute strategic decisions. Prerequisite: MBA 505 or 36 credit MBA in Marketing Student

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MKT 569: Digital Marketing

Marketing on the internet is constantly changing. This course will give you a theoretical and practical understanding of different digital marketing activities, current trends and changes, and the skills to perform vital daily digital market functions. We will cover Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing (SEO/SEM), Email Marketing, Social Media Campaigns, Reputation Management and E-mail marketing. By the end of the course, students will have earned multiple certifications, for example Google Ads, Google Analytics, Hubspot, and any additional certifications as is consistent with industry best practices at the time. All of these certificates are well-respected and regarded in industry and will place students in a good position for the Digital Marketing job market. Prerequisite: Students must be admitted into one of the College of Business Programs

3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)