Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

LAT: Latin

LAT 581: Independent Study

May be repeated for credit as the topic changes. Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in a graduate program.

1-6 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

May be repeated for credit.

LAT 591: Elementary Latin I

Designed to prepare the beginning student to translate Latin that may be needed for use in undergraduate or graduate study. Focus of the course is on the fundamentals of grammar and techniques of translation. LAT 111/LAT 591 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Latin in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take LAT 111/LAT 591 without written permission from the course supervisor.

1-3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

LAT 592: Elementary Latin II

Designed to prepare the beginning student to translate Latin that may be needed for use in undergraduate or graduate study. Focus of the course is on the fundamentals of grammar and techniques of translation. Prerequisite: Latin 111 or equivalent

1-3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

LAT 593: Readings in Latin Literature I

This course serves as an introduction to authentic Latin prose and poetry. The students will be introduced to the Roman literature of the Republic and beginning of the Empire. The course includes a brief intensive review of grammar. Additional grammatical constructions will be taught through the literature. The students will read a sampling of a number of authors including Eutropius, Cornelius Nepos, Caesar, Ovid, and Horace Prerequisite: Latin 112 or equivalent

1-3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

LAT 594: Readings in Latin Literature 2

This course serves as a study of authentic Latin prose and poetry. The students will read Roman literature of the Republic and beginning of the Empire. The course includes a brief intensive review of grammar. Additional grammatical constructions will be taught through the literature. The students will read a sampling of a number of authors including Caesar, Virgil, Catullus and Cicero

1-3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)