Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

HNH: Nursing Leadership

HNH 501: Health Illness in a Cross Cultural Perspective

This course examines the role of history and culture in healing and medicine. The consideration and utilization of cultural practices and beliefs when designing health education programs will be stressed.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 503: Organizational Leadership and Role Transformation

This course focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to understand the economies of care, business principles, and how to work within and affect change in systems. It will also prepare students to conceptualize a new advanced practice role in the discipline of nursing. Leadership, including theory, leadership styles, contemporary approaches and strategies, will be explored.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 504: Quality Improvement, Safety and Healthcare Technologies

As a foundational course for graduate level nurses, this course prepares students to apply quality improvement methods and analyze information to affect safety and quality of care and to improve patient outcomes. The use of current and emerging technologies to support safety, quality and value based care and quality across diverse settings will be emphasized.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 505: Health Care Policy and Advocacy

This course examines how policies shape the structure and financing of health care, influence social determinants of health, and affect health outcomes. Participation in the development and implementation of institutional, local, state, and federal policy will be an expectation of this course. The role of nurse as advocate for vulnerable populations, the profession, and health-promoting policies will be explored.

2 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 510: Facilitating Adult Learning

This course focuses on the role and perspective changes in adulthood. Concepts of self and maturity, learning theories, cognition, creativity, interests, attitudes and motivation will be explored. Issues, strategies and methods for facilitating adult learning will be emphasized. Theory is considered in relation to nursing education.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 511: Curriculum Design , Implementation and Evaluation in Nursing Education

This course focuses on issues in design of curriculum content, organization, and planning toward a practical approach to curriculum development. Application of theory to the development and implementation of curriculum from the point of view of the practice discipline of nursing will be emphasized. Problems, issues and procedures involved in designing and implementing evaluation studies will be discussed. Theory and methods of measurement and evaluation and their application to practice will be emphasized.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 512: Advanced Teaching Strategies

This course emphasizes the role of the teaching-learning process in clinical and academic nursing education through development of innovative instructional designs and processes. Issues such as feminism, creativity in clinical teaching, and the impact of economic and social trends on reality-based nursing will be discussed. A variety of teaching methods will be explored including simulation, virtual learning, social media and relevant and innovative instructional technologies.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 513: Advanced Theory and Practice in Nursing Education I

This course focuses on graduate level clinical practice content and experiences related to the role of the nurse educator. This population-focused practicum will include student placement with an expert nurse clinician to develop proficiency in a focused area of clinical practice. Students will choose a population foci and complete 75 direct care hours during this precepted clinical experience. Increased knowledge in a specialized area of practice will provide a clinical foundation for academic and/or clinical nursing education. Prerequisites: HNG 515, HNG 540, and HNG 588.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 514: Advanced Theory and Practice in Nursing Education II

This is the second of three sequential courses focused on providing guided learning experiences in nursing education. Students will acquire knowledge, skills and values in the aspects of nursing education related to teaching and learning, assessment of the learner, instructional design, curriculum development, delivery, and evaluation. Role transition and experiential learning related to academic or clinical nursing education will be a central focus of this course. Observation and experience related to academic or clinical nursing education will be emphasized. The student will be expected to complete 90 hours with a nurse educator. Prerequisite: HNH 513

4 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 515: Advanced Theory and Practice in Nursing Education III

This is the third of three sequential courses focused on providing guided learning experiences in nursing education. Students will select aspects of nursing education related to the role of nurse educator as leader and change agent. Scholarship activities begun in HNH 514 will conclude in HNH 515. Professional role responsibilities, including administrative functions, committee work and interdisciplinary efforts will be emphasized. Experiential learning related to academic and clinical nursing education will be emphasized. The student will be expected to complete 90 hours with a nurse educator. Prerequisites: HNH 514

4 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 530: Communication and Relationship Management

This course focuses on issues in communication, relationship building, behaviors that influence others, diversity and shared decision making. Theories of interpersonal communication and professional relationship development will be emphasized. Problems, issues and procedures in relationship building will be discussed. Inter-professional collaboration will be stressed. A variety of leadership theories will be used to articulate the importance of effective oral and written communications in relation to leadership in relationship management.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 531: Business Skills for Nurse Leaders

This course focuses on issues in resource management, strategic management and marketing in the health care environment. Focus will be on developing a strategic plan for the health care environment in which the student works. Marketing strategies will be explored. Discussions on labor relations in relation to professional issues in collective bargaining will be emphasized. Problems, issues and procedures involved in resource management will be discussed.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 532: Finance and Economics in Nursing Leadership

This course provides an introduction to financial management for planning, operation, and evaluation of the economic performance of an organization. The course will focus on budgeting, healthcare reimbursement, cost/benefit analysis and the integration of leadership and management functions into fiscal planning. The student will investigate concepts and principles necessary for the management of fiscal resources.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 533: Legal/Ethical/Regulatory Issues in Nursing Leadership

This course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate legal, ethical and regulatory requirements into a variety of health care settings. Principles and processes of patient and employee safety will also be emphasized. Students will investigate concepts and principles necessary for ethical decision making, patient advocacy, and employee rights under law.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 534: Advanced Leadership Seminar

This course is the capstone course and will focus on the role of the nurse leader. Emphasis will be on role formation, dimensions of leadership roles, identification of individual and group leadership attributes, knowledge and skills required to fulfill the role and approaches to leadership. Students will develop and conduct self-assessments and create a professional development plan.

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 540: Advanced Theory and Practice in Nursing Leadership I

This is the first of two sequential courses designed to provide learning experiences with a nurse leader. Students will integrate advanced knowledge and skills related to organizational theory and financial/human resource management. The student will use data-driven decision making and creative leadership skills to build a positive practice environment as well as develop analytical skills to assess and forecast trends in nursing leadership. Inter-professional collaboration will be emphasized. Field experiences of 90 hours are required and may include preceptorship by a nurse leader and financial officer in a health care system.

4 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 541: Advanced Theory and Practice in Nursing Leadership II

This is the second of two sequential courses designed to provide learning experiences with a nurse leader. This course builds on knowledge of organizational leadership and quality improvement. The student will integrate advanced knowledge and skills into practical applications in the role of nurse leader. Students will further explore the leadership role through current relevant research to enhance their ability to strategize entrepreneurial relationships, develop creative solutions to financial constraints and evaluate infrastructure and technology. Project management will be emphasized. Students will be required to seek experiences with health care leaders involved in project management. Field experiences of 90 hours are required. Prerequisites: HNH 532 and HNH 540

3 credits,

May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.

HNH 580: Health Coping Skills Training for Health Care

Treatment approaches for many chronic illnesses consist of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Often patients need to take an active role in their care in order to best manage symptoms associated with chronic illness. Coping Skills Training (CST) is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to solve problems concerning dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure. The theoretical foundations that underpin CST will be explored through guided readings. A combination of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic interventions will be introduced and practiced with the goal of applying the skills to practice in order to help people change negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors so they can manage symptoms and enjoy more productive, less stressful lives. Students will learn to deliver CST using a standardized manual of coping skills. Rationale for each skill, demonstration, role playing and skills feedback will be the teaching/learning strategies for this course. Instructor feedback and supervision of home practice audio recordings of simulated skill sessions will enhance student proficiency in skill acquisition.

3 credits,

HNH 590: Nursing and Numbers: Budgeting and Benchmarking for Nurses

This course is designed to provide nurse leaders with an overview of the budget development process. Various types of budgets will be discussed with a focus on variance assessments, analysis, and benchmarking.

2 credits,