Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
HNG: Nursing Master and Post Master's Certificate
HNG 501: Primary Care
The student explores and analyzes common health problems as experienced by women from young adulthood through old age. Optimum client outcomes are emphasized in the development of client specific management plans. The clinical components of primary care are practiced in women's health care settings. An emphasis is placed on application of evidence-based screening guidelines. Prerequisite: HNG 540 and HNG 588; Co-Requisite: HNG 515
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 506: Evidence-based Health and Wellness of the Contemporary College Student
This interdisciplinary course focuses on understanding the health and wellness continuum of the contemporary college student, identifying the at risk student, and examining models for intervention and student support. Concepts including developmental theory, health beliefs and culture will be explored in relation to topics such as health maintenance, mental health substance abuse, violence, and the needs of the student with cognitive and physical disabilities.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 507: Parenting: Anticipatory Guidance
This course critically examines issues, knowledge and skills which facilitate optimal parent/child health outcomes. Concepts from humanities, health related and nursing sciences provide a knowledge based for parenting and parent education. Anticipatory guidance, as a therapeutic nursing intervention, will be the focus of the course.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 508: Adv Theory & Clin Prac Acute Care Pediatric Nrsg I
This is the third clinical course in pediatric advanced nursing practice and the first with a focus on acute care. Emphasis is placed on development of competencies needed to meet the health care needs of children and families with complex, acute, critical and chronic illnesses across pediatric populations. Precepted clinical experiences will expose students to assessment, diagnoses and management of pediatric patient conditions commonly found in acute and critical care environments. Prerequisite: HNG 528
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 509: Adv Theory & Clin Prac Acute Care Adult/Ger Nrsg I
This is the third clinical course focused on adult-gerontology advanced nursing practice and the first with a focus on acute care. Emphasis is placed on development of competencies needed to provide services ranging from disease prevention to acute and critical care. Didactic and clinical coursework will focus on management of acute, critical and complex illnesses across the entire adult age spectrum. Pre-Requisite: HNG 529
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 513: Advanced Health Assessment of the Neonate and Infant
This course will be centered on assessment of physical, behavioral and cognitive development of the neonate and infant within the context of their family and environment. Emphasis will be placed on the development of diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making skills as essential components of the advanced practice role.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 514: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Perinatal Women's Health I
This is the first of four sequential courses focusing on advanced nursing practice specializing in perinatal/women's health throughout the life span focusing on gynecological health. Analytical thinking and clinical decision making within collaborative practice will be implemented so that therapeutic nursing interventions result in desired outcomes in the ambulatory care of women. Nursing theory and research for health promotion and management of women within the context of a multicultural society will be addressed. Realistic problems within a collaborative practice will be explored and developed to facilitate acquisition of skills in reasoning, problem solving, decision making and critical reflections relevant to the specialization of Perinatal Women's Health.
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 515: Advanced Health Assessment
Provides diagnostic reasoning and a regional approach to physical exam in the health assessment process. Functional health patterns and biomedical models constitute the theoretical framework.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 517: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health I
Provides a theoretical and conceptual foundation for the advanced practice of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. The concept of mental health is based upon a comprehensive understanding of human interaction with the environment through a synthesis of arts, sciences, humanities and life experience. Emphasis will be place on the importance theory plays in defining knowledge necessary to assess human behavior, diagnose illness and to implement and evaluate treatment related to psychopathology. Prerequisite: HNG 515, HNG 540, HNG 551, HNG 588
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 518: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing Across the Continuum I
The focus of this course is the development of critical thinking and clinical decision making as essential components of the advanced practice role. The major emphasis will be on analyzing and exploring common primary health problems of infants, children, and adolescents and developing optimum client outcomes that promote cost-effective, quality health care within the context of a multicultural society. Health assessments will integrate the concepts, theories, and principles underlying advanced assessment, diagnosis, and management of common health problems of infants, children, and adolescents within the context of their families and communities. Knowledge of related health sciences, nursing theories, and research are drawn upon to further develop the framework for the advanced practice role. Prerequisite: HNG 525
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 519: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Adult-Gerontology Nursing Across the Continuum I
This course focuses on clinical problem solving and decision making skills essential to assessing and diagnosing health status, health risks, illness and functional/dysfunctional health patterns of adults and their families. Resources, strengths and limitations are used as a basis to collaborate with adult patient families and/or other health care providers to plan therapeutic interventions to promote, maintain or restore health. Prerequisite: HNG 515, 540, and 588
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 520: Pediatric Pathophysiology
The course is designed to provide the graduate student preparing for an advanced practice role with a broad knowledge base of the physiological and pathophysiological changes that occur during the maturational process from conception through childhood. Emphasis will be placed on the maintenance of wellness and prevention of illness through nursing interventions, perinatal education, and anticipatory guidance.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 522: Advanced Topics in Fetal and Neonatal Pathophysiology
This course is designed to provide the graduate student preparing for an advanced practice role in neonatal health with a broad knowledge base of the physiological and pathophysiological changes that occur during the developmental process from conception through infancy. Emphasis will be placed on the development wellness and prevention of illness through nursing interventions, perinatal education, and anticipatory guidance.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 524: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Perinatal Women's Health II
This is the second of four clinical courses that will prepare the student to provide primary care to women during the childbearing years. The conceptual frameworks of wellness, health promotion and disease prevention, and the effective use of communication strategies in documentation, patient education and advocacy will be emphasized. This course develops the paradigm of family-centered, community-based health care, which respects multicultural traditions and lifestyle variations. Students are prepared for the advanced practice role of the Perinatal Women's Health Nurse Practitioner role in the provision of care to women from preconception through the prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum phase of childbearing. The normal neonate and breastfeeding content is also included in this course.
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 525: Advanced Health Assessment Child Health
This course is designed to enable the student to refine and further develop clinical decision making skills while conducting health assessment of infants, children, and adolescents. Emphasis will be placed on assessment of the child's physical, emotional and cognitive development within the context of the family and environment.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 527: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing II
This is the second of four sequential clinical core courses for advanced practice in psychiatric mental health nursing. This course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills inherent in the diagnosis of mental disorders as related to etiology, psychopathology, practice and research. A variety of treatment models that provide a foundation for psychotherapeutic interventions will be explored, analyzed and applied to meet the needs of a complex and culturally diverse society. Prerequisite: HNG 517
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 528: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing Across the Continuum II
This is the second of four sequential courses designed to expand and integrate concepts, theories and principles underlying advanced assessment, diagnosis and management of common health problems of children within the context of their families and communities. This course prepares students for the advanced practice role of the pediatric nurse practitioner/clinical nurse specialist in an environment conducive to analytic skills, clinical decision making and reflections on practice in a multi-cultural society. Clinical and evidence based research is drawn upon to further develop the framework for the advanced practice role. Prerequisites: HNG 518
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 529: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Adult-Gerontology Nursing Across the Continuum II
This is the second of four sequential courses designed to develop advanced clinical decision making skills in diagnosing, treating and managing a patient/family with health problems and dysfunctional patterns. Therapeutic interventions are planned to promote health, treat illness, manage chronic disease and limit disabilities by enhancing problem solving and self care abilities of adults and their families. The implementation and evaluation components of managed care are emphasized. Prerequisites: HNG 519.
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 534: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Perinatal Women's Health Nursing III
This is the third of four sequential clinical courses designed to integrate nursing theory and research into the health promotion and management of the high risk perinatal family within the context of a multicultural society. Emphasis is placed on the prevention and early detection of reproductive risk, therapeutic nursing intervention and communication necessary to improve the quality of perinatal outcomes. The nursing process is utilized to manage high risk reproductive and perinatal complications.
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 537: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing III
Provides the knowledge and skills in the nursing diagnosis and therapeutic nursing interventions of mental disorders in special populations in a multicultural society. The variety of therapeutic roles for the Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatric/Mental Health nursing will be analyzed to provide a framework for advanced practice. Prerequisite: HNG 527
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 538: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Primary Care Pediatric Nursing I
This is the third of four sequential courses and is designed to provide knowledge and analytical skills to meet the health care needs of children and families with chronic and or medically fragile conditions in a complex and culturally diverse society. There will be precepted clinicals that expose students to clinical decision making in collaborative practice environments. Health care management will be linked with evidence based clinical research findings that promote optimal health care for children and families within complex interrelated health care systems. Pre-requisites: HNG 528
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 539: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Primary Care Adult-Gerontology Nursing I
This is the third of four sequential courses designed to develop advanced clinical decision making skills in diagnosing, treating and managing a patient/family with health problems and dysfunctional patterns. Emphasizes coordination, consultation, and interaction components of case management to promote, maintain and/or restore health in groups of adult patients in primary care settings. Clinical research is drawn upon to further develop the framework for the advanced practice role. Pre-requisites: HNG 529
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 540: Clinical Pharmacology
The course focuses on the knowledge and application of advanced pharmacotherapeutic principles related to the health needs of patients throughout the lifespan. Emphasis will be placed on pharmacodynamics, patient response to therapeutic regimens, and management. Regulatory requirements pertaining to prescribing practices are included.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 541: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice I
This course is an introduction to the process of evidence-based practice. Research will be examined as the scientific foundation for nursing. An emphasis will be placed on understanding research methods and strategies to evaluate results for use in evidence-based practice. The steps of the evidence-based practice process will provide the framework for the course. Published nursing research studies will be evaluated according to principles of evidence-based practice for applicability and clinical feasibility.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 542: Neonatal Clinical Pharmacology
The course is centered on pharmacotherapeutic management of selected neonatal conditions with major emphasis on the development of diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making skills as essential components of the advanced practice role. Learners will explore and analyze pharmacologic issues relevant to the neonate and infant in the intensive care and primary care settings as well as potential consequences of maternal drug therapy on the fetus. Currency in knowledge of the principles of clinical and basic pharmacology is an essential prerequisite of this course.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 543: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice II
This is the second of two courses designed to examine research in relation to evidence-based practice and health care outcomes. Models and methods of evidence-based practice will be examined. A focus will be placed on critical appraisal of nursing research and clinical guidelines for applicability to practice. Identification, review of evidence, and recommendations for improving health care outcomes will be emphasized.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 545: Advanced Psychiatric Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
This course is designed to provide a conceptual foundation to promote analytical skills and clinical decision making in the diagnosis of mental health disorders throughout the lifespan within the context of a multicultural society.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 547: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing IV
This is the culminating course of the four sequential advanced clinical courses. It is designed to provide students with the opportunity to implement and evaluate the role of the nurse practitioner within the nursing discipline in a specialty area of their choice. Emphasis will be placed on integration of the advanced nursing practice role, nursing research, and the leadership component in the clinical specialization. Concepts of clinical practice as they relate to the specialty area in a culturally diverse society will be explored and analyzed so that therapeutic nursing interventions are linked with patient outcomes. Students will be expected to implement their role as advanced nurse practitioner, terminate and evaluate the experience. Prerequisites:HNG 537
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 548: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Primary Care Pediatric Nursing II
This is the last of a series of four courses designed to provide students an opportunity to evaluate critically the role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist in the care of children and their families. Care will be taken to integrate advanced nursing practice, leadership, management, research and expert clinical practice in diagnosing, treating and managing children with particular healthcare needs. Concepts of clinical practice will be related to outcome based research. Prerequisite: HNG 538
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 549: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Primary Care Adult-Gerontology Nursing II
A capstone experience for students to be mentored by faculty in experiencing full enactment of the roles and functions of the NP. Students identify the patient populations with whom they plan to practice, negotiate for placement in a self selected practice setting, implement the roles and functions of NP, and evaluate the terminal experience in advanced practice in adult health care. Prerequisites: HNG 539
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 551: Psychopharmacology
This course will center on pharmacotherapeutic management of selected psychiatric conditions. Students will explore and analyze pharmacologic issues relevant to the psychiatric client in ambulatory, acute care and chronic care settings.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 554: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Perinatal Women's Health Nursing IV
This is the culminating nursing practicum course designed to provide students with the opportunity to implement and critically evaluate the role of the nurse practitioner in women's health. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of advanced nursing practice, research, and leadership/management concepts in the clinical specialization. Issues in clinical practice related to the specialty area will be explored as well as the effect of therapeutic nursing interventions on patient/family outcomes.
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 555: Professional Issues in Midwifery Practice
The course will focus on professional organizations for nurse-midwifery practice and provides an opportunity for professional socialization and responsibility. This course provides a culminating review of all clinical aspects of nurse midwifery practice and standards. An emphasis on the mastery of core competencies and standards of practice of the ACNM will be integrated throughout the course. Co-requisite: HNG 587
1 credit,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 557: Clinical Perspectives of Pathophysiology/Neurophysiology
This course is based on the core concepts in Neurophysiology which are integral to the clinical practice of advanced psychiatric mental health nurses. A major focus involves understanding the neurophysiological theories of major psychiatric/mental health disorders, neurological assessment.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 558: Adv Thry & Clin Prac Acute Care Pediatric Nrsg II
This is the fourth and culminating clinical course advanced in pediatric acute care advanced nursing practice. This course is designed to provide students opportunities to integrate advanced nursing practice, leadership, management and research with expert clinical practice in diagnosing, treating and managing children with complex acute, chronic, and critical healthcare needs. Precepted clinical experiences will expose students to clinical decision making in acute and critical care settings. Pre-Requisite: HNG 508
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 559: Adv Thry & Clin Prac Acute Care Adult/Gero Nrsg II
This is the fourth and culminating clinical course in adult-gerontology acute care advanced nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on advanced clinical skills in diagnosing, treating, and managing adult-gerontology clients in acute and complex care settings. Development of evidence-based practice, clinical acute, reasoning skills and ethical decision making will be integrated into didactic and clinical coursework, clinical simulation, and clinical immersions with expert practitioners. Pre-Requisite: HNG 509
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 560: Sexual Health across the Lifespan
This course will provide the skills to assess, coordinate, consult, promote, maintain and/or restore sexual health in diverse patient populations. Emphasis is placed on risk reduction and the promotion of sexual well-being.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 561: Clinical Immersion: Graduate
The focus of this course is to expand, deepen, or enrich advanced practice skills relevant to area of clinical specialization. Learning opportunities, in clinical and simulated settings, will promote integration of advanced practice competencies, leadership, and practice inquiry. Emphasis will be placed on self-directed and precepted learning experiences, in-depth clinical skill building and decision-making, continuity of care, and interprofessional collaboration.
1-5 credits,
May be repeated for credit.
HNG 564: Adv Thry Cln Pract Perinatal/Neonatal Health Nursing I:Primary Care Concepts
This course focuses on the advanced health assessment skills required to provide primary care to high-risk infants and their families within the context of a pluralistic society. The biological and psychosocial aspects are studies as a basis for nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on the role of the neonatal nurse practitioner in improvising the provision of primary care and follow-up services to high-risk infants with the purpose of decreasing mortality and morbidity rates and improving the quality of life for these infants after discharged from the intensive care nurse.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 565: Adv Thry Cln Pract in Neonatal Health Nursing II:Primary Care High Risk Infant
This course focuses on the advanced health assessment skills required to provide primary care to high risk infants and their families within the context of a pluralistic society. The biological and psychosocial aspects are studies as a basis for nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on the role of the neonatal nurse practitioner in improvising the provision of primary care and follow-up services to high risk infants with the purpose of decreasing mortality and morbidity rates and improving the quality of life for these infants after discharged from the intensive care nursery.
6 credits,
HNG 567: Evidence-Based Pract: Promoting Mentl Hlth Wellness
This course explores the current evidence surrounding societal mental health wellness. Students will select a topic of exploration and use the steps of evidence-based practice in the development of solutions to improve mental health outcomes throughout the lifespan. Pre-requisites: HNG 515, HNG 588, HNG 540, HNG 541
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 568: The Addicted Client: Strategies for Nursing Assessment and Intervention
This course is designed to provide a theoretical and conceptual foundation needed to address clients with a broad range of substance abuse and addiction patterns on the health-illness continuum. It utilizes concepts from a number of nursing specialties in data collection, diagnosis, planning, intervention and evaluation through the case study method. The critical evaluation of socio-cultural beliefs, values and attitudes toward the addicted client will also be explored.
2 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 569: Advanced Theory & Clinical Practice Peri/Neonatal Hlth Nrsng II:Childbearing Family/High Risk Infant
This is one of four sequential courses designed to focus on advanced assessment of the childbearing family.All components of this comprehensive assessment are integral to the development of differential diagnoses and management plans for high risk neonates and their families and will form the foundation for clinical decision-making required in the advanced practice role of the neonatal nurse practitioner. Parenting and the needs of the family in the context of a pluralistic society are emphasized.
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 570: Independent Studies
The focus of this course is self-directed study in the analysis, examination and critique of a specialty area of interest in advanced practice.
1-6 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 572: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Family Health Nursing I
This is the first of four sequential clinical courses that focus on advanced nursing practice specializing in primary family health care. The major emphasis is on the development of clinical reasoning and critical thinking as essential components of the advanced practice role in family health nursing. An epidemiologic and body systems approach to common problems in primary health care will be applied along the health continuum. Optimal client outcomes within the context of a multicultural society will be explored. Prerequisites: HNG 515, HNG 540, HNG 588
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 573: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Family Health II
This is the second of four sequential clinical courses. The major emphasis is on clinical decision making and critical thinking as essential components of the advanced practice role. This course focuses on advanced nursing practice specializing in the primary health care for the pediatric patient. The major emphasis will be on analyzing and exploring common problems in primary health care for pediatric patient and throughout a health continuum and developing optimum client outcomes within the context of multicultural society. Prerequisite: HNG 572
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 574: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Family Health Nursing III
This is the third course of four sequential advanced clinical courses. Coordination, consultation and interaction components of case management are emphasized to promote, maintain, and, or restore health in families in primary care settings. Prereq: HNG 573
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 575: Advanced Theory and Clinical Practice in Family Health Nursing IV
This is the fourth of four sequential clinical courses that focus on advanced nursing practice in family health, womens health and gender related care. The major emphasis is on clinical decision making and critical thinking as essential components of the advanced practice role. An epidemiologic and body systems approach to common problems in primary, health care of women from adolescence through the advanced years will be applied. Optimal individual and family outcomes within the context of a diverse society will be explored. Prerequisite: HNG 574
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 577: Families: Theories and Interventions for Advanced Nursing Practice
This course is designed to provide a theoretical and conceptual framework for the NP in developing therapeutic interventions for individuals and their families. Adult and adolescent developmental theories, the major family theories and crisis intervention theory are examined. Selected family typologies are used to illustrate theoretical concepts. Emphasis is placed on assessment, interventions and development of referral resources.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 578: Advanced Theory & Clinical Practice in Perinatal/Neonatal Health Nursing III: High Risk Neonate I
This is one of four sequential advanced theory and clinical practice courses in the neonatal nurse practitioner program. Emphasis is placed on the development of diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making skills as essential components of the advanced practice role in providing care to high risk infants and their families in the acute care setting. Nursing theory and research for health promotion and management of the neonate and family within the context of a pluralistic society will be explored. Prerequisites: HNG 513, HNG 522, and HNG 542
6 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 579: Advanced Theory & Clinical Practice in Perinatal/Neonatal Health Nursing IV: High Risk Neonate II
This is the last of four sequential advanced theory and clinical practice courses in the neonatal nurse practitioner program. Emphasis is placed on the development of diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making skills as essential components of the advanced practice role in providing care to high risk infants and their families in the acute care setting. The role of the neonatal nurse practitioner in improving the provision of care to high risk infants with the purpose of decreasing mortality and morbidity rates and improving their quality of life is explored. Parenting and the needs of the family in the context of a pluralistic society are stressed. Prerequisite: HNG 578
6 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 580: Adv Sklls, Tchnologies & Clin Dec-Making Acte Cre
This course incorporates assessment, implementation, evaluation of advanced skills and technologies, and clinical decision making in the management of acutely ill patients. Recognition of client presentations requiring use of technology using evidence-based criteria will be addressed. Ethical, legal and psychological aspects, including the impact of technology on the client, family and health care system will be incorporated. An introduction to invasive interventions and diagnostic device application and interpretation will be facilitated through advanced skill labs and simulated experiences. Co-Requisites: HNG 508 or HNG 558; or HNG 509 or HNG 559
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 581: Midwifery I
This is the first of four sequential courses, each containing the didactic content associated with the clinical practice of midwifery. Conceptual frameworks of wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention will be utilized. The course is designed to foster the effective use of communication strategies in documentation, client education, and patient advocacy. Effective coordination of care, integration of evidence-based practice, and the application of bioethical principles of care are emphasized. An introduction to clinical decision making, diagnosis, and the management of gynecologic and antenatal patients will be emphasized. This course develops the paradigm of family-centered, community-based health care, which respects multicultural traditions. Pre-requisites: HNG 501, HNG 515, HNG 540, and HNG 588
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 582: Continuing Course Work
Continuing Course Work
0-5 credits, S/U grading
May be repeated 5 times FOR credit.
HNG 585: Midwifery II
This is the second of four sequential courses which builds upon the foundational concepts of clinical practice in midwifery. The focus of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of gynecology, maternal and fetal physiology, and antenatal care. The conceptual frameworks of health promotion, disease prevention are reinforced. The use of communication strategies and documentation principles are emphasized. This course furthers understanding of family-centered, community-based, multicultural care across the lifespan. Pre-requisites: HNG 581
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 586: Midwifery III
This course emphasizes the normalcy of labor and birth as a physiologic and developmental process and prepares students to assume responsibility for management of care of the woman and fetus during the intrapartum period. The use of conceptual frameworks of wellness, health promotion and disease prevention will be emphasized. Communication and collaborative strategies will be emphasized to build upon the strengths of families and communities and minimize technological intervention. Prerequisite:HNG 585
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 587: Midwifery IV
This is the fourth in a sequence of courses designed to prepare the midwife for clinical practice. The organizing framework of this course is continuity of care, emphasizing family centered, community-based health care and the normalcy of birth and recovery. Prerequisites: HNG 586
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 588: Clinical Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan
This course focuses on pathophysiology and disruptions in normal body functioning for individuals across the lifespan. In depth theoretical and clinical principles of diseases resulting from genetic, environmental, and stress related causes are included. Emphasis is placed on regulatory and compensatory mechanisms as they relate to disease states.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HNG 599: Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic touch assessment skills will be taught so that the practitioner may use therapeutic touch clinically to assist in reduction of pain and anxiety, promote relaxation and facilitate the body's natural restorative process.
1 credit,