Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
HND: Nursing (D.N.P.)
HND 598: School of Nursing Enrollment of Course Work
For students who need to enroll in course work before they attend the orientation
0-12 credits, S/U grading
HND 612: Theories of Applied Science
This course will explore the theoretical and scientific foundations for scholarly doctoral level practice. This course emphasizes the application of theory-based practice models, quality improvement, and implementation frameworks that guide the translation of evidence into practice toward improving population health outcomes.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 615: Genomics
This course will explore the role of genetic factors in the, causation, treatment, and prevention of human disease. Emphasis will be placed on translation of genetic discoveries into interventions which improve health outcomes.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 625: Health Care Policy and Social Justice
This course will explore the interface among federal, state and local governments, from a historical to a contemporary perspective, relative to social determinants of health. Emphasis will be placed on correlating components of healthcare to health policy, fiscal implications, access to care, and delivery of care.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 635: Biostatistics
This course will provide knowledge of statistical approaches used in health research and epidemiology. Emphasis will be placed on applying statistical methods to critically evaluate evidence used in clinical decision making.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 640: Epidemiology and Population Health
This course will focus on the study of epidemiological, biostatistical, and environmental data as they relate to evidence-based practice, injury and disease prevention, and improvement of population health outcomes.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 645: Large Data Analyses
This course will provide an overview of real-world and healthcare data sets available at the federal, state, and local levels. Emphasis will be placed on the query of large data sets and developing analytical methods to answer research questions.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 647: Doctoral Seminar in Evidence-based Practice
This course will emphasize development of doctoral-level academic skills essential for establishing the scientific foundation of nursing practice and scholarship, and culminate in comprehensive review of select literature. Practice experiences will provide opportunities to acquire these and other competencies.
4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 650: Systems Theory
This course will provide knowledge and opportunities for identifying responsibilities inherent in the leadership role, opportunities for change, and strategies to improve and enhance health care delivery from a systems perspective.
3 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 655: DNP Synthesis I
This course will emphasize methodology, and culminate in development of a proposal for a comprehensive doctoral-level project which seeks to advance health outcomes. Practice experiences will provide opportunities to acquire these and other competencies.
5 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 665: DNP Synthesis II
This course will emphasize data collection and measurement, and culminate in the analysis of data from a comprehensive doctoral-level project which seeks to advance health outcomes. Practice experiences will provide opportunities to acquire these and other competencies. Required prerequisite: HND 655.
6 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 670: Independent Studies
This elective course provides an opportunity to use advanced critical thinking and investigative skills to develop or refine specific competencies that support the advancement of human health. Except for extraordinary circumstances, Independent Studies cannot replace courses for a degree. Prerequisite: By permission of faculty.
0-4 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 675: DNP Synthesis III
This course will emphasize scholarly presentation, and culminate in the synthesis and dissemination of results from a comprehensive doctoral-level project which seeks to advance health outcomes. Practice experiences will provide opportunities to acquire these and other competencies. Required prerequisite: HND 665.
6 credits,
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.
HND 682: Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Continuing Coursework
This elective course provides an opportunity to achieve program-essential requirements following a course-disrupting circumstance that is beyond the student's control
0-6 credits, S/U grading
May be repeated 2 times FOR credit.