Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

HAO: Occupational Therapy

HAO 500: Functional Neuroscience

Presents an integrated approach to the general principles of organization and function of the autonomic, peripheral and central nervous systems. Presents these principles in a systems approach to neuroscience. The anatomy of a system will be followed with its physiology, pathophysiology relation to human function and clinical relevance to the occupational therapist. Clinical topics will include neurological testing, control of posture and balance, pain, muscle tone and spasticity, feedback versus feed-forward control, reflex versus voluntary control, control of reaching and locomotion, perception, and learning. Prerequisite: HAO 519, HAO 561

4 credits,

HAO 504: Introduction to the Historical and Contemporary Practices of Occupational Therapy

Introduces occupational therapy students to the values and philosophies that influenced the development of the profession, and those that continue to influence current practices. Explores conceptual foundations, ideas, evidence, and resources that allow learners to begin developing applied skills and clinical reasoning skills to support clients in achieving greater participation in the occupations they want and need. The goal of the course is to have learners develop beginning skills for conducting contemporary occupational therapy practices.

3 credits,

HAO 505: Foundations in Occupational Therapy

Provides a conceptual foundation for occupational therapy theory and practice. Instructs students on the concepts of occupation, activity, purposeful activity and participation. Through lecture and laboratory sessions, students will experience working with the concepts they are learning. Examines the philosophical base of the profession, and explores the meaning and diversity of the frames of reference in contemporary occupational therapy practice. Emphasizes the centrality of occupation in health and wellness, through balance in performance areas and contexts. Explores the impact of disability, disease, and injury on the person, their family and society. Students will learn how to break down and analyze activities for their performance components, as well as how to grade and adapt activities for therapeutic purposes. Group discussions on social and political systems will focus on how they influence the delivery of health care services. Introduces the impact of culture on treatment and health practices. Explores the concept of theory development, and how theories, models of practice and frames of reference impact occupational therapy evaluation/treatment.

3 credits,

HAO 506: Life Span Growth and Development for Occupational Therapy

Provides students with a knowledge of developmental theories and factors influencing the normal developmental process. Developmental norms and sequences are examined with emphasis on physical (sensory and motor), cognitive, and psychosocial tasks. Discusses cultural and environmental influences on development. The coursework covers prenatal, child, adolescent, and adult development utilizing many frames of references from occupational therapy points of view regarding development. Prerequisites: HAO 504, HAO 561

3 credits,

HAO 507: Clinical Conditions in Occupational Therapy

Addresses clinical diagnoses, symptomatology, and prognosis of many major clinical conditions commonly encountered in current practice. Emphasize the impact of disease on individual physical, cognitive and emotional function and on families and society. Case studies will be utilized within this course to enable students to relate major theories and frames of reference to treatment approaches for common diagnoses and medical conditions. The course is intended to help build a foundation for subsequent occupational therapy theory and practice courses and to provide a foundation for Fieldwork II experiences. Prerequisites: HAO 505; HAO 519; HAO 561

2 credits,

HAO 508: Theories of Adult Rehabilitation

This is the first part of a two part course. Provides entry-level knowledge and attitudes necessary to effectively work as an occupational therapist with the adult population in multiple settings to support occupational performance and quality of life. Discusses and evaluates the core concepts of the occupational therapy and physical disabilities environment. Students will be able to define the role of the occupational therapist as well as the impact of a multidisciplinary team on their role as a team member and within the continuum of care of adults while applying evidence based practice. Prerequisites: HAO 505; HAO 507; HAO 519; HAO 561

2 credits,

HAO 509: Occupational Therapy Theory and Practice in Pediatrics

Presents occupational therapy theories, assessments, and treatment processes as they pertain to the pediatric population. Integrates several of the predominant models in current practice with material from previous and concurrent coursework. Covers abnormal development, acute and chronic medical conditions, their effect on the CNS, orthopedic and musculoskeletal systems.. Reviews major causes of disability, the etiology and prognoses Discusses the impact on the family and cultural implications. Students learn about selecting age and developmental stage appropriate evaluations, treatment techniques/procedures. Students enhance their activity analysis skills, assessment, treatment planning, documentation skills, and professional interaction through laboratory, class assignments, and fieldwork. Prerequisite: HAO 505; HAO 507; HAO 519; HAO 561

4 credits,

HAO 517: Universal Design

Focuses on adapting the environment to improve the client's quality of life. Examines the therapist's ability to help the patient reintegrate into society. Covers Americans with Disabilities Act; mobility (power and manual); seating/positioning systems; adapted toys; augmentative communication systems; computer access; environmental control units; independent living aids; and vocational adaptations. Provides foundation and knowledge of ergonomic, work hardening, functional capacity evaluations, and vocational programs. Exposes students to different occupational therapy work settings and employment, awareness of federal regulations for work-related programs, and certification requirements for this emerging practice area. The lab sessions offer practical applications of principles discussed in lectures. Prerequisite: Second Year Summer and Fall Courses

3 credits,

HAO 519: Kinesiology for Occupational Therapy

Kinesiology is the study of human motion. Designed to establish a working knowledge of biomechanical principles as well as detailed understanding of the osteokinematics and arthokinematics of the various joints of the body. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of biomechanics into real life functional applications for a variety of occupations. The course consists of both lecture and laboratory sessions. Laboratory sessions provide the student with practical applications of principles discussed in lecture. In addition, the laboratory sessions will allow the student to become proficient in the areas of surface anatomy and palpation, manual muscle testing, and goniometry. The student will study normal and pathological movement, including its impact on function. Prerequisite: HAO 561

4 credits,

HAO 520: Substance Abuse and Occupational Therapy

This course addresses physiological, sociological, and psychological effects of substance abuse on the abuser and his/her environment. Presents drug classifications, along with effects and withdrawal symptoms. Discusses treatment models, philosophies, and methods. Students will learn how to design both individual and group interventions. Explores in detail the occupational therapists role in the evaluation and treatment of substance abuse across the life-span and across disabilities. Reviews the use of 12-step programs and alternative treatment models, as will prevention programs, such as smoking cessation. Requires Internet Explorer 10, 9, or 8; Firefox; Chrome; Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP; Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8; or Safari 5.1 and 6. Prerequisites: HAO 504; HAO 505, HAO 506, HAO 507; HAO 523.

2 credits,

HAO 522: Assessment and Treatment of Adult Rehabilitation

This is the second part of a two part course. Learning activities focus on the evaluation and treatment of adults with physical disabilities. Examines injury, illness, disease and the effect on occupational performance in the areas of work, self-care and leisure. Occupational therapy theories and practice are learned, including frames of reference, evaluation/assessments, treatment interventions, selection of age-appropriate occupation-based activities, and activity analysis are explored. Students will have the opportunity to further refine their documentation and clinical reasoning skills through written and verbal assignments and apply evidence based practices. Prerequisites: HAO 500; HAO 505, HAO 507, HAO 508; HAO 519; HAO 522; HAO 561

3 credits,

HAO 523: Assessment and Intervention of Psychosocial Issues

Explores the psychosocial aspects of disability as they affect the function of the individual, the family and the community. Lectures and presentations will be related to the recognition of psychosocial problems and how they can be better understood, minimized, or eliminated. Provision of mental health services across all levels of care will be delineated. Multicultural factors will be discussed as they relate to mental illness and the recovery process. The course exposes the occupational therapy student to the DSM-V and the pharmacology of major mental illnesses. Psychosocial theories guiding assessment and intervention will be thoroughly discussed. Interviewing skills are demonstrated and practiced in the lab sessions. The use of group theories, the structure and function of groups in treatment, the analysis of group treatment and group activities and the therapeutic use of self are the focus in laboratory and lectures. Students will be introduced to and given the opportunity to practice a variety of assessments utilized in psychosocial occupational therapy practice. This course is to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function as an occupational therapist in a psychosocial/mental health treatment setting. Prerequisite: HAO 504

4 credits,

HAO 524: Assessment & Interventions of the Upper Extremities

Presents fundamental upper extremity therapy topics and provides a foundation for clinical reasoning and treatment approaches. Include anatomy; common pathologies; orthotics; evaluation; and treatment. Introduces students to upper extremity orthotics including the design; biomechanical principles; function; use; care; and patient education. Enables the occupational therapy student to gain an understanding of various physical agents currently used in the rehabilitation practices. Prerequisites: HAO 500, HAO 507, HAO 508, HAO 519; HAO 522.

3 credits,

HAO 525: Vision, Perception, and Cognition

Focuses on principles and techniques for the rehabilitation of visuo-cognitive dysfunction. Presents the theoretical rationale and specific skills needed to evaluate and treat a wide range of visual, perceptual and cognitive performance components. Includes a systematic bottom up approach to the evaluation of the adult patient with visuo-cognitive dysfunction. Explores a variety of treatment approaches and specific treatment techniques that can improve functional performance and outcomes, drawing from both the neurosciences and Occupational Therapy frames of reference. Emphasizes clinical reasoning and the use of both remediation and compensatory strategies within the framework of Occupational Therapy practice. Prerequisites: HAO 500; HAO 505; HAO 507; HAO 508; HAO 561

2 credits,

HAO 526: Gerontology and Occupational Therapy

Focuses on the role of occupational therapy with the aged within geriatric rehabilitation settings (in-patient, out-patient and home care); long-term care programs; wellness and safety programs; hospice; community based programs (socialization, day treatment, adult day care programs), and alternative housing environments. Addresses the aging process and its physiological, sociological, and psychological effects, with attention to heterogeneity and older person's strengths and capabilities. Presents common impairments and disabilities and rehabilitation needs of older persons. Students will develop and demonstrate skills in evaluation, treatment planning and therapeutic adaptation, documentation, and discharge planning (including collaborative client and family education), and demonstrate knowledge of assistive devices, equipment, and technology/ environmental modifications to support community living and to improve the quality of life of older persons. Addresses the importance of evidence-based practice, including occupational therapy, life-long learning and professional development, the benefits of collaborative OT -OTA partnerships and the relationships between policy, legislation and practice. Include aging and gender issues, successful aging, and community and home safety. Provides a conceptual framework for the study of gerontology as it relates to occupational therapy and develops the skills and knowledge to understand major issues in theory, research, and practice related to the older adult. Prerequisites: HAO 505, HAO 507, HAO 508, HAO 522

3 credits,

HAO 530: Community, Occupation and Health

Presents the importance of occupation as a precursor to health, and of occupational therapy as a health promoting profession. Examines the theories and applications of occupational science through a review of the professional literature and class discussion. This occupational perspective of health will be the foundation for each student's design of a community-based practice program. Reviews social theories, socio-cultural and socio-political trends that impact the individual's health status and the delivery of health care services. Offers experience in designing/administering needs assessments in the community, and in organizing outcome data. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

4 credits,

HAO 534: The Occupational Therapy Manager

Assists the learner in creating a business plan for an occupational therapy service. Teaches skills involved in setting up a business, being a manager of people, budgets, and services, using evidence to guide management, and how to manage for change. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

3 credits,

HAO 540: Prosthetics & Orthotics

Provides the theoretical, psychomotor and practical skills of orthotics and upper extremity prosthetics that are necessary for current practice. Utilizes lecture, discussion and laboratories to teach the design, biomechanical principles, fit, function, use, care and patient education involved with upper extremity orthotics. Students are introduced to upper and lower extremity prosthetic devices. Prerequisites: HAO 500; HAO 507, HAO 508; HAO 519; HAO 522; HAO 524.

2 credits,

HAO 549: Introduction to Research for Occupational Therapy

Description: Provides a foundation for future professional and scholarly activities and stresses the importance of research for informed practice decisions. Presents basic research concepts and statistical applications for the research process. Presents methods to review and critique published, peer-reviewed research, identify research topics of interest, and initiate the literature review process. Provides tools needed to critique commonly used assessment tools in occupational therapy and to use and interpret standardized scores. Requires the CORIHS human subjects research training. Emphasizes professional writing skills for publications and professional presentations. Explores current research methodologies used in occupational therapy to facilitate beginning research skills. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

3 credits,

HAO 551: Research Design and Methods for OT

Provides students beginning research and critical inquiry skills through learning current occupational therapy related research methods and by the design of research grant proposals. Students gain fundamental critical inquiry and writing skills necessary to identify appropriate funding sources and write grant proposals for research and program development. Students learn to design qualitative research projects and analyze qualitative data. Prerequisite: HAO 549

3 credits,

HAO 561: Functional Anatomy Review

Provides an anatomical review of all bodily systems in order for students to acquire a basic working knowledge of the functional structure of the human body. Provides foundational knowledge for all other courses in the Occupational Therapy Program. Students will apply knowledge learned to formulate hypotheses about occupational dysfunction associated with abnormalities within systems. Utilizes critiques of research to expand on knowledge from lecture and lab.

4 credits,

HAO 562: Principles of Instruction

Identifies issues facing health professions educators and application of knowledge of key education and behavior theories for occupational therapy practice. Explores commonly used instructional methods and applies these methods to a variety of teaching/learning situations found in occupational therapy education. Explores standardized tools to measure literacy, design of patient education materials for a specific population, and provision of health education information in a community setting. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

3 credits,

HAO 570: Global Communities, Occupations and Health

Explores innovative, non-traditional and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice. Students meet and dialog with occupational therapy practitioners and/or other health care professionals who have developed private practices, are consultants, and are involved in emerging areas of practice. Presents timely articles concerning health care trends and non-traditional/emerging practice areas. Articulates global social issues and occupational needs for a variety of global populations. Builds upon student's prior knowledge and coursework and integrates AOTA's Standards of Practice, Core Values and Attitudes of OT, and AOTA's Code of Ethics, with attention to current and potential OT/OTA partnerships in community and non-traditional settings. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

2 credits,

HAO 573: Professional Behaviors I

Introduces professional behaviors, including basic communication and documentation skills, with a focus on expectations of fieldwork sites. Students will learn the concept of reflective practice, and how to use a reflective journal. Introduces the professional portfolio as a means to document clinical competence. Examines the nature of the supervisory process with strategies to maximize the use of clinical and administrative supervision. Explores cultural competency and the scope of diversity in health care. Emphasizes the importance of life-long learning through continuing education and other methods. Includes lectures, presentations, role-plays and other exercises to achieve learning objectives. Prerequisite: Year One Summer and Fall Courses

1.5 credits,

HAO 574: Professional Behaviors II

Builds on previously learned material covered in Professional Behaviors I. Students will work on more advanced documentation and communication skills required for entry-level practice. Provides opportunity to discuss professional behavior expectations from their clinical fieldwork assignments. Use of the reflective journal to enhance professional development, and the continuation of the professional portfolio will assist students in developing and documenting their clinical competence. Explores the supervisory process in greater detail, in the context of its use for personal and professional growth. Discusses the role of the occupational therapy assistant as a colleague and collaborator. Continues to emphasize the importance of life-long learning. Lectures, role-plays, presentations and experiential activities will be used to achieve learning outcomes. Prerequisite: Year Two Summer and Fall Courses

1 credit,

HAO 575: Professional Transitional Seminar

Discusses issues related to transition of student to entry-level practitioner role. Presents information on licensure, certification exam preparation, NBCOT certification, AOTA specialty examinations, models of supervision, mentoring, job search strategies, marketing skills, malpractice, continuing competency, professional organizations, networking and career goal planning. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

2 credits,

HAO 580: Special Topics in Occupational Therapy

Offers students the opportunity to explore and expand knowledge and skills in a practice area of specific interest. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

2 credits,

HAO 585: Disability Studies and Occupational Therapy

Introduces a social model of disability and explores the ethical and psychological issues faced by people with disabilities across their lifespan. Presents historical analysis, healthcare discourse, and cultural critique to understand the evolution of health practice, cultural beliefs and social structures influencing the treatments, services, and opportunities available to people with disabilities in the United States and internationally. Offers students a multi-layered understanding of the issues faced by people with disabilities and their families. Includes assigned readings, films, guest speakers, site visits, and one-on-one interactions with people with disabilities. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

2 credits,

HAO 586: Fieldwork Level IA

The first of three introductory level clinical experiences. Offers the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions and formulate treatment plans in a psychosocial practice setting. Promotes effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. Uses reflective journals to monitor development of professional behaviors and skills. Prerequisite: HAO 504; HAO 505; HAO 506; HAO 507; HAO 523

1 credit,

HAO 587: Fieldwork Level IB

This is the second of three introductory level clinical experiences. It provides students with the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions, and formulate treatment plans in an adult physical disabilities setting. It is designed to promote effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. Reflective practice journals will be used to monitor professional behaviors and skills. Prerequisites: HAO 508, HAO 586.

1 credit,

HAO 588: Fieldwork Level I C

The third of three introductory level clinical experiences. Offers the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions and formulate treatment plans in a pediatric practice setting. Promotes effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. Uses reflective journals to monitor development of professional behaviors and skills. Prerequisites: HAO 586, HAO 587

1 credit,

HAO 590: Independent Study in Occupational Therapy

Students develop and/or implement their research projects under the mentorship of the course instructor and a faculty advisor who has expertise in their chosen topic. Literature reviews are completed and the project is prepared in a format appropriate for professional publication or presentation.

2 credits,

May be repeated 3 times FOR credit.

HAO 593: Case Studies

This clinical reasoning seminar focuses on the synthesis of all clinical and academic coursework in formulating a comprehensive plan of care. Emphasis is placed on students responding spontaneously to case presentations in class, much as they would be expected to do in the clinical setting. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

2 credits,

HAO 595: Service Learning and Capstone Project

Incorporates in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge for maximum integration of service and classroom work. Includes discussion, journals, essays and other reflective writing methods. Explores reflection, action skill building, and examination of theory and practice of citizenship as applied though community involvement. Students provide 30 hours of service learning. A scholarly project will be the culminating activity for the program. Students will present outcomes of their service learning project in poster format. Prerequisite: HAO 597 and successful completion of all prior coursework

4 credits,

HAO 596: Fieldwork Level IIA

Fieldwork IIA is an in-depth clinical experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services. According to AOTA guidelines, this fieldwork is designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice; transmit values and beliefs that enable the application of ethics related to the profession; enable the student to communicate and model professionalism as a developmental process and career responsibility; and develop and expand a repertoire of occupational therapy assessments and interventions related to human occupation and performance. This first of two level II fieldwork experiences exposes the student to a variety of clinical conditions in a specific practice area for 12 weeks on a full time basis. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all prior coursework.

12 credits, S/F graded

HAO 597: Fieldwork IIB

This second clinical fieldwork experience provides the occupational therapy student with opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills learned thus far in the curriculum. Students will be assigned to a fieldwork site for 12 weeks on a full time basis in a particular area of practice. Prerequisite: HAO 596

12 credits, S/F graded

HAO 599: Fieldwork Continuation

This course is for occupational therapy students continuing with Fieldwork.

S/F graded

May be repeated for credit.

HAO 600: Foundations and Theory in Occupational Therapy

This course provides students with an understanding of the core principles of occupational therapy using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. The primary theories, models, and frames of reference that guide occupational therapy practice are introduced and applied using problem-based learning to facilitate future clinical courses.

3 credits,

HAO 601: Group Process, Client Communication, and Therapeutic Use of Self

This course teaches basic group and individual client-therapist interaction skills including methods of establishing rapport, giving feedback and employing therapeutic use of self. Students use frames of reference and practice models to design client-centered groups, write group protocols, analyze activities, implement specific group techniques and evaluate progress of self and group members. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 602: Occupational Therapy Task & Contextual Analysis

This course teaches students the process of activity analysis related to tasks and contexts. Students will analyze how body structures, body function, and client factors can support or hinder occupational performance. In addition, the students will develop the skills to analyze the various contextual features that can impact occupational performance. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 603: Occupations Across the Lifespan

The course provides students with knowledge of developmental theories and factors influencing the normal developmental process. Developmental norms and sequences are examined with emphasis on physical (sensory and motor), cognitive, and psychosocial tasks. Cultural and environmental influences on development are also discussed. The coursework covers prenatal, child, adolescent, and adult development. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 610: Functional Human Anatomy

This course provides an anatomical review of all body systems so that students can acquire a basic working knowledge of the functional structure of the human body. This knowledge is foundational for all other courses in the Occupational Therapy Program. Students will apply this knowledge of anatomy to formulate hypotheses about occupational dysfunction associated with abnormalities within the body's systems. Students will apply anatomical concepts discussed in class to occupational therapy case study examples and will critique and appraise research papers related to anatomical concepts discussed in lecture and lab.

4 credits,

HAO 611: Functional Neuroscience

This course describes the role of the nervous system in normal movement, cognition, and emotional functioning across the life span. It builds the foundation for professional theory and practice courses by providing neuroscience knowledge related to motor, sensory, and cognitive systems in order to understand movement and function, relate it to occupational performance deficits in the physical and cognitive domains, and to understand selected pathological conditions. The course presents an integrated approach to the general principles of organization and function of the autonomic, peripheral and central nervous systems. These principles will be presented in a systems approach to Neuroscience. The anatomy of a system will be followed with its physiology, pathophysiology, relation to human function, and clinical relevance to the occupational therapist. Clinical topics will include neurological testing, control of posture and balance, pain, muscle tone and spasticity, feedback versus feed-forward control, reflex versus voluntary control, control of reaching and locomotion, perception, and learning. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 612: Movement for Occupational Performance

This course is designed to establish a basis of biomechanical principles as well as detailed understanding of the osteokinematics and arthrokinematics of the various joints of the body. Normal and pathological movement is analyzed in relation to the impact on occupational performance. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

4 credits,

HAO 613: Conditions in Occupational Therapy

This first-year occupational therapy course will address clinical diagnoses, symptomatology, and prognosis of many major clinical conditions commonly encountered in current practice. In addition, there will be an emphasis on the impact of disease on individual physical, cognitive and emotional function and on families and society. Case studies will be utilized within this course to enable students to relate major theories and frames of reference to treatment approaches for common diagnoses and medical conditions. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 620: Assessment and Intervention in Mental Health

This course will explore the psychosocial aspects of disability as they affect the function of the individual, the family, and the community. Lectures and presentations will be related to the recognition of psychosocial problems and how they can be better understood, minimized, or eliminated. The provision of mental health services across all levels of care will be delineated. Multicultural factors will be discussed as they relate to mental illness and the recovery process. The course exposes the occupational therapy student to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) (DSM-V) and the pharmacology of major mental illnesses. Psychosocial theories guiding assessment and intervention will be thoroughly discussed. Interviewing skills are demonstrated and practiced in the lab sessions. The use of group theories, the structure and function of groups in treatment, the analysis of group treatment and group activities, and the therapeutic use of self are the focus of laboratory and lectures. Students will be introduced to and given the opportunity to practice a variety of assessments utilized in psychosocial occupational therapy practice. This course is to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function as an occupational therapist in a psychosocial/ mental health treatment setting. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

4 credits,

HAO 621: Assessment and Intervention in Physical Rehabilitation

The course focuses on occupational therapy and physical disabilities as they pertain to the adult population. Injury, illness, and disease and the effect on the functioning of the individual in self-care, work, and leisure are explored. It provides students with knowledge, laboratory experiences, and a framework to provide services to adults with physical dysfunction. This course addresses occupational therapy values, theory and practice, including frames of reference, evaluation, treatment planning, and a selection of age-appropriate occupations to support occupational performance, occupational analysis, and discharge planning. Students are provided with opportunities to demonstrate development of entry level documentation skills (evaluation, treatment planning, progress notes, discharge planning) and experiences to develop oral communication skills in preparation for fieldwork. The course is designed with laboratory sessions providing students with varied opportunities to develop an entry level knowledge base and broad-based clinical skills to successfully complete Fieldwork Level I and II experiences with a variety of clients in multiple types of traditional or community-based settings. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

4 credits,

HAO 622: Assessment & Intervention in Young Children

This course will provide an overview of occupational therapy in pediatrics, emphasizing the child from birth to five years of age and their families in the context of the environment, and culture. It will also present occupational therapy theories, assessments, and treatment processes as they pertain to current pediatric practice. This course will also analyze the predominant models of current practice and integrate effective treatment interventions. Abnormal development, acute and chronic medical conditions, and their resulting effects on the central nervous system, orthopedic and musculoskeletal systems will be addressed. Students will select occupation-based activities while adapting age and developmentally appropriate evaluations and treatment intervention strategies. The course material will utilize principles and methods of evaluation to include clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and evidence-based practices. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 623: Assessment and Intervention in School-Based Practice

This course presents occupational therapy theories, assessments, and treatment processes as they pertain to current pediatric practice for children and adolescents in the school-based setting. The predominant models of current pediatric practice with evidence-based treatment interventions are introduced to the student. Emphasized in the course are abnormal development, acute and chronic medical conditions and their resulting effects on the central nervous system, orthopedic and musculoskeletal systems. The course also reviews major causes of disability, the etiology and prognosis and the impact on the family system and cultural implications. Students learn to select and adapt age and developmental stage appropriate evaluation and treatment intervention strategies. Finally, the students will learn how to analyze occupation-based activities for school aged individuals. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 624: Assessment and Intervention in Substance Abuse Treatment

This course addresses the physiological, sociological, and psychological effects of substance abuse on the abuser and his/her environment. Drug classifications will be presented, along with effects and withdrawal symptoms. Treatment models, philosophies, and methods are discussed. Students will learn how to design both individual and group interventions. The occupational therapist's role in the evaluation and treatment of substance abuse across the life-span and across disabilities will be explored and discussed in detail. The use of 12-step programs and alternative treatment models will be reviewed, as will prevention programs, such as smoking cessation. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 625: Physical Agent Modalities

This course presents physical agent modalities utilized as an adjunct to occupational therapy treatment. Modalities include therapeutic applications of thermotherapy, cryotherapy, ultrasound, paraffin, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and functional electrical stimulation (FES). The student will have the opportunity to practice the application of each modality on their peers. The physiological effects of physical agent modalities and their clinical uses and precautions/contraindications are addressed. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

1 credit,

HAO 626: Assessment and Intervention of the Older Adult

This course focuses on the role of occupational therapy with older adults in a variety of rehabilitative settings (inpatient, short term rehabilitation, home care, and outpatient), long-term care, community-based programs (health and wellness, fall prevention), alternative housing environments, and hospice. The aging process and its effects are explored, as are common impairments and rehabilitation needs of elders. Students also learn psychosocial and environmental influences on the heterogeneous aging experience of elders, with attention to supporting autonomy and the older person's strengths in any context. Course lectures and activities address evidence-based practice, policy, and legislative issues that affect older adults, with topics including interpersonal relationships, assistive devices and equipment, community mobility, and aging in place. Applying this knowledge, students will develop and demonstrate entry-level skills in evaluation, treatment planning and delivery, documentation, and discharge planning (including collaborative client and family education) of older adults. Finally, this course is designed with laboratory sessions to provide students with varied opportunities to demonstrate knowledge to enhance the occupational participation, performance, and quality of life of older persons. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 627: Technological Applications in Occupational Therapy

The course centers on adapting the environment to improve the client's quality of life and enable societal reintegration. Areas covered include the Americans with Disabilities Act, mobility (power and manual), seating/positioning systems, adapted toys, augmentative communication systems, computer access, environmental control units, independent living aids, and vocational adaptations. The students analyze and integrate concepts of aging in place, functional capacity evaluations, and ergonomics. In addition, the students will be exposed to the different kinds of work settings that occupational therapists are employed in, become aware of federal regulations for work-related programs, and the certification requirements for this emerging practice area. The course material will include virtual environments, electronic medical records and telehealth technology as it relates to assistive technology, Functional Capacity Evaluations (FEC), aging in place, and work programs. Practical application of the principles discussed in lecture will be available during the course. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 628: Contemporary and Emerging Practices in Occupational Therapy

The course explores the delivery of occupational therapy services in emerging areas of practice. It provides students with knowledge of alternative models of service delivery and occupational therapy roles in care coordination, consulting, and case management. Students will learn about and discuss interprofessional role development and delineation. Further, they will build on their prior knowledge of the scope of occupational therapy to gain an understanding of ethical practice, malpractice and liability concerns, insurance reimbursement, and licensure statutes related to emerging practice areas. Students will participate in the process of identifying opportunities for occupational therapy's expansion via contemporary, nontraditional, and emerging practice areas, and will explore opportunities for their advanced doctoral capstone experiences. This course will prepare students to communicate and advocate for occupational therapy practice via various mechanisms and across audiences including potential funders, policy makers, the local/regional public, and interprofessional colleagues. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 629: Wellness and Health Promotion in Occupational Therapy

This course discusses the role of occupational therapy in wellness and health promotion. Students examine theories and evidence-based occupational therapy practice of health promotion and disease prevention for well and at-risk populations. Also explored is how occupation and lifestyle impact wellness, health, participation, and the prevention of disease and dysfunction in individuals, groups, and populations. Models of health promotion will be discussed and applied to demonstrate knowledge of how environmental contexts and epidemiological factors impact population health and welfare. This course prepares students to design and evaluate health promotion and wellness programs and to advocate for health promotion and wellness in their future practice settings and their own lives. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

3 credits,

HAO 630: Global to Community Practice in Occupational Therapy

This course presents the importance of occupation as a precursor to health, and of occupational therapy as a health promoting profession. Theories and applications of occupational science will be examined through a review of the professional literature and class discussion. This course provides students with an occupational perspective of health that will be the foundation for a community-based practice program. The course will also review social theories, sociocultural and socio-political trends that impact the individual's health status and the delivery of health care services. The student will demonstrate their depth of understanding through the design and presentation of an evidence-based, theoretically grounded, culturally, and temporally situated, community program. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 631: Professional Behaviors

In this course, the students work on documentation and communication skills for entry-level practice. Each student has the opportunity to discuss professional behavior expectations from their clinical fieldwork assignments. Reflective journaling is used to enhance professional development and to assist students in developing and documenting their clinical competence. The supervisory process is explored in detail, in the context of its use for personal and professional growth. The role of the occupational therapy assistant and other healthcare professionals, as both colleagues and collaborators, is discussed. The importance of life-long learning and advocacy is emphasized. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 650: Evidence Based Practice in Occupational Therapy

This course will provide students with knowledge on how to conduct literature searches, collect and analyze information to address a well-developed, clear, specific, answerable clinical question as the first step in the development of evidence-based practice. The students will use the literature to identify, assess, and discuss the value of implementing the treatment evidence. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 651: Introduction to Research Approaches and Designs

This course provides a foundation for future professional and scholarly activities. The importance of research for evidence-based practice is highlighted. Students learn research concepts and qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research. Instruction in how to review and critique published, peer- reviewed research, identify research topics of interest, and initiate the literature review process is presented to the student. Tools needed to critique commonly used assessment tools in occupational therapy and to use and interpret standardized scores are included in the course. Students are required to have training in research ethics, such as "Responsible Conduct of Research" and "Protection of Human Subjects in Research". Professional writing skills, which include writing grant proposals, research protocol development, and research presentations are also introduced in this course. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 652: Statistics in Occupational Therapy Research

Presents fundamentals of statistics and data analysis. Topics include descriptive statistics, statistical inference, tests for experimental comparisons, correlation, regression, and nonparametric tests. Students learn to use available computer programs for data management and statistical analysis. Discusses validity and reliability of various statistical techniques. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 660: Healthcare Policy & Advocacy in Occupational Therapy

This course provides students with an overview of trends in health care delivery systems and policymaking in the 21st century. A range of topics is included: health care systems; health policy and advocacy; outpatient and primary care; long-term care; medical technology; determinants of health and health disparities; and health services for special populations, among other current topics. The student will evaluate the human impact of health care policy and articulate the need for and process of advocacy for populations and individual clients. In addition, the student will examine and articulate the distinct value of occupational therapy within the changing healthcare system and understand how occupational therapy functions within different funding mechanisms. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 661: Management and Business Fundamentals in Occupational Therapy

This course is designed to utilize lectures and activities to assist the learner in creating a business plan for an OT service. In the course of this process the student will learn skills involved in setting up a business, being a manager of people, budgets, and services, using evidence to guide management, and how to manage for change. This is a hybrid course that will consist of both online coursework, lectures and discussions along with on-site activities. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 662: Visionary Leadership in Emerging Practice

This course explores innovative, non-traditional and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice. Students meet and dialog with occupational therapy practitioners and/or other health care professionals who have developed private practices, are consultants, and are involved in emerging areas of practice. Students use timely articles concerning health care trends and non-traditional/emerging practice areas to create a potential IPE event for a community. Builds upon student's prior knowledge and coursework and integrates American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)'s Standards of Practice, Core Values and Attitudes of OT, and AOTA's Code of Ethics, with attention to current and potential OT/OTA partnerships in community and non-traditional settings. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 680: FW IA- Mental Health

This course is the first of three introductory level I clinical experiences and offers the student the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions, and formulate treatment plans in a psychosocial practice setting. In addition, the student will have opportunities to observe effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. This course will also promote the development of professional behaviors and skills by the student. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

1 credit,

HAO 681: Fieldwork IB- Physical Disabilities

The course is the second of three introductory level clinical experiences. It offers the student the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions and formulate treatment plans in a physical disabilities practice setting. The student will be exposed to effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. The use of reflective journals to monitor development of professional behaviors and skills will enhance the students' growth. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

1 credit,

HAO 682: Fieldwork IC- Pediatrics

This course is the third of three introductory level clinical experiences and offers the student the opportunity to identify symptomatology, observe treatment interventions, and formulate treatment plans in a pediatric practice setting. In addition, the student will have opportunities to observe effective communication skills used with patients and professionals. This course will also promote the development of professional behaviors and skills by the student. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

1 credit,

HAO 683: Fieldwork IIA

Fieldwork IIA is an in-depth clinical experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services. According to AOTA guidelines, this fieldwork is designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice; transmit values and beliefs that enable the application of ethics related to the profession; enable the student to communicate and model professionalism as a developmental process and career responsibility; and develop and expand a repertoire of occupational therapy assessments and interventions related to human occupation and performance. This is the first of two-level II fieldwork experiences that expose the student to a variety of clinical conditions in a specific practice area for 12 weeks on a full-time basis. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

12 credits,

HAO 684: Fieldwork IIB

Fieldwork IIB is an in-depth clinical experience in the delivery of occupational therapy services. According to AOTA guidelines, this fieldwork is designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice; transmit values and beliefs that enable the application of ethics related to the profession; enable the student to communicate and model professionalism as a developmental process and career responsibility; and develop and expand a repertoire of occupational therapy assessments and interventions related to human occupation and performance. This is the second of two-Level II fieldwork experiences that expose the student to a variety of clinical conditions in a specific practice area for 12 weeks on a full-time basis. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

12 credits,

HAO 690: Capstone Project Proposal

This course is the first of the capstone sequence and will prepare students for their Capstone Residency and Project. Students will explore their interest area(s) for their residency and identify relevant projects. Students will create a plan for development of their capstone with clear learning objectives that demonstrate a focus on in-depth knowledge. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,

HAO 691: Capstone Residency

The full-time, 14-week doctoral capstone experience is the second course in the doctoral capstone sequence. The capstone residency enables students to achieve specialized skills in one or more of the following areas: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and/or policy development, advocacy, education, theory development, or other innovative practice. Under the supervision of an expert mentor, students will execute their doctoral capstone plan established in HAO 690 by meeting the individualized objectives and completing a relevant culminating capstone project. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

14 credits,

HAO 692: Capstone Project Completion and Dissemination

This course will conclude the occupational therapy doctoral capstone sequence. Students will complete, present, and disseminate their capstone projects. Prerequisites: All prior coursework must be completed

2 credits,