Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
EXT: Externships
EXT 588: Grad Externship
An externship is a form of experiential learning in which knowledge gained in classes is applied to an authentic, real-world setting. With guidance from a faculty sponsor, each student sets learning goals and works with a site supervisor to create a mutually beneficial experience. During the semester, externs reflect upon their learning experience through journaling. An externship also provides opportunity for personal and professional growth, and increased understanding of a career field from the insider perspective. Prerequisite: Only matriculated SBU students may enroll in EXT. Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 with at least G1 standing and at least one semester of graduate school completed at Stony Brook University; acceptance by a faculty sponsor and permission of the Career Center
0-3 credits,
May be repeated 1 times FOR credit.