Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

AAS (Asian & Asian American Studies)
ACC (Accounting)
AFH (Africana Studies/Humanities)
AFS (Africana Studies/Social and Behavioral Sciences)
AMS (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)
ANT (Anthropology, Cultural and Archaeology)
ARH (Art History)
ARS (Art, Studio)
BCB (Biochemistry and Cell Biology)
BDA (Decision Analytics)
BEE (Ecology and Evolution)
BGE (Genetics)
BIO (Biology)
BME (Biomedical Engineering)
BMI (Biomedical Informatics)
BNB (Neurobiology and Behavior)
BSB (Biochemistry and Structural Biology)
BUS (Business Management)
CAR (Career Development)
CHE (Chemistry)
CHI (Chinese Language)
CIV (Civil Engineering)
CLT (Comparative Literature)
CME (Chemical and Molecular Engineering)
COM (Communication)
CONSTRM (Consortium Agreement)
CSE (Computer Science)
CSM (Center for Science and Mathematics Education)
CST (Cultural Studies)
CWL (Creative Writing and Literature)
DAN (Dance)
DCS (Data and Computational Science)
DPA (Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences)
ECO (Economics)
EGL (English)
EHM (Environmental Humanities)
EMP (Engineering Management)
ESE (Electrical Engineering)
ESL (English as Second Language)
ESM (Materials Science)
ESS (Earth and Space Sciences)
EST (Technology and Society)
EUR (European Studies)
EXT (Externships)
FIN (Finance)
FLA (Foreign Language Teacher Preparation)
FLM (Film)
FRN (French)
FSY (Study Abroad)
GEO (Geosciences)
GER (Germanic Languages and Literature)
GRD (The Graduate School)
GSS (Geospatial Science)
HAD (Clinical Laboratory Sciences)
HAL (Athletic Training)
HAO (Occupational Therapy)
HAP (Physician Assistant)
HAS (Allied Health)
HAX (Health and Rehabilitation Sciences)
HAY (Physical Therapy)
HBA (Anatomical Sciences)
HBC (Biochemistry)
HBH (Pharmacology)
HBI (Radiation Oncology)
HBM (Molecular Genetics and Microbiology)
HBP (Pathology)
HBY (Physiology and Biophysics)
HCB (Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care & Bioethics)
HDO (Oral Biology and Pathology)
HDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
HHA (Applied Health Informatics)
HHM (Medical Molecular Biology)
HHS (Speech-Language Pathology)
HIS (History)
HMP (Psychiatry)
HND (Nursing (D.N.P.))
HNG (Nursing Master and Post Master's Certificate)
HNH (Nursing Leadership)
HPA (Health Administration)
HPD (Population Health and Clinical Outcomes Research)
HPH (Public Health)
HSC (HSC Introduction and Electives)
HWC (Social Work)
IAP (International Academic Programs)
IDC (Inter-University Doctoral Consortium)
ISE (Information Systems)
ITL (Italian)
JPN (Japanese Language)
JRN (Journalism)
KOR (Korean)
LAT (Latin)
LIN (Linguistics)
MAE (Mathematics Teacher Preparation)
MAR (Marine Sciences)
MAT (Mathematics)
MBA (Business Administration)
MCB (Molecular and Cellular Biology)
MCR (Clinical Investigation)
MEC (Mechanical Engineering)
MGT (Harriman School)
MKT (Marketing)
MST (Medical Scientist Training Program)
MUS (Music)
NEU (Neuroscience)
NUR (Nursing)
OAE (Oral Academic English)
PHI (Philosophy)
PHY (Physics)
POL (Political Science)
POR (Portuguese)
PSY (Psychology)
RUS (Russian Language and Literature)
SCI (Science Teacher Preparation)
SLV (Slavic Languages and Literature)
SOC (Sociology)
SPN (Hispanic Languages and Literature)
SUS (Sustainability Studies)
TAF (Theatre)
THR (Theatre Arts)
TMP (Technology Management Prog)
VIP (Vertically Integrated Projects)
WNS (Women's Studies:Social Sciences)
WRT (Writing)
WST (Women's Studies)