Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Affiliated Faculty
Broselow, Ellen. Linguistics. PhD, 1976, University of Massachusetts-Amherst: Phonology, phonetics, second language acquisition.
Davidson, Cynthia. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 2000, University of Illinois at Chicago: Rhetoric and digital media.
Dunn, Patricia. English. PhD, 1991, The University at Albany: Composition and rhetoric, English education, disability studies.
Hammond, Eugene. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 1977, Yale University: Composition and rhetoric; history of rhetorical theory, Jonathan Swift.
Khost, Peter. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 2011, CUNY Graduate Center: Teaching writing and teaching literature, political implications of teaching writing, humanitarianism.
Lindblom, Kenneth. English. Director of the English Teacher Education Program. PhD, 1996, Syracuse University: English education; theory, history, and practice of composition-rhetoric; discourse pragmatics.
Lucenko, Kristina. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 2009, University at Buffalo: Women’s writing, feminism, life narrative, service learning.
Martinez-Pizarro, Joaquin. English. PhD, 1976, Harvard University: Literary history of the Middle Ages, classical and medieval backgrounds, comparative studies.
Pfeiffer, Douglas. English. PhD, 2005, Columbia University: Renaissance humanism, history of literary and rhetorical theory.
Sharma, Shyam. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 2012, University of Louisville: Writing in the disciplines, English as a second language.
Thompson, Roger. Writing and Rhetoric. PhD, 2000, Texas Christian: Rhetorical theory, history of rhetorical theory, writing about war experience, veterans issues, trauma.