Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Faculty of Sociology Department
Desai, Manisha, Ph.D., 1990, Washington University: Gender and globalization; transnational feminisms; women’s human rights; global climate justice movements; contemporary Indian society.
Fallon, Kathleen, Ph.D., 2002, Indiana University: Global sociology; gender and development; political sociology; social movements; health.
Fleming, Crystal, Ph.D., 2011, Harvard University: Cultural sociology; race; racial and ethnic relations.
Levy, Daniel, Ph.D., 1999, Columbia University: Political sociology; comparative/historical sociology; global sociology; memory studies.
Oyewumi, Oyeronke, Ph.D., 1993, University of California, Berkeley: Gender; race; family; culture; knowledge; social inequalities; globalization.
Shandra, John, Ph.D., 2005, Boston College: Quantitative methods; environmental sociology; political economy.
Associate Professors
Burroway, Rebekah, Ph.D., 2011, Duke University: Global health; women's rights and empowerment; inequality; international development; beauty and the body.
Heerwig, Jennifer, Ph.D., 2013, New York University: Political sociology; elites; public opinion; quantitative methods; computational sociology.
Jones, Jason, Ph.D., 2011, University of California, San Diego: Computational social science; social networks; political behavior.
Moran, Timothy, Ph.D., 2000, University of Maryland: Social inequality; global political economy; contentious collective action; quantitative methods.
Shandra, Carrie Ph.D., 2009, Brown University: Disabilities; gender; work and occupations; families and households; quantitative methodology
Shorette, Kristen, Ph.D., 2013, University of California - Irvine: Global and transnational sociology; environmental sociology; economic sociology; health; human rights; culture; political economy.
Wilson, Nicholas Hoover, Ph.D., 2012, University of California - Berkeley: Theory; comparative and historical methods; culture; empire and imperialism; sociology of morality; sociology of knowledge.
Assistant Professors
Bascuñan-Wiley, Nicholas, PhD., 2024, Northwestern University: Global migration; Middle East and North Africa; critical qualitative inquiry.
Lu, Wan-Zi, PhD., 2021, University of Chicago: Medical sociology; comparative-historical analysis; political economy; global health; culture.
Zhang, Yongjun, Ph.D., 2020, University of Arizona: Political sociology; organizational behavior; social networks; computational social science.
Advanced Senior Lecturer
Marrone, Catherine, Ph.D., 1995, Stony Brook University: Medical sociology; gender; work and professions; sociology of human reproduction; sociology of aging.
Affiliated Appointment
Al-Garbi, Musa, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., 2023, Columbia University: Political economy of knowledge production; the social life of scholarly and journalistic outputs.
Gootenberg, Paul, Professor, Ph.D., 1985, University of Chicago: Modern Latin America; drug and commodity history; Andes; Mexico; historical social science.
Hiemstra, Nancy, Associate Professor, Ph.D., 2011, Syracuse University: Global migration; immigration enforcement practices; detention and deportation; homeland security; borders; gender; race; Latin America; feminist epistemology and methodologies.
Jones, Angela, Professor, Ph.D., 2010, New School for Social Research: Sex work; race; gender; sexuality; feminist theory; Black feminisms; queer and feminist methodologies; African American political thought and protest.
Rosenthal, Naomi, Visiting Professor, Ph.D., 1978, Stony Brook University: Social movements, gender, historical sociology, culture.