Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Faculty of Psychology Department
Distinguished Professors
Goldfried, Marvin, Ph.D., 1961, University at Buffalo: Psychotherapy integration; Gay/lesbian/bisexual issues. Clinical Program
Klein, Daniel N., Ph.D., 1983, University at Buffalo: Mood disorders in youth and adults; temperament and personality development. Clinical Program
O’Leary, K. Daniel, Ph.D., 1967, University of Illinois: Etiology, prevention, and treatment of psychological and physical aggression in intimate relationships; multivariate models (biological, psychological, and social) of intimate partner aggression; the bidirectional role of marital problems and depression; marital and dyad based treatments for clinical depression; prevalence and correlates of intense love. Clinical Program
Rajaram, Suparna, Ph.D., 1991, Rice University: Social Memory and Cognition; social transmission of memory; collaborative remembering and collective memory; social memory and aging; learning and education; social and nonsocial scaffolding of knowledge representation; emotion and memory; human memory and amnesia; implicit and explicit memory distinctions. Cognitive Science Program
Samuel, Arthur G., Ph.D., 1979, University of California, San Diego: Perception, psycholinguistics, and attention; perception of speech as a domain of study in cognitive psychology; spatial and temporal properties of visual attention. Cognitive Science Program
Anderson, Brenda J., Ph.D., 1993, University of Illinois: Rodent models of the effects of exercise and stress on brain structure, metabolism, and function. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Aron, Arthur, Research Professor, Ph.D., 1970, University of Toronto, Canada: Motivation and cognition in close relationships; intergroup relations; social neuroscience. Social and Health Program
Brennan, Susan E., Ph.D., 1990, Stanford University: Language production and comprehension in spoken dialogue; multimodal communication; speech disfluencies; human/computer interaction; computational linguistics; eye gaze as a measure of language processing and as a cue in conversation. Cognitive Science Program
Canli, Turhan, Ph.D., 1993, Yale University: The genetic and neural basis of personality and emotion. Integrative Neuroscience Program, Director of the SCAN Center. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Davila, Joanne, Chair, Ph.D., 1993, University of California, Los Angeles: Development and course of interpersonal functioning and psychopathology (especially depression) among adolescents and adults; Romantic competence among adolescents and adults; Romantic relationship education for adolescents and young adults; Well-being among LGBT individuals. Clinical Program
Gerrig, Richard, Ph.D., 1984, Stanford University: Psycholinguistics; text understanding and representation; nonconventional language; cognitive experiences of narrative worlds. Cognitive Science Program
Lejuez , Carl W., PhD. 2001, West Virginia University: Intersection of psychological science and treatment development/implementation; addiction, personality pathology and mood disorders.
Leung, Hoi-Chung, Ph.D., 1997, Northwestern University: Prefrontal and parietal function in human cognition; neural mechanisms underlying information processing and response control; FMRI applications in cognitive neuroscience. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Levy, Sheri, Ph.D., 1998, Columbia University, Ageism and aging; Prejudice and stigma; beliefs systems and intergroup relations; role models; social identity and transitions; student engagement in STEM fields. Social and Health Program
Lobel, Marci, Ph.D., 1989, University of California, Los Angeles: Stress, coping, and physical health; psychosocial factors in pregnancy, birth, and reproduction; social comparison processes. Social and Health Program
London, Bonita, Ph.D., 2006, Columbia University: Social identity and intergroup processes; stereotyping and prejudice; academic achievement. Social and Health Program
Mohanty, Aprajita, Ph.D., 2011, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign: Neural mechanisms of emotion-cognition interactions; effect of emotion on perception and working-memory in anxiety and schizophrenia; using pattern information in fMRI and computational modeling to study perception and emotion. Clinical Program
Moyer, Anne, Ph.D. 1995, Yale University: Psychosocial issues surrounding cancer risk: research synthesis and research methodology. Social and Health Program
O’Leary, Susan G., Emerita, Ph.D., 1972, Stony Brook University: Theoretical and applied research on discipline practices in the home; prevention and early intervention vis-a-vis oppositional and conduct-disordered children. Clinical Program
Raz, Naftali, Ph.D., 1985, University of Texas at Austin: Human brain aging; age-related changes in cognition; metabolic, vascular and inflammatory risk factors in aging; life-span development of the brain and cognition. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Squires, Nancy K., Emerita, Ph.D., 1972, University of California, San Diego: Neuropsychology; neurophysiological measures of sensory and cognitive functions of the human brain, both in normal and clinical populations. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Vivian, Dina, Clinical Professor and Director, Psychology Center, Ph.D., 1986, Stony Brook University: Marital therapy; communication skills in maritally discordant couples; communication and problem solving in physically abusive couples; cognitive and affective processes in physically abusive and maritally discordant couples. Clinical Program
Waters, Everett, Emeritus, Ph.D., 1977, University of Minnesota: Social and personality development; parent-child and adult-adult attachment relationships. Social and Health Program
Waters, Harriet Salatas, Emerita, Ph.D., 1976, University of Minnesota: Cognitive development (comprehension and production of prose; memory and problem solving) and social cognition (mental representations of early social experiences, construction and socialization processes). Social and Health Program
Whitaker-Azmitia, Patricia, Emerita, Ph.D., 1979, University of Toronto: Animal models of autism and Down syndrome; serotonin and its role in brain development. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Wortman, Camille, Emerita, Ph.D., 1972, Duke University: Reactions to stressful life experiences; the role of social support and coping strategies in ameliorating the impact of life stress; predictors of good psychological adjustment among those who experience major losses, including bereavement and serious injury; others’ reactions to those who experience life crisis. Social and Health Program
Zelinsky, Gregory, Ph.D., 1994, Brown University: Visual attention, eye movements, and visual working memory; Object category representation and detection; Object and proto-object image segmentation; Neurocomputational and deep neural network models of attention and fixation prediction. Cognitive Science Program
Associate Professors
Bernard, Kristin, Ph.D., 2013, University of Delaware: Child maltreatment; neurobiological consequences of early life adversity; parent-child relationships; early parenting interventions; psychobiology of parenting and attachment. Clinical Program
Eaton, Nicholas, Director of the Clinical Training Program, Ph.D., 2012, University of Minnesota: Classification and structure of psychopathology, personality, and other constructs; sexual orientation, gender diversity, and LGBT issues; quantitative methods and psychometrics; human sexuality; individual/group differences and mental health. Clinical Program
Franklin, Nancy, Emerita, Ph.D., 1989, Stanford University: Memory, particularly false memory, eyewitness memory, and the relationship between emotion and cognition. In addition to collaborating on research projects in the lab, interested students have the opportunity to train as expert witnesses within the criminal justice system. Cognitive Science Program
Freitas, Antonio L, Ph.D., 2002, Yale University: Social cognition, motivation, self-regulation. Social and Health Program
Lerner, Matthew, Ph.D., 2013, University of Virginia: Models of social competence & deficits in youth; social competency interventions for developmental disorders (e.g. Autism Spectrum Disorders & Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder); therapeutic process variables (mediators and moderators of outcomes); peer relations and their impact on developmental psychopathology. Clinical Program
Luhmann, Christian, Ph.D., 2006, Vanderbilt University: High-level cognition; causal and associative learning, probabilistic reasoning, economic and perceptual decision making, neuroimaging and computational modeling. Cognitive Science Program
Mohanty, Aprajita, Ph.D., 2011, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign: Neural mechanisms of emotion-cognition interactions; effect of emotion on perception and working-memory in anxiety and schizophrenia; using pattern information in fMRI and computational modeling to study perception and emotion. Clinical Program
Parsons, Ryan, Ph.D., 2008, Co-Director of the Integrative Neuroscience Program, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Neurobiology of learning and memory; memory consolidation; fear extinction; anxiety; neural plasticity. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Scott, Stacey B., Ph.D., 2009, University of Notre Dame: Stress, emotions, health, lifespan development, longitudinal and intensive measurement designs and analysis. Social and Health Program
Assistant Professors
Chen, Xi, Ph.D., 2019, University of Texas at Dallas: Individual differences in cognitive aging; Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers; successful aging; memory; socioeconomic status and cognitive health disparities; multi-modal neuroimaging. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Nelson, Brady, Ph.D., 2013, University of Illinois-Chicago., Emotional and motivational mechanisms of anxiety disorders and depression; developmental psychopathology; EEG; fMRI; reward sensitivity; startle reflex; uncertainty and unpredictability. Clinical Program
Richmond, Lauren, Ph.D., 2013, Temple University: Cognitive aging; everyday cognition; individual differences in executive functioning; intervention. Cognitive Science Program
Schleider, Jessica L., Ph.D., 2018, Harvard University: Intervention science, developmental psychopathology, treatment and prevention of adolescent depression and anxiety, family processes, mechanisms of treatment change, brief interventions. Clinical Program
Bolger, Joy, Ed.D., 2022, Johns Hopkins University: Substance use disorders and addiction; neuroscience-based prevention education, stigma, and recovery.
Biegon, Anat, Professor, Neurology, Neurosciences Institute, Ph.D., 1980, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel: Brain response to traumatic, ischemic or inflammatory insults. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Brown, Stephanie L., Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Ph.D., 1999, Arizona State University. Altruism, prosocial behavior, and health; compassion neuroscience; hormones and behavior; evolutionary constraints on social relationships and the "caregiving system". Social and Health Program
Caprariello, Peter, Associate Professor, Marketing, College of Business, Ph.D., 2012, University of Rochester. Consumer relationship processes; how consumers spend money pursuing happiness. Social and Health Program
Crowell, Judith A., Professor, Psychiatry: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, M.D., 1978, University of Vermont: The attachment system across the life span; parent-child and adult-adult interactions. Social and Health Program
DeRosse, Pamela, Ph.D., 2007, The Graduate Center, CUNY: Risk and resilience factors for schizophrenia spectrum disorders; schizotypy; subclinical psychosis.
Fontanini, Alfredo, Professor and Chair, Neurobiology and Behavior, M.D., Ph.D., Brescia University: Neural basis for rich perceptual experiences; how populations of cortical neurons process the multiple physical and psychological dimensions of taste. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Huffman, Marie K., Associate Professor, Linguistics, Ph.D., 1989, University of California, Los Angeles: Phonetics; phonology. Cognitive Science Program
Hwang, Jiwon, Senior Lecturer, Asian and Asian American Studies, Ph.D., 2011, Stony Brook University: Linguistics, phonetics, phonology, Lecturer. Cognitive Science Program.
Hymowitz, Genna, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Ph.D., 2011, Stony Brook University: Cognitive biases and chronic medical conditions; biopsychosocial processes in obesity and obesity treatment; stress and gastrointestinal illness; interdisciplinary interventions for chronic illness. Clinical Program
Kritzer, Mary, Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, Ph.D., Yale University, 1989: Gonadal hormone influence over function and dysfunction in the cerebral cortex. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Kotov, Roman, Professor, Department of Psychiatry: Psychiatric Epidemiology. Ph.D., 2006, University of Iowa: Classification of mental illness; relationships between personality and psychopathology; clinical assessment. Clinical Program
Last, Briana, Ph.D., 2022, University of Pennsylvania: The social determinants of mental health; mental health services and policy research; implementation science; clinical decision-making; mental health workforce development; health equity; mixed methods; and community-based participatory research.
London, Manuel, Dean and Professor, College of Business and Center for Human Resource Management. Ph.D. 1974, Ohio State University: Organizational psychology; person perception applied to performance ratings, feedback, and performance management systems; group learning and team development; dispositional factors affecting involvement in social advocacy. Social and Health Program
Mahaffey, Brittain L., Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Ph.D., 2013 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Psychotherapy outcome research, anxiety and stress disorders and perinatal mental health. Social and Health Program
Moeller, Scott J., Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Ph.D., 2010, University of Michigan: Substance use disorders; neural mechanisms of impaired self-referential processing, decision-making, and self-monitoring of behavior; PET and fMRI multimodal imaging. Social and Health Program
Pepe, Nicholas, Ph.D., 2021, Stony Brook University, SUNY: Retrieval disruption; Part-list cuing; Collaborative memory; Collective memory; Cross-cultural deviations in cognition.
Pittarello, Andrea, Ph.D., 2014, University of Padova, Italy: Judgment and Decision-Making; Behavioral Economics; Ethics; Eye Movements
Pittinsky, Todd, Professor, Department of Technology and Society, Ph.D. 2001, Organizational Behavior, Harvard University: Positive intergroup relations in their ecosystem of society, technology, and policy; positive stereotypes; allophilia; intergroup leadership. Social and Health Program
Powers, Alice, Ph.D., 1969, Bryn Mawr College: Comparative and physiological psychology; brain and behavior of turtles, with the aim of understanding the evolutionary history of the mammalian brain; habituation and affective modification of the blink reflex in humans. Integrative Neuroscience Program
Van Snellenberg, Jared, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Ph.D., 2012, Columbia University, neural underpinnings of psychotic and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia and related disorders, using multimodal neuroimaging methods to measure brain activity and neurochemistry. Cognitive Science Program