Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Admission requirements of the Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science Doctoral Program admits only students who intend to complete the Ph.D., although students are eligible to receive the M.A. Applicants for admission to the Ph.D. program in political science must meet the following requirements:

A. Submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Test scores (verbal, quantitative, and analytic).

B. Prior training that includes basic work in at least two of the following:

            1. Political science

            2. Psychology

            3. Mathematics or statistics

            4. Economics or sociology

C. A bachelor’s degree with at least a B average in the major subject.

D. Three letters of recommendation from instructors or academic advisors.

E. In those cases where the departmental admissions committee deems it desirable, personal interviews with departmental representatives may be necessary.

Acceptance by both the Department of Political Science and the Graduate School is required.