Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Mathematics Department

The Department of Mathematics, in the College of Arts and Sciences, offers degree programs leading to the M.A. in Mathematics (Secondary Teacher Option), the M.A. in Mathematics, and the Ph.D. in Mathematics. The mathematics graduate program is currently ranked 16th in the world by Shanghai Rankings, ranked 26th in the US by the U.S. News, while U.S. News ranks the department 10th in the US in Topology and 5th in the US in Geometry.

The Department’s research and educational missions are considerably enhanced by its close collaboration with the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics and the Institute for Mathematical Sciences. While these two research institutes function as independent entities, their faculty members may, when appropriate, teach courses or supervise students under the department’s auspices.

Ph.D. Program (with Professional-Option M.A. Track)
The Mathematics Ph.D. program is internationally prominent and highly reputed, with a very selective admission process. The program prepares the students for a career in mathematical research and university teaching, while the skills learned enable many of the graduates to pursue highly successful careers in financial, software, and other industries.

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program may also choose to be considered for our Professional Option MA degree. By itself, a Master’s degree of this type qualifies the recipient for many careers, including teaching at the community-college level.

Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics 7-12
This is a 42-credit master's program, administered by the School of Professional Development, designed for students who already have a bachelors degree in mathematics or the equivalent, and who wish to teach mathematics in grades 7-12. Individuals interested in this program should refer to the School of Professional Development (SPD) online Bulletin:

Combined Bachelors/Masters (BS/MAT) in Teaching Mathematics 7-12
Individuals interested in this program should refer to the School of Professional Development (SPD) online Bulletin:

The M.A. Program: Secondary Teacher Option
The Secondary Teacher Option is a 30 credit two-year, part-time program designed for secondary school mathematics teachers who are seeking permanent certification. The nine required courses in the program are given in the evenings and in the summer on a rotating basis; each required course is offered at least once every two and a half years.