Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the M.A. Degree in Marine Conservation and Policy

In addition to the minimum Graduate School requirements, the following are required:

A. Skill Area Requirements - 9 courses in 6 different areas

  1. Marine Sciences: 2 courses, one of which has to be in a basic biological field
  2. Conservation: 2 courses, MAR 507 Marine Conservation Biology (req.), plus 1 elective
  3. Communications: 2 required courses: MAR 557 Case Study and Project Planning Seminar, and a Journalism or Communicating Science Course (JRN or COM designations as approved by the program)
  4. Policy/law/economics/management: 1 course
  5. Quantitative assessment: 1 course
  6. Field biology: 1 course

B. Capstone Project or Internship in Marine Conservation and Policy, MAR 589 or MAR 592 (6 credits required); can be completed during the summer session, or during academic year.

C. Students make an oral presentation of their Capstone Project or Internship and submit a project or internship report.


Requirements for the M.S. Degree in Marine, Atmospheric, and Sustainability Sciences

A. An overall B (3.0) average in the Core and Foundation courses with no grade lower than a C. Details of required coursework below;

B. The three Core courses MAR 527, MAR 591, MAR 543 and two semesters of either MAR 580 or SUS 580 seminars;

C. Two Foundation courses selected from the following: MAR 501, MAR 502, MAR 503, MAR 504, MAR 506, MAR 508, MAR 509, MAR 516, MAR 541, MAR 542, MAR 545, MAR 547, SUS 502;

D. Three Specialty courses (9 credits) selected from among all the regular MAR and SUS graduate courses excluding the Core and Foundation courses listed above except by permission, ‘seminar’ courses (MAR 519, MAR 584, MAR 585, MAR 603), courses specific to the M.A. program (MAR 556, MAR 557, MAR 589, MAR 592), and with no more than 3 credits of MAR 552 (Directed Study). Courses from outside SoMAS may also count toward this requirement with approval of the Advisory Committee and Graduate Programs Committee;

E. Six credits of MAR 590 Thesis Research;

F. Five additional credits of elective coursework;

G. Master’s research proposal due by end of first year, signed by advisor and two readers;

H. Oral presentation of thesis work;

I. Submission of approved thesis.

Requirements for Ph.D. Degree in Marine, Atmospheric, and Sustainability Sciences

In addition to the minimum Graduate School requirements, the following are required:

A. An overall B (3.0) average in the Core and Foundation courses with no grade lower than a C. Details of required coursework below;

B. The three Core courses MAR 527, MAR 591, MAR 543 and two semesters of either MAR 580 or SUS 580 seminars;

C. MAR 670 Teaching Practicum;

D. Three Foundation courses selected from the following: MAR 501, MAR 502, MAR 503, MAR 504, MAR 506, MAR 508, MAR 509, MAR 516, MAR 541, MAR 542, MAR 545, MAR 547, SUS 502;

E. Five Specialty (15 credits) courses selected from among all the regular MAR and SUS graduate courses excluding the Core and Foundation courses listed above except by permission, ‘seminar’ courses (MAR 519, MAR 584, MAR 585, MAR 603), courses specific to the M.A. program (MAR 556, MAR 557, MAR 589, MAR 592), and with no more than 3 credits of MAR 655 (Directed Study). Courses from outside SoMAS may also count toward this requirement with approval of the Advisory Committee and Graduate Programs Committee;

F. 10 credits of MAR 650 Dissertation Research;

G. 21 additional credits of elective coursework; ; the remaining 15 (for students entering with an M.S.) or 21 (for students entering without an M.S.) credits comprise additional elective coursework and/or research credits

H. Preliminary Examination: The primary purpose of the Preliminary Examination is to assess the student’s knowledge of his or her field and the student’s ability to relate his or her specific research interests to the broader field. The student must demonstrate a general knowledge of their discipline, including an understanding and ability to apply the current concepts of their field. Success on the examination implies the ability to use this information to address questions of a multidisciplinary nature;

I. Ph.D. degree dissertation proposal approved by a dissertation committee and successful oral qualifying examination;

J. 18 credits of MAR 699 Dissertation Research

K. Oral defense of dissertation

L. Submission of approved dissertation

Core Courses for the M.S. and Ph.D. in Marine, Atmospheric, and Sustainability Sciences

MAR 527: Current Issues in Global Climate Change (2 credits)

MAR 543: Critical Reading and Proposal Development (1 credit)

MAR 580: Oceans, Sustainability, and Atmospheres Colloquium (0 credits)

MAR 591: Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship and Professional Development (1 credit)

SUS 580: Research Seminar (0 credits)


Foundation Courses for the M.S. and Ph.D. in Marine, Atmospheric, and Sustainability Sciences (all three credits)

MAR 501: Physical Oceanography

MAR 502: Biological Oceanography

MAR 503: Chemical Oceanography

MAR 504: Statistics and Experimental Design

MAR 506: Geological Oceanography

MAR 508: Foundations Marine Science 1: Biogeochemical

MAR 509: Foundations Marine Science 2: Physics of Oceans, Atmos, Climate

MAR 516: Ecosystem Science for Fisheries Management

MAR 541: Foundations of Atmospheric Sciences I

MAR 542: Foundations of Atmospheric Sciences II

MAR 545: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

MAR 547: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I

SUS 502: Perspectives on Sustainability