Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Graduate Faculty

Distinguished Professors

Aller, Robert C., Ph.D., 1977, Yale University: Marine geochemistry; marine animal-sediment relations.

Cochran, J. Kirk, Ph.D., 1979, Yale University: Marine geochemistry; use of radionuclides as geochemical tracers; diagenesis of marine sediments.

Fisher, Nicholas S., Ph.D., 1974, State University of New York at Stony Brook: Marine biogeochemistry of metals; marine pollution; phytoplankton; herbivore interactions.

Gobler, Christopher, Ph.D., 1999, Stony Brook University: Phytoplankton; harmful algal blooms; estuarine ecology; aquatic biogeochemistry.

Shepson, Paul B., Ph.D., 1982, Penn State: Atmospheric chemistry in the Arctic, forests, and urban environments; GHG emission quantification.

Zhang, Minghua, Ph.D., 1987, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing: Atmospheric sciences; modeling of climate.

Distinguished Service Professors

Bowman, M.J., Ph.D., 1971, University of Saskatchewan, Canada: Coastal dynamics; oceanic fronts; productivity and physical processes.

Bokuniewicz, Henry J., Ph.D., 1976, Yale University: Near shore transport processes; coastal sedimentation; marine geophysics.


Allam, Bassem, Ph.D., 1998, University of Western Brittany, France: Diseases of shellfish.

Aller, Josephine Y., Ph.D., 1975, University of Southern California: Marine benthic ecology; invertebrate zoology; marine microbiology; biogeochemistry.

Cerrato, Robert M., Ph.D., 1980, Yale University: Benthic ecology; population and community dynamics; recolonization.

Chang, Edmund K.M., Ph.D., 1993, Princeton University: Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses climate dynamics; synoptic meteorology.

Chen, Yong, Ph.D., 1995, University of Toronto: Fisheries ecology; stock assessment; population dynamics; fisheries

Colle, Brian A., Ph.D., 1997, University of Washington: Synoptic meteorology; mesoscale numerical modeling and forecasting; coastal meteorology.

Frisk, Michael, Ph.D., 2004, University of Maryland: Biology, life history, and conservation of elasmobranches.

Hameed, Sultan, Ph.D., 1968, University of Manchester, England: Atmospheric sciences.

Khairoutdinov, Marat, Ph.D. 1997, University of Oklahoma: Climate modeling; high resolution cloud modeling; cloud microphysics; super parameterization; massively parallel super-computing; cloud parameterization.

Knopf, Daniel A., Ph.D., 2003, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland: Atmospheric chemistry; microphysics and chemistry of atmospheric aerosols; heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry and kinetics; instrument development.

Kollias, Pavlos, Ph.D. 2000, University of Miami: Radar applications for weather and climate research.

Lonsdale, Darcy J., Ph.D., 1979, University of Maryland: Zooplankton ecology with special interest in physiology; life history studies.

Lopez, Glenn R., Ph.D., 1976, Stony Brook University: Benthic ecology; animal-sediment interactions.

Mak, John E., Ph.D., 1992, University of California, San Diego (Scripps): Atmospheric chemistry and biosphere-atmosphere interactions; isotope geochemistry.

McElroy, Anne E., Ph.D., 1985, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute: Aquatic toxicity, fate and effects of organic contaminants.

Peterson, Bradley, Ph.D., 1998, University of South Alabama: Community ecology of seagrass dominated ecosystems.

Pikitch, Ellen, K. Ph.D., 1983, Indiana University: Fisheries science, conservation biology and marine policy.

Reed, Kevin, Ph.D., 2012, University of Michigan: Climate modeling; tropical cyclones; climate extremes; atmospheric dynamics.

Scranton, Mary I., Ph.D., 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Marine biogeochemistry; geochemistry of reduced gases; chemical cycling in anoxic systems.

Taylor, Gordon T., Ph.D., 1983, University of Southern California: Marine microbial ecology; microbial mediation of biogeochemical processes; biofouling.

Wang, Dong-Ping, Ph.D., 1975, University of Miami: Coastal ocean dynamics.

Wang, Zhien, Ph.D., 2020, University of Utah: Multi-sensor remote sensing of aerosol, cloud, and atmospheric boundary layer; airborne Raman lidar and Doppler lidar development and applications.

Warren, Joseph, Ph.D., 2001, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Acoustical oceanography; zooplankton behavior and ecology.

Associate Professors

Beaupré, Steven R., Ph.D., 2007, Global carbon cycle; isotope biogeochemistry; isotope reaction analyses.

Black, David E., Ph.D., 1998, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami: Paleoclimatology; paleoceanography; deep-sea sediments; marine micropaleontology.

Brownawell, Bruce J., Ph.D., 1986, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Biogeochemistry of organic pollutants in seawater and groundwater.

Collier, Jackie L., Ph.D., 1994, Stanford University: Phytoplankton physiology and ecology; freshwater and marine plankton; molecular microbial ecology.

Collins, Mary B., Ph.D., 2012, University of California, Santa Barbara: Environmental health; socio-environmental systems; environmental justice; industrial pollution modeling

Farhadzadeh, Ali, Ph.D., 2011, University of Delaware: Numerical and experimental modeling of storm surge and wave; sediment transport and nearshore morphology evolution; impacts of sea level rise and storm intensification on coastal infrastructure and communities.

Finn, Donovan, Ph.D., 2009, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Sustainable and resilient communities; climate change adaptation; long term disaster recovery.

French, Michael, Ph.D., 2012, University of Oklahoma: Supercell and tornado dynamics; Doppler weather radar applications; mesoscale meteorology.

Hamideh, Sara, Ph.D., 2015, Texas A&M University: Urban and regional sciences; hazard mitigation; post-disaster housing recovery; resilience planning.

Kim, Hyemi, Ph.D., 2008, Seoul National University: Low frequency climate variability; tropical meteorology; ocean-atmosphere interaction; prediction and predictability; tropical cyclone activity; extreme events.

Lwiza, Kamazima M.M., Ph.D., 1990, University of Wales: Structure and dynamics of shelf seas.

Taylor, David, Ph.D., 1994, University of Tennessee: Environmental humanities; natural history and nature writing; outreach/community engagement; Cuba Studies; environmental ethics.

Thorne, Lesley, Ph.D., 2010, Duke University: Bio-physical and trophic interactions in marine ecology; application of spatial analysis and landscape ecology techniques to marine conservation.

Volkenborn, Nils, Ph.D., 2005, University of Bremen, Germany: Sediment biogeochemistry; benthic ecology; animal-sediment relationships; benthic-pelagic coupling; environmental change and coastal ecosystem functioning.

Wehrmann, Laura, Ph.D., 2010, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany: Biogeochemistry; trace-metal cycling in marine environments; early diagenetic processes; geomicrobiology; deep biosphere.

Wilson, Robert E., Ph.D., 1973, Johns Hopkins University: Estuarine and coastal ocean dynamics.

Wolfe, Christopher, Ph.D., 2006, Oregon State University: Physical oceanography; large–scale circulation; theory and modeling.

Zhu, Qingzhi, Ph.D., 1997, Xiamen University, China: Biogeochemistry; environmental analytical chemistry; trace element sensors.

Assistant Professors

Gilbert, C., Ph.D., 2022, University of Connecticut: Science communication; climate communication; social science; public perception of science.

Jang, Sung-Gheel, Ph.D., 2005, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Coastal GIS; spatial data analytics; sustainable and resilient urban systems.

McClenachan, Giovanna M., Ph.D., 2016, Louisiana State University: Coastal ecology, socio-ecological response to disturbances, ecosystem and resilience shifts, GIS.

McSweeney, Jacqueline, Ph.D., 2017, Rutgers University: Sediment transport dynamics in Delaware Estuary.

Pochron, Sharon, Ph.D., 1999, University of New Mexico: Soil Health, Ecotoxicity, Glyphosate, Roundup, Microplastics, Earthworms, undergraduate STEM Education.

Price, Roy, Ph.D., 2008, University of South Florida: Cycling of elements in coastal marine environmental and hydrothermal vents.

Qiu, Minghao, Ph.D., 2021, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Climate change impacts on air pollution and health, air quality and health effects, climate and energy policy .

Yager, Karina, Ph.D., 2005, Yale University: Impacts of climate change in mountain environments.

Joint and Associate Faculty

Baines, Stephen, Ph.D., 1993, Yale University: Aquatic biogeochemistry of carbon and trace elements. Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolution

Huang, Guanyu, Ph.D., 2015, University of Alabama Huntsville: Satellite remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, environmental health, and environmental justice. Assistant Professor, Program in Public Health

Levinton, Jeffrey, PhD., 1971, Yale University: Marine ecology. Professor Ecology and Evolution

Lynch, Heather, Ph.D., 2006, Harvard University: Spaciotemporal dynamics of Antarctic penguins and development and application of statistics and mathematics to conversation biology. Professor, Ecology and Evolution

Padilla, Dianna, Ph.D., 1987, University of Alberta: Mollusc ecology; marine ecology; invasive species. Professor, Ecology and Evolution

Adjunct Faculty 

Curtis, Tobey, Ph.D., 2018, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: Fisheries science, marine policy, fish spatial ecology and movements.

Dheilley, Nolwenn M., PhD., 2010, Macquarie University, Australia: Evolution of host-parasite interactions, functional genomics.

Dvarskas, Anthony, Ph.D., 2007, University of Maryland, College Park: Environmental economics, ecosystem services and resilience of coastal ecosystems, economics of restoration, natural capital accounting.

Flagg, Charles, Ph.D., 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Structure and dynamics of coastal oceans.

Flood, Roger D., Ph.D., 1978, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Marine geology; sediment dynamics; continental margin sedimentation.

Liu, Ping, Ph.D., 1999, Chinese Academy of Sciences: Climate change, dynamics, and modeling.

McDonough, Carrie, Ph.D., 2017, University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography: Fate, transport, and bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in aquatic environments; human exposure to pollutants; high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Nye, Janet, Ph.D., 2008, University of Maryland: Fish ecology; climate variability; global environmental change; ecosystem-based management.

Oue, Mariko, Ph.D., 2010, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan: Atmospheric Sciences; Cloud and precipitation dynamics and microphysics using remote sensing measurements.

Pales-Espinosa, Emmanuelle, Ph.D., 1999, University of Nantes, France: Shellfish physiology; particle selection mechanisms in suspension feeding bivalves; algology.

Shipley, Oliver, Ph.D., 2020, Stony Brook University: Ecophysiology, food-webs, stable isotope biogeochemistry, movement ecology.

Venkatesan, Arjun K., Ph.D., 2013, Arizona State University: Contaminant fate & transport; organic contaminants; environmental analytical chemistry; physical-chemical treatment of water.