Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

HPEW Core Faculty 

William Chittick, Professor, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. Ph.D. 1974, Tehran University. Islamic philosophy and intellectual history. 

Allegra De Laurentiis, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy. Ph.D., 1982, University of Frankfurt, Germany. Nineteenth-century philosophy, especially Hegel; ancient Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle. 

Jeffrey Edwards, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy. Ph.D., 1987, Universität Marburg, Germany. Early modern European philosophy; Kant. 

Sachiko Murata, Professor, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. Ph.D., 1971,Tehran University. Islamic and far eastern thought. 

Andrew Nicholson, Associate Professor, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. Ph.D., 2005, University of Chicago. Indian philosophy and intellectual history. 

Associated Faculty 

Alan Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy. Ph.D., 2001, McGill University. German and ancient Greek philosophy; phenomenology; neo-Kantianism; Plato. 

Sung Bae Park, Professor (emeritus), Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. Ph.D. 1978, University of California / Berkeley. Buddhism, East Asian Philosophy and Religion. 

Andrew Platt, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy. Ph.D., 2010, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. History of 17th and 18th century philosophy; social-political philosophy; 

philosophy of religion.