Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Department of Oral Biology and Pathology Department
The Graduate Program in Oral Biology and Pathology, within the Health Sciences Center, offers a program of study and research leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The M.S. curriculum is of approximately two years’ duration and is particularly suited for those graduates interested in pursuing careers in the dental field as well as dental graduates who wish to obtain further basic science training before entering or while obtaining a clinical specialty. The Graduate Program in Oral Biology and Pathology is also of particular interest to industrial-based scientists seeking additional training and advanced degrees. While the Department is interested in all aspects of oral biology, active programs of research presently being conducted include the following: development, metabolism, control of the oral microflora on the teeth and various epithelial surfaces; pathogenesis of periodontitis and gingivitis; interrelationship between systemic and oral diseases; ultrastructure and metabolism of healthy and diseased periodontal tissues with an emphasis on remodeling and matrix metalloproteinases; biology of epithelial growth and differentiation; epithelial gene therapy; mechanisms of epidermal and oral carcinogenesis; wound repair; biology of skin and mucosal grafting; acquired and innate immunity; inflammation and fibrosis, salivary gland biology, mucosal immunology, stem cell biology, and cancer. Further details may be obtained from the graduate program director.