Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Geospatial Science
The Geospatial Science program supports the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing needs for a wide range of departments on the Stony Brook campuses. These tools are extensively used in the sciences (including geology, marine, environmental, anthropology, etc.), the social sciences (including sociology, political science, urban planning), in the corporate and non-profit world, public health, security, and disaster response. The program is design to give each student a firm foundation in Geospatial Science while allowing the flexibility to learn the tools needed for their chosen discipline.
The Advanced Graduate Geospatial Science (GSS) Certificate will allow graduate students and working professionals to advance their GIS knowledge and employment opportunities with an industry-recognized certificate. The program will require students to earn 15 credits in addition to holding a BA, BS, or graduate degree. The program courses will be offered in the traditional semester format and during summer sessions. The program offers fully online courses that are intended to allow full time students to remotely complete the certificate requirements in one year.