Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree in Geosciences

In addition to the minimum requirements set by The Graduate School:

Advancement to Ph.D. candidacy is gained after the successful completion of the Ph.D. preliminary examination. The examination is the culmination of an evaluative process that begins when the student arrives at Stony Brook. In particular, the faculty seek evidence of scientific creativity, originality, vigor, and flexibility, along with the basic background knowledge, skills, and critical faculties needed to carry out advanced independent research in the student’s chosen field.

A. Course Requirements
During their first semester, all students must enroll in GEO 500, Geosciences Research Seminar. In addition, all students must register for GEO 696, Geoscience Colloquium, and GEO 697, Geoscience Seminar, each semester, and GEO 600, Practicum in Teaching, at least once. All other course requirements are flexible and are determined in consultation with the student’s academic advisory committee. 

B. Research Projects
Each student carries out individual research projects with one or more faculty members, as part of the requirements leading up to the Ph.D. qualifying exam. The requirements for each of these projects are determined by the individual professors with whom the research is carried out. When working on such a project, students register for either GEO 590 or GEO 599 Research.

C. Ph.D. Preliminary Examination

Students must successfully pass the preliminary examination, which consists of the preparation and oral defense of a Ph.D. dissertation proposal. Procedural details are found in the Geosciences Graduate Handbook. 

The Ph.D. dissertation proposal specifies the scientific rationale for the proposed dissertation work, the relevant work done thus far, and the techniques and effort required to reach the research objective. The oral defense consists of a short public presentation of the dissertation proposal given by the student, after which there is a closed oral examination. When the graduate program director has been informed by the chairperson of the examination committee that the student has passed the Ph.D. preliminary examination, the department recommends to the Graduate School that the student be advanced to Ph.D. candidacy.

D. Teaching Requirement

All graduate students must satisfactorily complete GEO 600, Practicum in Teaching, at least once.

E. Dissertation

Students must prepare a dissertation document, satisfying the Graduate School and dissertation committee requirements. This document is the final culminating element of the doctoral degree and summarizes the original scientific research completed by the Ph.D. candidate. The nature, scope, and scientific content is determined at the discretion of the student, their advisor(s), and their Ph.D. dissertation defense committee.

F. Ph.D. Dissertation Oral Defense

The student makes a public presentation of the major results of their dissertation. The defense is followed by a closed session, during which the student is examined primarily, but not exclusively, on the dissertation topic. 

Requirements for the M.S. Degree with Thesis in Geosciences

The M.S. in Geosciences with thesis is typically a nonterminal degree completed by some students before seeking Ph.D. candidacy. In addition to the Graduate School minimum requirements, the MS degree in Geosciences (with thesis) must be completed within a period of three years after entry. There are no residence or language requirements. 

A. Course Requirements 

Students must successfully complete a program of 30 graduate credits, including a minimum of 18 credits in approved academic courses.
B. M.S. Thesis and Thesis Defense

The M.S. thesis is the document that summarizes the individual research carried out by the student, under faculty advisement. The document must satisfy Graduate School and the thesis committee requirements. The M.S. thesis defense consists of a short public presentation of the major results of the thesis. This is followed by a closed examination. Final acceptance of the thesis is indicated when all committee members have signed the thesis signature page. Students will register for GEO 590 or 599 while undertaking thesis research.

Requirements for the M.S. Degree with Concentration in Hydrogeology (Consult with the Geosciences Department before attempting to complete this concentration) 

The non-thesis M.S. with a concentration in Hydrogeology requires a total of 30 credits. Of these 30 credits, at least 21 credits must be from category A; category B (if a student is deficient in either writing or communication skills, computer programming, or statistics); and category C. There are no residence or language requirements.

Category A (4 courses for 12 credits)

•  GEO 515 Geohydrology

•  GEO 564/AMS 562 Numerical Hydrology

•  GEO 526 Low-Temperature Geochemistry

•  GEO 519 Geochemistry of Natural Waters

Category B (choice of one course for 3 credits, as determined by the program)

•  AMS 576 Statistical Methods for Social Scientists

•  EST 588 Technical Communication for Management and Engineering

Category C (up to three courses for 9 credits)

• GEO 573 Hydromechanical Behavior of Geomaterials

• GEO 521 Isotope and Trace Element Geology

• GEO 524/MAR 524 Organic Contaminant Hydrology

• EST 593 Risk Assessment

• EST 595 Principles of Environmental Systems Analysis

• EST 596 Simulation Models for Environmental Waste Management

• EST 597 Waste Management: Systems and Principles

• CEY 503 Environmental Law

• CEY 509 Man, Environment, and Health


In addition to formal coursework, the curriculum for the M.S. with concentration in Hydrogeology includes a minimum of six credits of research, either GEO 590 or GEO 599. This research is to be carried out over a period of two or more semesters, and will be designed through a mutual consultation between the student and one or more members of the participating faculty. The program of research will culminate in a written report to be approved by three designated faculty.

Requirements for the M.S. Degree with Concentration in Earth and Space Science

The non thesis M.S. with a concentration in Earth and Space Science requires a total of 31 credits. Of these 31 credits, 30 credits must be from courses with the ESS designator or other approved graduate courses in the fields of astronomy, atmospheric sciences or geosciences. Individual course programs will be developed for each student in consultation with the Earth Science education advisor based on the student’s academic background and intended goals.

All students are required to complete

• ESS 501 Foundations of Earth Science

• ESS 610 Capstone Project in Earth and Space Sciences

Requirements for the M.A.T. Degree in Earth Science

The Master of Arts in Teaching Earth Science leads to provisional certification for teaching earth science in secondary schools in New York State. It also prepares the student for the examination for permanent certification. There is no residence requirement. Students must complete at least one year of college-level study of a foreign language.

Students in the M.A.T. program must register through the School of Professional Development.

A. Formal Coursework

Students are required to complete with an average grade of B or higher 15 credits in earth science courses and 27 credits in pedagogical courses and teaching experience. The departmental M.A.T. advisor in consultation with the student will determine a set of earth science courses for the M.A.T. degree in Earth Science.

B. Recommendation of the Department for the M.A.T.

When all program requirements are completed, the departmental M.A.T. advisor will consult with the director of the Science Education Program to determine whether all state-mandated education courses have been completed. If they conclude that all requirements have been met, they will inform the associate dean of the School of Professional Development that the requirements for provisional certification have been fulfilled and recommend to the dean of the Graduate School that the M.A.T. degree should be granted.

C. Time Limit

Although full-time students can complete all requirements for the M.A.T. degree within three semesters, part-time students will require additional time to complete the degree requirements.