Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Faculty of Geosciences Department
Toll Professor
McLennan, Scott M., Ph.D., 1981, Australian National University: Geochemistry of sedimentary rocks; sedimentary petrology.
Weidner, Donald J., Ph.D., 1972, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Structure of the Earth’s interior as revealed by seismic waves and laboratory determinations of physical properties.
Distinguished Professors
Parise, John, Ph.D., 1980, James Cook University of North Queensland: Synthesis and characterization of zeolites for use as selective catalysts; characterization using normal X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques; investigation of crystallizing gels using small-angle neutron scattering; structural modeling of silicates.
Glotch, Timothy, Ph.D., 2004, Arizona State University: Planetary geology; remote sensing; Martian surface mineralogy.
Holt, William E., Graduate Program Director, Ph.D., 1989, University of Arizona: Seismotectonics; kinematics and dynamics of crust and mantle deformation; earthquake source parameter studies.
Li, Baosheng, Ph.D., 1996, SUNY Stony Brook: mineral physics, elasticity of minerals, high-pressure research.
Nekvasil, Hanna, Undergraduate Program Director, Ph.D., 1986, Pennsylvania State University: Experimental and thermodynamic investigations of mineral/melt equilibria in silicic magmas.
Phillips, Brian L., Department Chair, Ph.D., 1990, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Aqueous geochemistry, NMR spectroscopy, mineralogy and structural chemistry of silicates and other oxides.
Rasbury, E. Troy, Ph.D., 1998, Stony Brook University: Sedimentary geochemistry; geochronology; chronostratigraphy
Reeder, Richard J., Ph.D., 1980, University of California, Berkeley: Low-temperature geochemistry; mineralogy; crystal chemistry.
Rogers, Andrea Deanne, Ph.D., 2005, Arizona State University: Remote sensing; planetary surface processes; GIS.
Schoonen, Martin A.A., Ph.D., 1989, Pennsylvania State University: Kinetics and thermodynamics of low-temperature and hydrothermal water- rock interaction; theoretical geochemical modeling; geochemistry of natural waters.
Wen, Lianxing, Ph.D., 1998, California Institute of Technology: Mantle rheology and dynamics; seismic structures of the Earth’s mantle; new techniques for calculating viscous flow and seismic wave propagation
Associate Professors
Ehm, Lars, PhD., 2003, Christian--Albrechts University zu Kiel, Germany: crystallography
Henkes, Gregory A., Ph.D., 2014, The Johns Hopkins University: Stable isotope geochemistry, paleoclimatology, biogeochemistry
Hurowitz, Joel, Ph.D., 2006, Stony Brook University: Planetary geology, planetary exploration, Sedimentary geochemistry.
Assistant Professor
Frouin, Marine, Ph.D., 2014, University of Bordeaux: Geochronology, Luminescence Dating
Li, Qingyun, Ph.D., 2016, Washington University: Geochemistry, Environmental Science/Engineering
Shen, Weisen, Ph.D., 2014, University of Colorado Boulder: Seismic tomography
Liebermann, Robert C., Emeritus, Ph.D., 1969, Columbia University: Mineral physics; elastic and anelastic properties of rocks and minerals and their applications to the Earth’s interior.
Lindsley, Donald H., Emeritis, Ph.D., 1961, Johns Hopkins University: Application of phase equilibrium studies of silicate and oxide minerals to metamorphic and igneous petrology
Affiliated Faculty
Distinguished Professor
Aller, Robert C.1, Ph.D., 1977, Yale University: Marine geochemistry; early marine diagenesis
Distinguished Service Professor
Bokuniewicz, Henry J1., Ph.D., 1976, Yale University: Marine geophysics.
O’Leary, Maureen 2, Ph.D., 1997, Johns Hopkins: vertebrate paleontology, phylogenetic systematics, mammalian evolution.
Assistant Professor
Price, Roy1, Ph.D., 2008, University of South Florida: Geochemistry
Research Professors
Davis, Daniel M., Ph.D., 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Quantitative geophysical modeling of fold and thrustbelts; Field geophysics.
Liebermann, Robert C., Emeritus, Ph.D., 1969, Columbia University: Mineral physics; elastic and anelastic properties of rocks and minerals and their applications to the Earth’s interior.
Northrup, Paul, PhD, 1996, Stony Brook University, biological imaging and microspectroscopy, synchrotron beamline
Wong, Teng-fong, Ph.D., 1980, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Experimental rock physics; fault mechanics.
Research Associate Professors
Sperazza, Michael, Ph.D., 2006, University of Montana, Paleoclimatic change over the Pleistocene and Holocene.
Whitaker, Matthew, PhD, 2009, Stony Brook University, mineral physics, planetary science and experimental geochemistry/petrology
Stidham, Christiane Wilson, Ph.D., 1999, University of California, Berkeley: Geophysics.
1) School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
2) Department of Anatomical Sciences
3) Mineral Physics Institute