Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the M.A. Degree in Romance Languages (Languages and Cultural Studies)

Track A: Literature and Culture
The M.A. requires a specialization in French, in Italian, or in a combination of two Romance languages (French, Italian, and Spanish). It requires at least ten three-credit courses (eight courses for students who opt to write a Thesis), to be completed with a grade of B or better, for a total of 30 credits.

A. Course Requirements


1. FRN 501 Contemporary Culture and Civilization (3 credits)

2. FRN 507 Stylistics, Syntax and Composition (3 credits)

3. Eight additional courses (six for students who opt to write a Thesis), chosen in consultation with the advisor to formulate an area of specialization (18-24 credits). These courses may include three courses in related disciplines.

4. Master Thesis (optional) (6 credits)

Total credits: 30


1. ITL 501 Contemporary Italy (3 credits)

2. ITL 508 Syntax and Composition (3 credits)

3. One of the following courses: ITL 507, ITL 511, ITL 512, ITL 513 (3 credits)

Seven additional courses (five for students who opt to write a M.A. Thesis) chosen in consultation with the advisor to formulate an area of specialization (15-21 credits). These courses may include three courses in related disciplines.

4. Master Thesis (optional) (6 credits)

Total credits: 30

Romance Languages

1. Syntax and Composition in the two chosen languages (FRN 507, ITL 508, SPN 515) (6 credits)

2. One of the following Romance Linguistics courses: ITL 513, FRN 513, SPN 503, SPN 504 (3 credits)

3. Seven additional courses in two Romance languages (five for students who opt to write a M.A. Thesis), to formulate a major and a minor (15-21 credits). These courses are to be chosen in consultations with the advisors and approved by the respective programs to formulate an area of specialization. These courses may include three courses in related disciplines.

4. Master Thesis (optional) (6 credits)

Total credits: 30

B. Language Requirement
Competence at the intermediate level in a language other than the language of specialization, preferably in a second modern Romance language or Latin. Students opting for a combination of two Romance languages will automatically satisfy this requirement. This requirement may be fulfilled through a departmental examination or a suitable language course designed for graduate students.

C. M.A. Thesis or Examination (Choice of Option 1 or 2)
1. M.A. Thesis: Students write a Master’s Thesis under the supervision of a faculty advisor, along with a second faculty member in his/her major program, and a third faculty member in a related field. Upon completion of the Thesis, the student prepares a formal presentation of the Thesis.

2. M.A. Examination: Students who opt not to write a Master’s Thesis must complete a four-hour written examination and a one-hour oral examination. The examination is based on a comprehensive reading list in the student’s area of specialization. Three faculty members will serve as examiners.

Track B: Language Pedagogy for Secondary School Teachers

The M.A. in Romance Languages for Secondary School Teachers consists of a total of 30 credits. Students will take three core courses (9 credits) and seven courses (21 credits) in their target language(s). Students must maintain a B average, and receive at least a B in their language courses (FRN 507, ITL 508, SPN 515).

A. Course Requirements
Core Courses (9 credits)

1. FLA 540 Foreign Language Acquisition Research (3 credits)

2. DLL/FLA 571 Foreign Language Technology and Education (3 credits)

3. FLA 581 Foreign Language Teaching Independent Project (3 credits)

4. Competence in a foreign language other than the target language

Courses of Study for Areas of Specialization (21 credits)


1. FRN 501 Contemporary Culture and Civilization (3 credits)

2. FRN 502 French Civilization in Its Historical Perspective (3 credits)

3. FRN 507 Stylistics, Syntax and Composition (3 credits)

4. FRN 510 French Phonetics and Diction (3 credits)

5. One course in literature in French (3 credits)

6. Two elective courses relevant to the program chosen in consultation with the advisor (6 credits)

Total credits: 21


1. ITL 501 Contemporary Italy (3 credits)

2. ITL 502 Special Topics in Italian Cinema (3 credits)

3. ITL 508 Syntax and Composition (3 credits)

4. ITL 511 History of the Italian language or ITL 507 Italian Linguistics (3 credits)

5. One course in literature in Italian (3 credits)

6. Two elective courses relevant to the program chosen in consultation with the advisor (6 credits)

Total credits: 21

Romance Languages

This is a combination of two Romance Languages with the first language considered the "primary" language. For the primary languages of either French or Italian, the application is through the department of European Languages. However if Spanish is placed first in the selection of two Romance languages, then the application is through the department of Hispanic Languages. Configuration of courses will be developed on an individual basis according to each student’s needs and interests. The following courses are required:

1. ITL 513, FRN 513, SPN 503, or SPN 504 (Romance Linguistics) (3 credits)

2. Two of the following: FRN 507, ITL 508, SPN 515 (Syntax and Composition) (6 credits)

3. Two of the following: FRN 501, ITL 501, SPN 510 (Culture) (6 credits)

4. Two elective courses relevant to the program chosen in consultation with the advisor (6 credits)

Total credits: 21

Note: Culture and linguistics courses can be substituted with permission of the Department, subject to availability.

B. Language Requirement
Competence in a language other than the language of specialization, preferably in a second modern Romance language or Latin. Competence will be determined by departmental examination, or by completing specific graduate courses approved by the Department. Students opting to choose a combination of two Romance languages will automatically satisfy this requirement. For non-native English language speakers, fluency in English is also required.

C. Research Project
Students must complete a Research Project under the supervision of a faculty advisor and subject to approval by a second faculty member in his/her major program and by a third faculty member in a related field. Upon completion, the student prepares a formal presentation of his/her research.


Requirements for the M.A. Degree in German

[Program temporarily suspended.]

Track A

A. Course Requirements
1. One 19th-century German literature course (3 credits); one 20th-century German literature course (3 credits); GER 545 or GER 546 (3 credits); GER 539 Contrastive Structures or GER 557 History of the German Language (3 credits); GER 599 Thesis (6 credits).

2. Four additional offerings at the graduate level from courses within the Department or, upon prior approval by the Department, from those of other Departments within the Graduate School (12 credits).

Total credits: 30

B. Performance
Average of B or higher in all graduate courses taken at Stony Brook.

C. M.A. Thesis
Submission of a scholarly essay on a topic and of a standard acceptable to the Department is required.

Track B

A. Course Requirements
There is no Thesis required. All 30 credits can be fulfilled by coursework as follows:

1. GER 504 German Cultural History (3 credits); GER 539 Contrastive Structures or GER 557 History of the German Language (3 credits); one course in older Germanic languages, e.g., GER 558, GER 562, or GER 563 (3 credits); one course in 20th-century German literature, e.g., GER 545 or GER 546 (3 credits).

2. Six additional offerings at the graduate level from courses within the Department or, upon prior approval by the Department, from those of other Departments within the Graduate School (18 credits).Total credits: 30

B. Performance
Average of B or higher in all graduate courses taken at Stony Brook.


Requirements for the M.A. Degree in Slavic Languages and Literatures

[Program temporarily suspended.]

A. Course Requirements
1. Three courses in advanced language and/or linguistics (9 credits)

2. One course in culture (3 credits)

3. Two courses in Russian literature (6 credits)

4. Four electives in the student’s major area with the approval of the Department (12 credits)

Total credits: 30

B. Language Proficiency in Russian
The Russian language proficiency requirement may be satisfied by one of the following:

1. Passing an examination

2. Appropriate coursework in Russian (RUS 311, RUS 312, or equivalent)

3. One semester of study abroad in the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), in an approved program, such as the SUNY-Albany/MGU Exchange.

C. Second Slavic Language Requirement
This requirement may be satisfied by one of the following:

1. A proficiency examination

2. Appropriate coursework in the language (e.g., SLV 580, SLV 581)

3. Study abroad in an approved program in Eastern Europe or the C.I.S.

With the approval of the program, a non-Slavic language of Eastern Europe or the C.I.S. may be substituted for the second Slavic language.

D. Thesis or Comprehensive Examination
A Master’s Thesis or Comprehensive Examination based on a reading list and coursework is required.