Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Distinguished Professors

Djuric, Petar M., Chairperson, Ph.D., 1990, University of Rhode Island: Signal analysis, modeling and processing; wireless communications and sensor networks.

Yang, Yuanyuan, Ph.D., 1992, Johns Hopkins University: Wireless and mobile networks, cloud computing, data center networks, optical networks, high speed networks, parallel and distributed computing systems, multicast communication, high performance computer architecture, and computer algorithms.


Bugallo, Monica, Ph.D., 2001, Universidade da Coruna (Spain): Statistical signal processing with the emphasis in the topics of Bayesian analysis, sequential Monte Carlo methods, adaptive filtering, and stochastic optimization.

Doboli, Alex, Ph.D., 2000, University of Cincinnati: VLSI CAD and design, synthesis and simulation of mixed analog-digital systems, hardware/software co-design of embedded systems, and high-level synthesis of digital circuits.

Hong, Sangjin, Ph.D., 1999, University of Michigan: Low-power VLSI design of multimedia wireless communications and digital signal processing systems, including SOC design methodology and optimization.

Parekh, Jayant P., Ph.D., 1971, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn: Microwave acoustics; microwave magnetics; microwave electronics; microcomputer applications.

Zhang, Peng, PhD, 2009, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada: Power system, programmable microgrids, networked microgrids, software-defined distribution network, cyber-resilient power grid, formal methods, reachability analysis, power system stability and control.

Robertazzi, Thomas G., 1981, Princeton University: Computer networking; grid computing; performance evaluation; parallel processing; e-commerce technology.

Shamash, Yacov, Ph.D., 1973, Imperial College of Science and Technology in London, England: Control Theory & Systems, Energy Systems, and Industry/University Partnerships.

Short, Kenneth L., Ph.D., 1973, University at Stony Brook: Digital system design; microprocessors; instrumentation.

Shterengas, Leon, Graduate Program Director, Ph.D. 2004, Stony Brook University: Semiconductor photonic devices, nanofabrication, molecular beam epitaxy.

Subbarao, Murali, Ph.D., 1986, University of Maryland: Computer vision; image processing; pattern recognition.

Associate Professors

Dhadwal, Harbans, Ph.D., 1980, University of London, England: Laser light scattering; fiber optics; optical signal processing and instrumentation.

Donetski, Dmitri, Ph.D.. 2000, Stony Brook University: Design and technology of optoelectronic devices and systems including photovoltaic and photoconductive detectors, diode lasers and diode laser arrays.

Dorojevets, Mikhail, Ph.D., 1988 Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk: Computer architectures, systems design.

Eisaman, Matthew, Ph.D., 2006 Harvard University: Photovoltaic devices, especially light trapping nanostructures for improved solar cell efficiency, and spatial variations at the nanoscale.

Gorfinkel, Vera, Ph.D., 1980, A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia: Semiconductor devices, including microwave and optoelectronics, DNA sequencing instrumentation, single photon counting techniques.

Kamoua, Ridha, Undergraduate Program Director, Ph.D., 1992, University of Michigan: Solid-state devices and circuits; microwave devices and integrated circuits.

Lin, Shan, Ph.D., 2010, University of Virginia: Cyber physical systems, networked information systems, wireless networks, sensing and control systems.

Luo, Fang, Ph.D., 2010, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (Jointly supervised by Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA): Power electronic devices and circuits, energy conversion systems.

Milder, Peter, Ph.D. 2010, Carnegie –Mellon University: Digital hardware design, generation, and optimization focusing on signal processing, computer vision, and related domains; design for FPGA.

Salman, Emre, Ph.D. 2009, University of Rochester: Nanoscale integrated circuit design, emerging technologies for future electronic systems, highly heterogeneous integrated systems, digital and mixed-signal circuits.

Stanacevic, Milutin, Ph.D., 2005, Johns Hopkins University: Analog and mixed-signal VLSI integrated circuits and systems; adaptive Microsystems; implantable electronics.

Suchalkin, Sergey, Ph.D., 1998, Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russia: Design and development of optoelectronic devices. Far- and Mid- infrared spectroscopy of solids. Physics of semiconductors and nanostructures.

Tang, K. Wendy, Ph.D., 1991, University of Rochester: Interconnection networks, parallel computing, and neural networks.

Wang, Xin, Ph.D., 2001, Columbia University: Mobile and ubiquitous computing, wireless communications and networks, grid and distributed computing, advanced applications and services over Internet and wireless networks.

Ye, Fan, Ph.D., 2004, UCLA: Mobile computing/sensing systems & applications, indoor localization and floor plan reconstruction, internet-of- things and sensor networks.

Zhao, Yue, Ph.D., 2011, UCLA: Smart energy systems, renewable energy integration, electricity market, infrastructure security, sensing and signal processing, optimization theory, information theory, communication networks.

Assistant Professors

Liu, Ji, Ph.D., 2013, Yale University: Distributed control and computation, multi-agent systems, social networks, epidemic networks, and power networks.

Professors of Practice and Instructional Specialists

Westerfeld, David, PhD: Design and characterization of high-performance mid-infared semiconductor light sources (LEDs and lasers).

Gouzman, Michael, PhD: Semiconductor devices, including microwave and optoelectronics.

Affiliated Faculty

Hassan Arbab, M., Assistant Professor: Terahertz emission, detection and imaging technologies and their applications in biophotonics, medical imaging, non-destructive testing, material characterization and stand-off detection of chemicals.

Goldan, Amir H., Assistant Professor: X-Ray and PET Imaging, Digital Radiological Imaging Detectors, Single Photon Counting for Medical Imaging, Detector Modeling, Fabrication, Characterization and Instrumentation, Avalanche Amorphous Selenium Detectors, Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Charge Transport, Noise-Free Avalanche Detectors.

DeLorenzo, Christine, Associate Professor: Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder, Antidepressant Treatment Response Prediction,  Multimodal Brain Imaging, and  PET Radioligands.

Liang, Jerome, Professor: Low-dose computed tomography image reconstruction, Quantitative image reconstruction for single photon emission computed tomography, High resolution positron emission tompgraphy image reconstruction, Segmentation of tissue mixtures from multi-spectral images, Computer aided detection of abnormality and diagnosis on the detected abnormality, Development of virtual colonoscopy systems.

Park, Memming, Assistant Professor: Memming Park designs statistical models and machine learning methods specialized for analyzing neural time series. He aims to understand how information and computations are represented and implemented in the brain, both at a single-neuron and at the systems level. His group collaborates with several experimental labs on important problems in neuroscience, such as sensory coding, recovery from coma, and perceptual decision-making.

Wang, Daifeng, Assistant Professor: Data mining and machine learning in bioinformatics and biomedical data science; Computational systems biology; Computational social networks

Adjunct Faculty

Chi Chen: Software Engineering, Computational Models, Feedback Control Stabilization

Gianluigi De Geronimo: Development of advanced low-noise application-specific integrated circuits for sensors from concept to transistor-level design, physical layout and characterization, frequency- and time-domain noise analysis, optimum analog and digital filters, high-precision signal processing, systems-on-chip, and semiconductor device physics

Timothy Driscoll: Electric Power Systems; Renewable Energy Resource Systems; Advanced Power Systems; Smart Grid; Electric Vehicles

Carlos Fernando Gamboa: Computer Networks and Scheduling Theory; Data Intensive Distributed Systems; Database Management Systems

Yasha Karimi: Medical device technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), Wearable Electronics, Ultra-low power Circuit and System Design

Dmitri Gavrilov: Signal processing, neural networks, embedded systems.

Dmytro Gudkov

Shaorui Li

Vibha Mane: Stochastic Modeling of Biological Networks; Statistical Machine Learning; Signal Processing, Detection and Estimation

Ronald Marge: Technical communications

Tatiana Tchoubar

Donna Tumminello: Technology Commercialization; Entrepreneurship

Dantong Yu: Data mining, high performance computing and networks