Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
The fields of electrical and computer engineering are in an extraordinary period of growth; new application areas and increased expectations are accelerating due to new technologies and decreased costs. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, is involved in graduate teaching and research in many of these areas, including communications and signal processing, networking, computer engineering, power engineering, semiconductor devices and quantum electronics, circuits and VLSI. The department has laboratories devoted to research and advanced teaching in the following areas: computing, engineering design methodology, high-performance computing and networking, parallel and neural processing, machine vision, fiber optic sensors and computer graphics, micro and optoelectronics, power electronics, electric power and energy systems, VLSI, telerobotics, DNA sequencing, digital signal processing, and communications.
Since Long Island contains one of the highest concentrations of engineering-oriented companies in the country, the department is particularly strongly committed to meeting the needs of local industry. As part of this commitment, most graduate courses are given in the late afternoon or evening, so as to be available to working engineers on Long Island.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Graduate programs are tailored to the needs of each student to provide a strong analytical background helpful to the study of advanced engineering problems.
Ample opportunities exist for students to initiate independent study and to become involved in active research programs, both experimental and theoretical.
Areas of Emphasis in Graduate Study
Areas of emphasis in current research and instruction are: Communications and Signal Processing, Computer Engineering, Power Engineering, Semiconductor Devices and Quantum Electronics, Circuits and VLSI.
Specialties that fall under one or more of the above categories include: VLSI, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Integrated Circuit Fabrication, Novel Electronic and Photonic Devices, Microgrids, Power System Optimization and Modeling, Power Electronic Devices and Circuits, Digital Communication, Cyber Security, Biomedical Electronics, Computer-Aided Design, Computer Networks, Parallel Processing, Fault-Tolerant Computing, Microprocessors, Robotics, Network Theory, and Optical Signal Processing and Fiber Optic Sensors.
Theoretical and experimental programs reflecting these areas are currently underway and students are encouraged to actively participate in these efforts. Outlined below is an overview of the Department's research areas.
Communications and Signal Processing
Subject areas of current interest include mobile, wireless and personal communications; high speed data and computer communication networks; communications traffic; data compression; coding and modulation techniques; inter-connection networks and high speed packet switching; digital communication; detection and estimation; statistical signal processing; spectrum estimation; image analysis and processing; computer vision.
Computer Engineering
The goal of computer engineering in the ECE department is to provide a balance view of hardware and software issues. The expertise in the program include parallel and/or high performance and/or energy efficient computer architecture, embedded microprocessor system design, fault tolerant computing, design communications and signal processing, parallel and distributed computing, computer networks, cybersecurity, computer vision, artificial neural networks and software engineering.
Power Engineering
Power engineering deals with various aspects of the modern and emerging power systems including power electronics hardware, power grids, and renewable energy technologies. The Program covers a combination of fundamental and applied courses in power system analysis, power system dynamics, microgrids, power system optimization, modeling and analysis of photovoltaic power systems, probabilistic methods in power and energy, power system economics, electricity market, artificial intelligence for energy systems, quantum engineering, fundamentals of power electronic devices and circuits, basic converter modeling/control, EMI filtering in power converters, power module packaging and integration, and power-electronics-converter applications in motor drives & renewable energy systems.
Semiconductor Devices, Quantum Electronics
The program of courses and of research pertinent to solid-state electronics, electromagnetics and optics ranges from a study of the fundamental electronic processes in solids through a description of the mechanism which yield useful devices to a study of the design simulation, and fabrication of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. Program’s scientific interests center on physics and technology of optoelectronic devices and systems. Over the past several years, major efforts were focused on the design and development of the novel semiconductor lasers and detectors. Additionally, the department has a strong experimental effort on the development of coherent optical processors, fiber optic sensors and integrated fiber optics.
Circuits and VLSI
The program in the Circuits and VLSI area addresses problems associated to modeling, simulation, design and fabrication of analog, digital, and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Analog and mixed-mode integrated circuit (IC) devices have important applications in many fields including avionics, space technology, and medical technology. The department offers basic and advanced courses covering the following subjects: integrated circuit technology, device modeling, software tools for circuit design and simulation, analog and digital circuit design, VLSI circuits, testing of analog and digital ICs, design automation for analog, digital and mixed-mode circuits, VLSI systems for communications and signal processing.