Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the M.A. Degree in Economics
Fall year I
ECO500 Microeconomics I
ECO510 Macroeconomics I
ECO520 Mathematical Statistics
ECO590 Mathematical foundations of contemporary Economic Theory
Spring year I
Elective in Economics
Elective in Economics
Elective in Economics
Elective in Economics
Basic MA Program: For the basic program students in the second year will take three additional courses, including ECO597 master's project and two of the electives offered in the Fall semester (please see list below). No courses are offered in the summer.
Elective courses:
ECO604 Game Theory I (F)
ECO605 Game Theory II (S)
ECO610 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory I
ECO612 Computational Economics & Dynamic Modeling
ECO613 Computational Macroeconomics
ECO636 Industrial Organization I (F)
ECO637 Industrial Organization II (S)
ECO640 Advanced Labor Economics Theory I (F)
ECO641 Advanced Labor Economics Theory II (S)
ECO642 Demographic Economics I
ECO643 Demographic Economics II
ECO645 Health Economics I
ECO646 Health Economics II (S)
Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree in Economics
The goal of the Ph.D. program is to develop the capability of each student to conduct independent research and analysis. To this end the program has three phases: (1) a general foundation in economic theory and quantitative methods starting from the basics but done in a very mathematical way, (2) specialization in two or more fields of theoretical or applied economics, and (3) independent research culminating in the doctoral dissertation. These are not totally distinct phases but indicate the natural order of progression. Coursework is supplemented by independent study and research seminars. Throughout the program students have advisors to consult in developing a study plan that best meets their needs.
The Ph.D. degree requirements are as follows:
A. Course Requirements
A minimum of 15 courses in economics (including core courses) must be completed, with a grade of B or better in each elective course. Included in the elective courses must be at least two in each of two approved pairs of courses forming fields (listed below). However, the Ph.D. committee may approve a waiver of part of the 15-course requirement for students with graduate work elsewhere.
1. Core Courses: The courses that provide the foundation in economic theory (micro and macro) and quantitative analysis (mathematical methods, statistics, and econometrics) are referred to as core courses. Comprehensive examinations are taken in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics at the end of the first year of study.
2. Elective Courses and Fields of Specialization: In addition to core courses, normally at least six elective courses must be taken, including two pairs of courses, where each pair forms an approved field. It is usual but not necessary that a dissertation topic be chosen from one of these fields of specialization. The two elective fields must be satisfactorily completed by the end of the sixth semester. Each field may be completed on the basis of an average grade of B+ or higher in the courses in that field. Fields currently offered by the department are composed of courses in game theory, industrial organization, applied econometrics, labor economics, health economics, demographic economics, computational methods, and computational macroeconomics.
B. Workshops and Seminars
Each student takes at least one research workshop in the fifth semester. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a structured introduction to research methodology. In addition, participation in program seminars and research workshops is considered an essential part of a student’s progress toward the doctorate. Seminars in economic theory, applied micro, and macroeconomics are presented on a regular basis by faculty, visitors, and graduate students. Workshops oriented toward thesis research are conducted by faculty and students working in related areas.
C. Advancement to Candidacy
Advancement to candidacy for the Ph.D. is achieved by satisfactory completion of most course requirements specified in item A. Advancement to candidacy normally must be achieved by the end of the sixth semester.
D. Dissertation
A dissertation, presenting the results of original and significant research, must be approved. An examination on a dissertation proposal research must be passed by the end of the sixth semester of study. The examination is both written and oral, and its syllabus is to be determined by the student’s dissertation committee in consultation with the student. Final approval of the dissertation will be by a committee including the candidate’s principal advisor, two other department members, and one member from another department. The results of the dissertation will be presented at a colloquium convened for that purpose.
E. Teaching
PhD students in economics who are funded on state lines serve as teaching assistants (TAs) for classes taught by departmental faculty and instructors. For all PhD students, regardless of source of funding, the department of economics requires that they take the teacher training course ECO 698.
F. Time Limit
The time limit for a doctoral degree is seven years for a student who has a previous graduate degree or 24 credits of graduate study in such a degree program. For all other students, the time limit for a doctoral degree is seven years after completion of 24 graduate level credits at Stony Brook University.
G. Dismissal Policy
A student may be dismissed from the program at the end of any semester in which he or she does not achieve a semester or cumulative B average or fails to meet the pertinent requirements for the Ph.D. as specified.