Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

STRIDE is an innovative training program that provides STEM graduate students with unique interdisciplinary skills to assist, create, and eventually lead in the translation of complex data-enabled research into informed decisions and sound policies.

In addition to training in cutting-edge data analytics and visualization, STRIDE includes the trans-disciplinary skills of decision support including science communication, understanding the perspectives of various stakeholders, and translating scientific uncertainty, that are too often not explicitly taught.

This end-to-end training program aims to transcend traditional graduate education by integrating multiple disciplines and novel training elements that span spatial data, advanced visual data analytics, high-performance and data-centric computing, a science discipline, communication including interpersonal skills and modern media, decision making, and relevant internships.

The departments involved are: Applied MathBiomedical Informatics,  Computer ScienceElectrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)Ecology & EvolutionJournalismMarine and Atmospheric SciencesPublic Health, and Technology & Society

The centers/institutes involved are: IACSAdvanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC)Alda Center for Communicating ScienceCenter of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)C enter for Smart Energy Technologies (SET),  Center for Visual Computing (CVC), and Center for Inclusive Education (CIE).