Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

PhD in Science Education Faculty

Kelly, Angela, Professor of Physics. Ph.D., 2006, Teachers College, Columbia University: Science education; physics education; engineering education; physical science access for traditionally underserved groups; sociocognitive perspectives of STEM participation and persistence.

Sheppard, Keith, Associate Professor of Biology and Cell Biology and Director of Institute for STEM Education. Ed.D., 1997, Teachers College, Columbia University: Science education, chemistry education, physics education, history of science education, science learning, science teacher education.

Affiliated Faculty

Aubrecht, Katherine, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Ph.D., 1999, Cornell University: Development of learning materials about sustainability for the chemistry curriculum; context-based approaches in chemical education; biodegradable and bio-renewable polymers; environmentally benign synthetic methodology.

Berger, Lisa, Associate Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., 2007, University of Arizona: Number theory; mathematics education of teachers.

Bugallo, Mónica, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Faculty Director of the Women in Science and Engineering Program (WISE). Ph.D., 2001, University of A Coruña, Spain: Statistical signal processing; engineering education; women in science and engineering.

Lopez, Glenn R., Professor of Marine Sciences. Ph.D., 1976, Stony Brook University: Marine biology; benthic ecology; animal-sediment interactions.

Moloney, Daniel, Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Director of NIH Bridges to Baccalaureate Program, and Director of Biotechnology Teaching Laboratories. Ph.D., Stony Brook University: cell signaling regulation; cancer chemoprevention; DNA barcoding; biotechnology; STEM education.

Scarlatos, Lori L., Associate Professor of Computer Science. Ph.D., 1993, Stony Brook University: Educational technology; tangible, physical, multi-modal, and collaborative human-computer interfaces; serious games; computer graphics; multimedia.

Zachar, Zuzana, Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Director of Masters of Arts in Teaching Biology Program. Ph.D., Stony Brook University: Cancer chemotherapy; transposon biology; regulation of alternative splicing of mRNA and nuclear architecture; biology education of teachers.