Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Degree Requirements

  • 17 credits, courses can be double counted toward the certificate and the student's major
  • Three core courses: (1) JRN 501: Distilling Your Message (2); JRN 503 Improvisation for Scientists (3); DCS 521 Introduction to Computational and Data Science (Spring - Students are strongly encouraged to take DCS 521 in their first year of study)
  • Students are expected to take at least 3 credits in AMS and 3 credits in CS from the course catalog (cdcse-course-catalog-final.docx).
     ----- CS students: at least 3 credits in AMS (not crosslisted with CS) and 3 credits in a non-CS crosslisted course in any department
     ----- AMS students: at least 3 credits in CS (not crosslisted with AMS) and 3 credits in a non-AMS crosslisted course in any department
  • Up to 6 credits of courses that are listed in the course catalog from the student's home department can count toward the certificate
  • CDCS Course Catalog.pdf