Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree in Genetics
In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School, the following are required:
A. Course Requirements
1. Molecular Genetics (MCB 503)
2. Graduate Genetics (BGE 510)
3. Cell Biology (MCB 656)
4. Research Proposal Preparation (BGE 693)
5. Graduate Student Seminar in Genetics (BGE 531) must be taken each semester.
6. During their first year, Genetics students rotate in the laboratories of three or four different faculty members, with the goal of selecting a mentor and environment for their dissertation research. The specific laboratories are selected by students based on their interactions with individual faculty. Rotation selections must be approved by the Graduate Program Director.
7. Two semesters of Readings in Genetics (BGE 691) are required. These “Journal Clubs” are typically taken during the first and second years of study. Students select from thematic journal club topics that are organized each semester by faculty at the different institutions. This exercise provides important training in critical analysis of the literature while also allowing students to broaden their knowledge base on selected topics of interest.
8. Each student must take two or more elective courses, for a minimum total of 6 credits. Electives must be approved by the Program Director. Typically, these courses are in the biological sciences (e.g., Developmental Biology, MCB 657; Immunology, HBP 533; Microbiology, HBM 640; or Molecular Evolution, BEE 565), but courses may also be taken in other relevant areas (e.g., computer sciences, bioengineering).
9. Integrity in Science (GRD 500) is required of all Life Science graduate students. This half-semester course on ethics is typically taken in the Fall semester of the student’s first year.
10. Requirements for any specific student, in addition to those enumerated above, that will be beneficial due to a student’s prior training and/or area of specialization will be determined by the program director and executive committee in conjunction with the student and appropriate advisory committee.
11. Students must attain a grade of B or better in each of BGE 510, MCB 503, and MCB 656, as well as an overall average of B (3.0) or better in their elective courses.
B. Comprehensive (Preliminary) Qualifying Examination
At the beginning of the fourth semester, students will take a comprehensive (preliminary) examination covering diverse areas of genetics which tests each student’s ability to read and interpret primary scientific literature.
C. Dissertation Proposal Examination
After successful completion of the comprehensive (preliminary) examination, the student prepares a written proposal for the dissertation research project. This proposal has the format of a grant application, including information on the background and significance of the project, a detailed research plan, and any preliminary results that the student has generated that indicate the feasibility of the project. This written proposal is orally defended before a dissertation proposal examination committee. This committee does not include the student’s dissertation advisor, but is selected by the student in conjunction with his or her advisor and program director. The dissertation proposal defense should occur during the fifth semester of graduate study. Generally, the faculty who participate in a student’s proposal examination committee then join with the advisor to form the student’s dissertation advisory committee.
D. Advancement to Candidacy
After successful completion of all required and elective courses, the comprehensive (preliminary) examination, and the dissertation proposal examination, the student will be recommended to the Graduate School for advancement to candidacy. Each student must meet with his/her dissertation advisory committee at least once a year to inform the members of his/her progress and solicit the members’ advice.
E. Ph.D. Dissertation
The research for the Ph.D. dissertation is conducted under the supervision of the dissertation advisory committee. Upon approval of the completed dissertation by this committee, a formal public oral defense of the dissertation is scheduled, at which the student presents his or her findings and is questioned by members of the audience. Subsequently, the candidate defends the dissertation to the examining committee in a closed session.
F. Teaching Requirement
It is expected that each graduate student completing a doctoral degree will have functioned as a teaching assistant during at least two semesters of his or her graduate career (BIO 600).
G. Publication Requirement
To be eligible for graduation, each student must submit as first author at least one manuscript of original research to a suitable peer-reviewed journal (as determined by the Program’s Executive Committee). Moreover, the journal’s editors must deem the paper of sufficient quality to merit evaluation by external reviewers.
H. Residence Requirement
The University requires at least two consecutive semesters of full-time graduate study. The demands of the course of study necessitate a longer period of residence.