Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Michael Airola – Structural biology of lipid modifying enzymes
Ivet Bahar,- Bridging Structure and Function, via Dynamics
Paul M. Bingham - Genetic control of development and gene expression in animals
Vitaly Citovsky - Nuclear targeting and intercellular communication in plants
Neta Dean - Glycosylation; fungal pathogenesis
Peter Gergen - Gene expression and development in Drosophila
Steven Glynn - Structure and mechanism of protein-unfolding machines in mitochondria
Kathryn Gunn- Spatiotemporal regulation of metabolic enzymes
Bernadette C. Holdener - Genetic regulation of early mammalian development
Nancy Hollingsworth - Meiotic synapsis, recombination, and segregation in yeast
Chi-Kuo Hu -Biology of dormancy during development and aging, with the African killifish as the main research organism
Jonathan Nelson - Repetitive DNA Maintenance in germ cell immortality
Wali Karzai - Structure and function of RNA-binding proteins and biochemical studies of the SmpB•tmRNA quality control system
Benjamin Lin - Cell dynamics and motility.
Erwin London - Membrane protein structure/translocation/folding
Ed Luk - Chromosome biology and genome regulation
Benjamin Martin - Stem cell maintenance and differentiation, Developmental mechanisms of cancer pathogenesis
David Q. Matus - Evolutionary, cell and developmental biological approaches to studying nematode uterine-vulval attachment and morphogenesis
Aaron Neiman - Vesicle trafficking and membrane/cytoskeletal interactions
Dada Pisconti - Muscle stem cells; muscle development, regeneration and aging; muscular dystrophy; extracellular matrix; biology of proteoglycans
Stuti Sharma- Structural Biology and membrane biology
Gerald H. Thomsen - Growth factors /signal transduction in early vertebrate development
Department of Anesthesiology
Martin Kaczocha - Role of fatty acid binding proteins in pain, inflammation, and related pathophysiologies: Endocannabinoid pharmacology and development of novel therapeutics.
Department of Chemistry
Elizabeth Boon - Nitric oxide regulation of quorum sensing and biofilm formation in bacteria
Isaac Carrico
David Green- Affiliated Assistant Professor. Computational biology of protein interactions.
Peter Tonge - Spectroscopic insights into enzyme mechanisms and structure
Scott Laughlin -. Chemical neuroscience. Design and application of optical probes for imaging neural circuitry.
Department of Medicine
Yusuf Hannun - Bioactive lipids in cancer pathogenesis and therapeutics
Richard Lin - Kinase signaling and cell proliferation
Cungui Mao - Bioactive sphingolipids in cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and autophagy
William Van Nostrand - Vascular functions of Alzheimer's disease amyloid beta-protein
Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
Nicolas Carpino - Positive and Negative Regulation of T cell Receptor Signaling
Bruce Futcher - Cell cycle, cyclins, and yeast genetics
Patrick Hearing - Adenovirus regulation of cellular proliferation and gene expression; adenovirus vectors for human gene therapy
James Konopka - Signal transduction, morphogenesis and genetics of pathogenic fungi
Erich R. Mackow - Viral Pathogenesis, Regulation of Innate Immunity, Hantavirus, Dengue Virus and Rotavirus Regulation of Cell Signaling Responses, miRNAs and Endothelial cell functions.
Nancy Reich - Cytokine and Innate Immune Responses
Brian Sheridan - Mucosal Immunology, T cell memory, Vaccine design, Host-pathogen interactions
David Thanassi - Secretion of virulence factors by bacterial pathogens; pilus biogenesis by uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Adrianus. W.M. van der Velden - Infectious Diseases Immunology; Host Interactions with Bacterial Pathogens; Bacterial Immune Subversion
Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Maurice Kernan - Molecular basis of mechanical senses
Howard Sirotkin - Genetic and molecular analysis of early vertebrate development
Lonnie Wollmuth - Molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission
Department of Oral Biology and Pathology
Department of Pathology
Jiang Chen - Skin and hair follicle development, maintenance and malignancy
Jingfang Ju - Post-transcriptional control of non-coding RNAs and RNA binding proteins in cancer
Richard R. Kew - Leukocyte chemotaxis/inflammation
Yupo Ma - Stem cell reprogramming and therapy, genome engineering, blood and marrow transplantation
Kenneth Shroyer - Cancer biomarkers as diagnostic adjuncts in cervical pathology and cytopathology; cervical cancer and HPV
Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Adan Aguirre - Stem cell biology in the central nervous system and neurobiology in health and disease
Christopher Brownlee -(Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Chemical Biology, Lipid Biology, Mitochondrial Biology, Neuropharmacology, Signaling, Stem Cells)
Molecular mechanisms of spindle orientation, ciologenesis, polarity, cytokinesis and axonogenesis.
Holly Colognato - Extracellular matrix in the brain; roles during development and during neurodegeneration.
Michael A. Frohman - Lipid signaling pathways in immune responses, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Miguel Garcia-Diaz - Genetic Toxicology/Mechanisms of mitochondrial gene expression
Chioma Okeoma (Cancer, Infectious Diseases) Mechanisms of virus-host and tumor-host interactions
Jessica C. Seeliger - We are applying biochemical, microbiological and biophysical methods to fundamental questions in bacterial membrane biogenesis as they relate to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, and to bacterial pathogenesis in general.
Markus Seeliger - Mechanism of Protein kinases and Ubiquitin Ligases in Cancer and Aging
Ken-Ichi Takemaru - Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease
Dongyan Tan (Cancer, DNA Damage Repair) Structure and function of macromolecules in epigenetic regulation
Styliani-Anna Tsirka - Neuronal-microglial interactions in the central nervous system
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Mark Bowen - Single molecule spectroscopy; Coordination of post-synaptic glutamate receptor signaling by the MAGUK family of scaffolds
Todd Miller - Tyrosine phosphorylation and signal transduction
Thomas White - Molecular biology and physiology of gap junction channels