Graduate School Bulletin

Spring 2025

Distinguished Professors   

Chittick, William C.  Ph.D., 1974, University of Tehran: premodern Islamic intellectual history, especially Sufism and philosophy.

Sridhar, Shikaripur N., Ph.D., 1980, University of Illinois: South Asian Linguistics; Kannada Grammar and Sociolinguistics; Multilingualism; Psycholinguistics; second Language Acquisition and Teaching; World Englishes; India Studies; Kannada Literature and Translation of Indian Literacy Classics.

Full Professors

He, Agnes Weiyun, Ph.D., 1993, University of California, Los Angeles: language and cultural development; discourse analysis; intercultural communication; Chinese as a heritage language.     

Kim, Hongkyung, Ph.D., 1993, Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea: Confucianism; Daoism; Korean intellectual history; East Asian philosophy. 

Murata, Sachiko, Ph.D., 1971, University of Tehran: Islamic philosophy and theology in the Chinese language.

Timalsina, Sthaneshwar, Endowed Chair of Indic Studies, Ph.D., 2005, Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany: Hindu studies; Tantric studies; Yoga studies; comparative philosophies and religions.

Associate Professors

Balce, Nerissa S., Ph.D., 2002, UC Berkeley: postcolonial theory and the cultures of 1898; race, American visual culture and feminist epistemologies; state violence and Filipino culture; and Asian American literature and culture.

Nicholson, Andrew J., Ph.D., 2005, University of Chicago: philosophies of India; Hinduism; Indian intellectual history: philosophy of religion; Sanskrit.

Ruf, Gregory. Ph.D. 1994 Columbia University: China; sociocultural anthropology; history.

Sato, Eriko, Ph.D., 1996, Stony Brook University: translanguaging; translation studies; language learning/teaching; online teaching; Japanese linguistics.

Tan, E.K., Ph.D., 2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Sinophone studies; modern Chinese literature; culture and film; postcolonial studies; Southeast Asian studies; cultural translation.

Assistant Professors

Hwang, Jiwon, Ph.D., 2011, Stony Brook University: second language phonetics/phonology; Korean linguistics; intercultural language learning.

Kim, Sandra So Hee Chi, Ph.D., 2017, University of Southern California: Asian American studies; critical Korean studies; empire and coloniality; critical race theory.

Wang, Yi, Ph.D., 2020, The University of Arizona: applied linguistics; second language use and acquisition; study abroad; language ideology; linguistic justice; Chinese language pedagogy.

Advanced Senior Lecturers

Sohn, Heejeong, Ph.D., 2013, Stony Brook University: modern & contemporary history of Korea; photography and visual studies; American missionaries in Korea; gender and sexuality; history of Korean language; Korean language pedagogy; pedagogical technologies.

Senior Lecturers

Nagase, Eva, Ph.D. candidate, Stony Brook University: Japanese language; culture studies; material culture; travelogue; Japanese literature; Japanese art.

Zeng, Dongmei, D.A., 1997, Stony Brook University: Chinese linguistics; Chinese language maintenance and shift; second language acquisition; heritage language maintenance and pedagogy; Chinese linguistics.


Kang, Jungmin, Ph.D., 2014, University of Connecticut: second language acquisition; Korean syntax; theoretical syntax; formal semantics; syntax-semantics interface.

Li, Tingda (Hannah), M. A., 2003, University of Bath; M.A., 2008, University of Arizona: Chinese linguistics; teacher education; Chinese anthropology; international education; educational leadership and management.

Nakamura, Chikako, M.A., 2020, Stony Brook University: Japanese literature; translation studies; multilingualism; Japanese pedagogy; online language teaching.

Oyama, Atsuko, Ph.D., 2014, The University of Arizona: gender; family; linguistic anthropology; language pedagogy.

Snyder, Hong, Ph.D. candidate, Jinan University, China: World History; Chinese Studies.

Affiliate Faculty

August, Timothy K., Ph.D., 2014, University of Minnesota: Critical refugee studies, Asian American studies, Diasporic Vietnamese literature and film, Postcolonial theory and criticism.

Desai, Manisha, Ph.D., 1990, Washington University, Gender and globalization, transnational feminisms, women’s human rights, global climate justice movements, and Contemporary Indian society

Lim, Shirley Jennifer, Ph.D., 1998, UCLA: Asian American history, race/ethnicity, gender, film, popular culture.

Mimura, Janis, Ph.D., 2002, University of California, Berkeley: Modern Japan; imperialism; fascism; political-economy; technology and society.

Santa Ana, Jeffrey, Ph.D., 2004, University of California, Berkeley: Associate Professor of English, Asian American and Asian-Pacific diaspora studies, postcolonial literature and criticism, gender and sexuality (queer studies), environmental humanities and ecocriticism, memory studies.

Tausig, Benjamin, Ph.D., 2013, New York University: Thai and Southeast Asian music; sound studies; protest movements; labor and migration.

Wilson, Nicholas Hoover, Ph.D., 2012, UC-Berkeley: Empire and Imperialism, Corruption, Sociology of Knowledge and Culture, Historical Sociology.