Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Understand Relationships between Science or Technology and the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences (STAS)
C.P. Snow wrote in 1959 about the Two Cultures, scientists and non-scientists, that were becoming increasingly distrusted by each other in the mid-20th century, and that the breakdown of communication between them was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems. Now in the 21st century, the misunderstandings that can result when either of these two cultures dismisses the “other” are even more dangerous to society. Non-scientists need to be able to read about issues related to nuclear energy or global warning or species extinction or internet security and to know enough to make well-informed decisions about such issues. Scientists need to recognize that their work has societal implications, positive and negative, that must be part of a scientist’s complete education. Computer technology, for example, has “democratized” the arts; new, easier and widely available tools have led to an explosion of artistic expression, but have also raised new questions about how one critically evaluates the creative use of technology.
For a list of Stony Brook courses that satisfy STAS, complete a course search at this link.