Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
WST: Women's Studies
WST 102: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences
An introductory social sciences survey examining gender and sexuality theories, women's and feminist movements, and current debates within Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. The course draws on theories and methods of anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology to explore how gender intersects with sexuality, race, ability and other constructed identity categories to structure power, hierarchy, and privilege.
3 credits
WST 103: Women, Culture, and Difference
An introductory humanities survey focusing on evolving ideas of gender and gender roles, and how gender intersects with sexuality, race, ability and other constructed identity categories. Through the disciplines of literature, art, philosophy, and history and the critical analyses of texts, objects, historical accounts, social media, and current events, the course explores how cultural ideas of gender are expressed in different genres in the humanities.
3 credits
WST 111: Introduction to Queer Studies in the Humanities
A survey of historical representations of sexuality and queerness from the late 19th century to the present. Through examination of art, media, literature, and philosophy, and critical theory, students develop an interdisciplinary understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identities and the moral and ethical issues surrounding sexuality. Themes include the social construction of sexuality; theories of sex, desire, bodies, and sexuality; cisheterosexism and other intersecting forms of oppression; and the historical roots of these issues.
3 credits
WST 112: Introduction to Queer Studies in the Social Sciences
An introduction to the field of queer studies emphasizing the perspectives of the qualitative social sciences. Through the examination of sociology, psychology, anthropology, and political science, students develop an interdisciplinary understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identities and the moral and ethical issues surrounding sexuality. Themes include the social construction of sexuality; theories of sex, desire, bodies, and sexuality; cisheterosexism and other intersecting forms of oppression; and the historical roots of these issues.
3 credits
WST 210: Contemporary Issues in Women's and Gender Studies
A survey of contemporary issues in the field of Women's and Gender Studies. Potential topics for the course are timely and topical. Topics will consider legal, ethical, social, and political issues of the day, and will address the moral and ethical issues raised by them. Topics examples include Gender and Political Activism, Gender and Music Culture, Gender and Reality TV, Gender, Race, and Sports, Gender and Education, Sexual Medicine, and Gender and Social Media. May be repeated as the topic changes.
3 credits
WST 237: Images of Italian-American Women
Examination of the role of Italian-American women through literature, film, politics, and music. The specific ways they have contributed artistically and socially to the American cultural scene from the first wave of Italian-American immigration to the present is considered. This course is offered as both HUI 237 and WST 237.
Advisory Prerequisite: one D.E.C. B or HUM course
3 credits
WST 247: Sociology of Gender
The historical and contemporary roles of women and men in American society; changing relations between the sexes; women's liberation and related movements. Themes are situated within the context of historical developments in the U.S. This course is offered as both SOC 247 and WST 247.
3 credits
WST 276: Feminism: Literature and Cultural Contexts
An examination of works written by or about women reflecting conceptions of women in drama, poetry, and fiction. The course focuses on literature seen in relation to women's sociocultural and historical position. This course is offered as both EGL 276 and WST 276.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent
3 credits
WST 282: Contemporary Caribbean Women's Literature
Examines the political, social, and historical experiences of women from anglophone francophone, and hispanophone Caribbean nations. The readings, movies, and projects selected for the course highlight reccurent themes in Caribbean literature such as exile, migration, identity, colorism, slavery, sexual oppression, transnational motherhood, and identity politics. Feminist criticism, Postcolonialsm, and critical race theory will be applied to our reading of the texts. This course is offered as both AFS 282 and WST 282.
3 credits
WST 284: Introduction to Feminist Theory (III)
The social construction of gender and how this construction affects philosophical thought and practice. The course provides an introductory survey of current feminist issues and analyses. It also examines the meaning of feminism for philosophy by examining the effect of introducing a political analysis of gender into a discipline that is supposedly universal and neutral. This course is offered as both PHI 284 and WST 284.
Advisory Prerequisite: U2 standing or one PHI or WST course
3 credits
WST 287: Research in Women's and Gender Studies
Supervised research under the sponsorship of a women's studies faculty member. Students assist faculty in various aspects of ongoing research. Assignments depend on the nature of the project. May be repeated up to a limit of six credits, but only three credits may count toward the minor or major.
Prerequisite: Permission of the program research coordinator
0-6 credits, S/U grading
WST 291: Introduction to Feminist Theory
An introductory survey of historical and contemporary interdisciplinary theories used in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Theoretical debates on race, class, gender, nation, disability, sexuality, representation, and social movements are among the topics considered. The course will provide a strong theoretical foundation for further studies in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
Prerequisite: WST 102 or WST 103
3 credits
WST 301: Histories of Feminism
A historical study of the theoretical and practical developments that form contemporary feminism and gender studies. Although the course concentrates primarily on feminist histories in the United States, it also places those histories within a transnational frame, paying close attention to class and race as well as gender. Key historical movements and events examined in the course include the suffrage movement, liberalism, socialist feminism, feminist internationalism, Black and women of color feminism, the women's liberation movement, radical feminism, and queer studies.
Advisory prerequisite: WST major or minor or WST 102 or WST 103
3 credits
WST 305: Feminist Theories in Context
A study of major feminist and queer texts in the social sciences and humanities, providing a deeper examination of theories of bodies, power, and subjectivity. Embodiment, intersectionality, psychoanalysis, political economy, knowledge production, and representational systems are among the topics covered.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 310: Contemporary Feminist Issues
An analysis of major issues affecting women in today's society. Reproductive rights, women's employment, and political power are among the topics discussed.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 314: Music, Gender, and Sexuality
A study of music from the perspectives of gender and sexuality in a global context. Topics may include women as composers, performers, and listeners; genres understood as gay or queer; music as an expression of identity within various gender or sexuality social groups, and depictions of gender and sexuality in musical drama. All types of music may be considered, including classical, rock, pop, hip-hop, electronic styles, folk, and jazz. This course is offered as both MUS 314 and WST 314.
Advisory Prerequisite: MUS 101, 103, 105, 109, 119, 130, or equivalent musical experience
3 credits
WST 315: Gender, Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature
This course offers a comparative overview of the ways in which the roles of men and women were depicted in the literature and thought of ancient Greece and Rome. Major issues will include: the role of women in the Greek and Roman society, gender and sexual identities and practices in Greece and Rome, the role of race and ethnicity in the treatment and status of men and women in Greece and Rome, and the disjunction between ancient and modern understandings of sex, gender, race and ethnicity, among others. This course is offered as both CLL 315 and WST 315.
Prerequisite: one D.E.C. G or HUM course; U3 or U4 standing
3 credits
WST 320: Women in Judaism
A survey of women in Judaism and in Jewish life from the Biblical period to the present, focusing on such topics as the representation of women in the Bible, Jewish law concerning women, the role of women in the Enlightenment in Germany and America, immigrant women in America, women in the Holocaust, and women in Israel.
Prerequisite: One JDS or WST course
3 credits
WST 323: Women of Color in the U.S.
In what ways is the history of race in America a gendered history? This course will focus on the creation of the modern color line in American history by analyzing the 20th century cultural productions of African American, Asian American, Native American, and Latina/Chicana women. Our central concern will be the ways in which race has been historically constructed as a gendered category. This course is offered as both HIS 323 and WST 323. This course is offered as both HIS 323 and WST 323.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; 1 D.E.C. F or SBS course
3 credits
WST 330: Gender Issues in the Law
A critical exploration of American law that specifically addresses the issues of (in)equality of women and men in the United States. The course surveys and analyzes cases from the pre-Civil War era to the end of the 20th century dealing with various manifestations of sex discrimination, decided in the federal court system, typically by the Supreme Court, and the state court system. The course also considers how the political nature of the adjudicative process has ramifications for the decisions rendered by a court. This course is offered as both POL 330 and WST 330.
Prerequisite: U2 or higher standing
Advisory Prerequisite: POL 102 or WST 102
3 credits
WST 331: Japanese Literature in the Feminine Domain
This course examines both writings of Japanese women and writings about Japanese women. It will challenge the application of current Western feminist standards to Japanese culture through the analysis of Japanese literary works. We will begin with Japanese mythology focusing on the stories of the creator goddess and Amaterasu, the sun goddess, from whom the imperial line was descended. We will consider the great Heian Era women writers and their culture, examining the difference between men's and women's writing. From the Heian era we will move to the Meiji Era, when Japan's isolationist period had ended and centuries' worth of Western literature was introduced to Japan. We will concentrate on the writings of Higuchi Ichiyo, noting how the position of women had changed by her day and how it affected her literary style. The course will close with a focus on how literature treats Japanese women in our own time. This course is offered as AAS 331 and WST 331.
3 credits
WST 334: Women and Gender in Modern European History
This course will examine modern European history from a gender perspective. In other words, we will examine the ways in which the constantly challenged and changing social division of humans into the categories of women and men structured the political, economic, and cultural history of Europe during its period of global dominance. The period covered is roughly from the 18th century through the Second World War, with background provided at one end and a brief review of post-national Europe at the other. This course is offered as both HIS 336 and WST 334.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; 1 D.E.C. F or SBS course
3 credits
WST 340: Sociology of Human Reproduction
A study of the links between biological reproduction and the socioeconomic and cultural processes that affect and are affected by it. The history of the transition from high levels of fertility and mortality to low levels of both; different kinship, gender, and family systems around the world and their links to human reproduction; the value of children in different social contexts; and the social implications of new reproductive technologies. This course is offered as both SOC 340 and WST 340.
Prerequisites: SOC 105; one D.E.C. E or SNW course in biology
3 credits
WST 347: Women and Politics
Analysis of the role of women in current American politics -- their electoral participation, office seeking, and political beliefs -- and policy issues that have special relevance to women. The course traces the history of American women's political involvement and the historical trajectory of gender-related policy from the mid-19th century to today. This course is offered as both POL 347 and WST 347.
Prerequisite: U2 or higher standing
Advisory Prerequisite: POL 102
3 credits
WST 350: Black Women and Social Change: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
A cross-cultural survey of the history of black women in the context of the struggles for social justice in the Caribbean (English- and Spanish-speaking), Africa, and the United States. Several major topics are covered: the slave resistance and the anti-slavery movement; the anti-colonial struggle in Africa and the Caribbean; the trade union movement in the United States and Africa; the struggle against underdevelopment in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica; and the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. This course is offered as both AFS 350 and WST 350.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing
3 credits
WST 360: Women and Gender in Pre-Modern European History
An examination of the position of women in European society from ancient Greece through the Italian Renaissance. The course examines women's roles in the family and political life; women's economic activities; women and the Christian church; cultural attitudes concerning women; and women's own writing and creativity. This course is offered as both HIS 334 and WST 360. Formerly offered as HIS 360.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; 1 D.E.C. F or SBS course
3 credits
WST 371: Gender and Work
Gender differences in workforce participation and occupational attainment as they have changed throughout U.S. history. Covers such topics as historical changes in workforce participation; economic, legal, and social factors affecting employment; career options; and pay equity. Readings and lectures focus on the historical and contemporary experience of American men and women, including differences by ethnicity and class. This course is offered as both SOC 371 and WST 371.
Prerequisite: one D.E.C. F or SBS course or U3/U4 status
3 credits
WST 372: Topics in Women and Literature
The study of texts written by and about women and of issues they raise relating to gender and literature. May be repeated as the topic changes. Covers the Interdisciplinary topic for the English major. This course is offered as both EGL 372 and WST 372.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing
Advisory Prerequisite: One literature course at the 200 level or higher
3 credits
WST 374: Historical Perspectives on Gender Orientation
An examination of contemporary American gender orientation from an historical perspective. Topics include gay marriage, gay clergy, medical definitions of gender orientation and gays in the military.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing
Advisory Prerequisite: One of the following: WST 102, WST 103, WST 111, or WST 112
3 credits
WST 377: Psychology of Women
The psychological impact of important physiological and sociological events and epochs in the lives of women; menstruation, female sexuality, marriage, childbirth, and menopause; women and mental health, mental illness and psychotherapy; the role of women in the field of psychology. This course is offered as both PSY 347 and WST 377.
Prerequisite: WST major or minor; or one of the following: WST 102, WST 103, PSY 103, WST/SOC 247
3 credits
WST 381: AIDS, Race, and Gender in the Black Community
Review of current biological and epidemiological knowledge about the HIV virus, and examination of the virus' social impact on the Black community. This course is offered as both AFS 381 and WST 381.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; one D.E.C. E or SNW course
3 credits
WST 382: Black Women's Literature of the African Diaspora
Black women's literature presents students with the opportunity to examine through literature the political, social, and historical experiences of Black women from the African Diaspora. The course is structured around five major themes commonly addressed in Black women's writing: Black female oppression, sexual politics of Black womanhood, Black female sexuality, Black male/female relationships, and Black women and defining self. Covers the Interdisciplinary topic for the English major. This course is offered as AFH 382, EGL 382, and WST 382.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing
3 credits
WST 384: Advanced Topics in Feminist Philosophy (III)
An intensive philosophical study of selected topics of feminist concern. Topics are selected to further the understanding of what effect feminism has upon traditional areas of philosophy as well as providing a detailed understanding of particular feminist theories. Semester supplements to this Bulletin contain specific description when course is offered. May be repeated as the topic changes. This course is offered as both PHI 384 and WST 384.
Prerequisite: one PHI course or one WST course
Advisory Prerequisite: PHI/WST 284
3 credits
WST 390: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies in the Humanities
Designed for upper-division students, this course provides an in-depth study of specific current topics in women's and gender studies within humanities disciplines such as literature, art, music, religion, and philosophy. Past topics include World Women Writers, Music and Sexuality, Contemporary Memoirs, and Alice Walker. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 391: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies in the Humanities
Designed for upper-division students, this course provides an in-depth study of specific current topics in women's and gender studies within humanities disciplines such as literature, art, music, religion, and philosophy. Past topics include World Women Writers, Music and Sexuality, Contemporary Memoirs, and Alice Walker. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 392: Special Topics in Women and Science
Current topics in women's studies such as social issues in science or women in science. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 394: Special Topics in Medicine, Reproduction, and Gender
Selected topics in gender and medicine and in human reproduction. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 395: Topics in Global Feminism
This course provides an in-depth study of a specific topic relating to societies or cultures beyond the United States or the "West"/"Global North." With a focus on the development of feminisms beyond the United States and Europe, topics may include such titles as Transnational Feminisms; Latinas: History, Society, and Culture; and Global Reproductive Justice. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 396: Special Topics in the History of American Women
The changing roles of women in the family, community and the work force in historical perspective. Topics may include the suffragette movement, before and after; and women's roles in America's wars. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
DEC: K & 4
3 credits
WST 397: Social Sciences Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
Designed for upper-division students, this course provides an in-depth study of a specific topic within social sciences disciplines such as history, economics, sociology, political science, and linguistics. Past topics have included Gender, War, and Peacemeaking, and The Psychology of Sexual Orientation. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 398: Topics in Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
This course provides an in-depth study of a specific topic pertaining to the relationship between gender, race, and ethnicity. Past topics include 20th-Century Latina Literature; Race and Gender in Opera; and Gender, Ethnicity, and Capitalism. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 399: Topics in Gender and Sexuality
This course provides an in-depth study of a specific interdisciplinary topic in gender and sexuality studies. Past topics include Feminist Media Studies, Queer Activism and Visual Culture, Sports Studies, Transgender Studies. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the interdisciplinary methods used for the topic focus of the class. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 401: Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies
Seminars on selected topics in women's and gender studies. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 402: Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies
Seminars on selected topics in women's and gender studies. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: one 100- or 200-level WST course
3 credits
WST 407: Senior Research Seminar for Women's and Gender Studies Minors
The senior research seminar is the capstone course for the interdisciplinary minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Utilizing research skills, concepts, methods, and materials generated from their coursework in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, students conduct interdisciplinary research to produce a research paper and formal presentation on their topic of choice formulated and developed in seminar activities.
Prerequisites: WST 291 or WST 301; 15 credits of WST coursework
3 credits
WST 408: Senior Research Seminar for Women's and Gender Studies Majors
The senior research seminar is the capstone course for the interdisciplinary major in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Utilizing research skills, concepts, methods, and materials generated from coursework completed for the major, students conduct original interdisciplinary research on their topic of choice. Based on their investigations and collaborative peer feedback, students develop a novel scholarly argument and produce a research paper and formal presentation that make an original contribution to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
Prerequisite: WST 291 or WST 301; 15 additional credits of WST coursework; U4 standing; women's studies major or minor
3 credits
WST 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
WST 447: Directed Readings in Women's and Gender Studies
Intensive readings in women's and gender studies for qualified juniors and seniors under close supervision of a faculty instructor. Topic to be chosen in consultation with the faculty member. May be repeated once.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and undergraduate director
1-3 credits
WST 458: Speak Effectively Before an Audience
A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any WST course that provides opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's SPK learning objective.
Pre- or corequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor
0 credit, S/U grading
WST 459: Write Effectively in Women's Studies
A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any 300- or 400-level WST course, with permission of the instructor. The course provides opportunity to practice the skills and techniques of effective academic writing and satisfies the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's WRTD learning objective.
Prerequisite: WRT 102; permission of the instructor
0 credit, S/U grading
WST 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I
Students aid instructors and students in women's studies courses in one or several of the following ways: leading discussion sections, helping students improve writing and research skills, and library research. Students meet regularly with the supervising instructor.
Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor; WST major or minor
3 credits, S/U grading
WST 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Women's and Gender Studies II
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. Students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.
Prerequisite: Permission of department
3 credits, S/U grading
WST 487: Independent Project in Women's and Gender Studies
The design and conduct of a research project selected by the student and arranged by the student and the instructor. May be repeated once.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and undergraduate director
0-6 credits
WST 488: Internship
Participation in public and private agencies and organizations. Students are required to submit written reports on their experiences to the faculty sponsor and the women's studies program. May be repeated up to a limit of six credits.
Prerequisites: Six credits toward the women's studies minor; permission of instructor and undergraduate director
0-6 credits, S/U grading
WST 495: Senior Honors Project in Women's and Gender Studies
First course of a two-semester project for Women's and Gender Studies majors who are candidates for the degree with honors. Arranged in consultation with the department through the mentoring faculty member and the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the project involves independent readings or research and the writing of a paper under the supervision and guidance of a faculty member. Students enrolled in WST 495 are obliged to complete WST 496 the following semester. Students receive only one grade upon complete of the two-course sequence.
Prerequisite: U4 standing; permission of instructor and department
3 credits
WST 496: Senior Honors Project in Women's and Gender Studies
Second course of a two-semester project for Women's and Gender Studies majors who are candidates for the degree with honors. Arranged in consultation with the department through the mentoring faculty member and the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the project involves independent readings or research and the writing of a paper under the supervision and guidance of a faculty member. Students enrolled in WST 495 are obliged to complete WST 496 the following semester. Students receive only one grade upon complete of the two-course sequence.
Prerequisite: U4 standing; permission of instructor and department
3 credits